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Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:36 pm
by Innocent Bystander ... an-border/ family-missing-from-thornton-found-mexican-border/

Why? Why would they tell the 5 year old 'we're going for groceries', but end up in California at the border? How big is the Asian community in Colorado? No relative or community member could look after the 2 year old? And who cares about an 'illegal marijuana' grow set up, unless the model minority title is being temporarily removed by media?

Speaking of: marijuana is only quasi legal in Colorado?

Re: Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:54 pm
by mvscal
No, it's totally legal.

Re: Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:57 pm
by Kierland
No, it’s not. At least not like growing tomatoes is legal.

Re: Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:17 pm
by The Big Pickle
Innocent Bystander wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:36 pm ... an-border/ family-missing-from-thornton-found-mexican-border/

Why? Why would they tell the 5 year old 'we're going for groceries', but end up in California at the border? How big is the Asian community in Colorado? No relative or community member could look after the 2 year old? And who cares about an 'illegal marijuana' grow set up, unless the model minority title is being temporarily removed by media?

Speaking of: marijuana is only quasi legal in Colorado?

These are the same people that skin a dog you want the video?

Re: Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:19 pm
by The Big Pickle
Blacks don't skin dogs alive...they just make them fight to the death in a Pit Bull Ring...

Asians skin Dogs and Cats alive.....I've seen the videos and it's so sickening that I can't even
tell you how much it makes me want to @$@!@# those fukkkkers!

Re: Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:30 pm
by Kierland
The Big Pickle wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:19 pm Cats

Re: Co. Asian family abandons 5 yo takes 2 yo to Mexico

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:31 pm
by Innocent Bystander
The Big Pickle wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:17 pm
Innocent Bystander wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:36 pm ... an-border/ family-missing-from-thornton-found-mexican-border/

Why? Why would they tell the 5 year old 'we're going for groceries', but end up in California at the border? How big is the Asian community in Colorado? No relative or community member could look after the 2 year old? And who cares about an 'illegal marijuana' grow set up, unless the model minority title is being temporarily removed by media?

Speaking of: marijuana is only quasi legal in Colorado?

These are the same people that skin a dog you want the video?
There are many videos.
Infectious Diseases Emerging From Chinese Wet-Markets: Zoonotic Origins of Severe Respiratory Viral Infections - Patrick Cy Woo et al. Curr Opin Infect Dis. Oct 2006 ... a-solution :
Here's one more issue to add to the bonfire of tensions with China brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. The country is reportedly reopening its wet markets, the fresh produce stalls associated with Covid-19's early spread in Wuhan.

It's understandable that countries now in the grip of the first wave of infection might be outraged. Many blame wet markets for starting the outbreak in the first place. Opening them again, at a moment when thousands are dying overseas, seems emblematic of Beijing's increasingly chauvinistic approach to world affairs...

Animals in wet markets are penned and slaughtered or sold live right next to stalls selling fruit and vegetables. Conditions, as my colleague Adam Minter has written, are often less than hygienic.

Places where a range of common and exotic animals mix together while bodily fluids flow freely may seem a fertile breeding ground for the virulent novel diseases that cross the species barrier to humans and occasionally become pandemics....

The prevalence of food-borne microbial illness in developing East Asia suggests that far from being cesspits of disease, wet markets do a good job of providing households with clean, fresh produce....

Indeed, the data suggest the problem with Asia's appetite for "warm meat" isn't that fresh-slaughtered produce is less healthy than the chilled meat from an abattoir, but that local preferences for undercooked meat and fish lead to unusually high burdens of tapeworms, flukes and other parasitic worms. That's not something different retail formats can solve.