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Nazi Warren Wilhelm Jr.

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:23 pm
by EAP
BILL Deblasio was born with the nazi socialist name of Warren Wilhelm Jr.
A prominent conservative Jew just died in his city.
The religious community wanted to give him a proper burial.
I'm sure they would've taken the proper precautions and procedures.

This nazi socialist tweeted threats of sending police to round up the Jewish people at the burial ceremony.
Meanwhile, the nazi socialist mayor has been walking his dog all over town at various parks,
NOT wearing a mask.
His left wing socialist dog is shitting where joqqers and bike riders frequently hit the trails.

In early March, this piece of shit government control nazi socialist was telling New Yorkers to come down to Chinatown and Greenwich village and enjoy yourselves!
This nazi social mayor needs to be taken into custody by the feds, and questioned as harshly as they questioned Josef Mengele in 1958, after killing a teenage girl during an abortion.
Or Herman Goebbels even
Take this leftist piece of shit in for questioning.

Re: Nazi Warren Wilhelm Jr.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:48 am
by Kierland
Fuck off you projecting nazi POC.

Re: Nazi Warren Wilhelm Jr.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:00 am
by Derron
Kierland wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:48 am Fuck off you projecting nazi POC.
In another very rare happening, I will rack that take.

Re: Nazi Warren Wilhelm Jr.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 4:17 am
by EAP
Derron wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:00 am
Kierland wrote: Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:48 am Fuck off you projecting nazi POC.
In another very rare happening, I will rack that take.
mine or his?

His makes zero sense. Nazi socialists were government control and anti liberty.
I'm the exact opposite.
Bill Deblasio IS a nazi government control socialist by definition, an authoritarian.
So kierland's post is an epic meltdown of EPIC proportions.

The phase reopening of the country is currently underway.
Which means that my predictions are progressing quite nicely.
Which of course means that Kierland's and screw's are being flushed down the toilet.

That being said, the RACK is yours to use as you see fit.

But I'm of the opinion that Kierland is an unhinged brainwashed Bernie Sanders lover.
We can easily pull up all the posts where he agrees with the left wing trotskyite.