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Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:44 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Winning! ... auguration
The Dow, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq all hit new records as markets closed on Wednesday afternoon.

The achievement was notched right in the middle of Inauguration Day celebrations, as the Biden administration played a montage of dancing and singing across America. There just may have been some celebratory shimmies on Wall Street, too.

The stock market has been surging for months, despite the economic anguish caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The tech-heavy Nasdaq has more than doubled since its pandemic low point back in March.

Overall, stock market performance was very strong during the Trump presidency — annualized returns were almost as high as they were during the Obama administration. (Under former president Bill Clinton, stock values soared even more).

Re: Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:49 am
by smackaholic
So, last week it was smoke and mirrors built on a fiat currency house of cards. Today it's real?

I am honest enough to admit that a fair chunk of the "Trump economy" was due to the out of control borrowing, which is one of the few things in DC that seems to enjoy bipartisan support. Trump's failure to reel that in, was, IMO, his biggest failing.

Regarding the Clinton and Obama stock markets, there are a few things that the dems like to ignore. Clinton walked in at a very fortunate time. The economy was just getting over a short, but pretty nasty recession. The Soviet Union had just imploded. The boom caused by widespread computer access and the interwebs created an economy that would boom, no matter what. Oil was cheap, the world was reasonably peaceful. And he had a Republican Congress to keep him in check. I'll give him credit for being smart enough to play ball with them. And ten minutes after he left office, the market got dot bombed.

Not saying that was his fault. It wasn't. But it wasn't Bush's either. It was just one of those things that comes with a market economy. So, to credit him with all that Wall Street success is a bit disingenuous. Just like it is to put the plunge in the market on the shrub.

Obama inherited a market in the ditch. When that happens, you are going to see "economic growth" no matter what. The market did grow, much faster than the economy because, well, where the hell are you gonna put all those borrowed chinese dollars when the bank is paying .000000034% interest?

Now watch what I'm going to do here, libtards, I am going to pull the orange cock out of my mouth long enough to criticize the Great Orange Father. You fukks should try the same with your "leaders" now and then.

Trump saw all this irrational exuberance in the market and said, I'll take a scoop of that, please. Actually, he got two scoops. He signed Republicrat budgets he should have vetoed. Then he ranted when the fed, seeing an economy finally able to leave the ICU, raised the rates. Had he been smart, he would have said sorry folks, but that is the downside of having a healthy economy. The days of 3% mortgages may be over. Back to 6%. This will allow some to actually put money into savings rather than the Wall St casino.

But, he didn't. Too bad he didn't have a fiscally responsible Congress like Slick Willy did. Maybe he could have seen a surplus too. Yeah, right. Would have been happy with a smaller debt.

And the result, after 4 years is a market which of course did not grow as fast as Obama's because it didn't start in a hole.

Go watch some youtube interviews of Scot Adams, the Dilbert dude. He is a pretty smart cookie and an econ stat geek. He has a good bit discussing politicians bragging about their economic growth. He points out that 3% growth 5 years into a growing economy is wayyyyyy more impressive than 4% growth of an economy that saw an 8% drop last year.

Anyhoo, buckle your seatbelts folks, it will be an interesting and bumpy ride. I am actually hoping that through some medical miracle, Joe holds off the Alzheimers fairy for 4 years, because that miserable bitch in the right seat is a straight up communist. Actually, I would settle for 2 years as I suspect the Republicans, gain back control of congress once people actually realize what they've done.

And enjoy your 6 dollar gas that's around the corner. :hfal: :hfal:

Re: Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:30 am
by Kierland
She is not a commie you stupid traitor. Good g0d is there anything in the chamber you won’t echo?

Re: Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:46 pm
by Left Seater
Props to Biden, I guess.

Re: Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:25 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Suckaholic says people should listen to Scott Adams, he's really smart.

Also Scott Adams


Re: Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:42 pm
by Kierland
Left Seater wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:46 pm Props to Biden, I guess.
At least he is not a traitor like you. And he is not as fat.

Re: Stocks Close On Record Highs After Biden Inauguration

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:33 pm
by Innocent Bystander
Left Seater wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:46 pm Props to Biden, I guess.
Speaking of, what happens when Covid death numbers don't change?

Anyway, which war will be Biden's first war?