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Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 3:32 pm
by Mikey
Apparently these folks, many of whom claim to be "Evangelical Christians," aren't too familiar with the Old Testament.


The Golden Ass

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:34 pm
by Bucmonkey
Too bad he lost...

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 4:15 am
by Softball Bat
CPAC is a freak show designed for the entertainment of low IQ cocksuckers.


Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:16 pm
by FiatLux
What a clown show. Now you know why there are no funny republican comedians. They're simply not smart enough to be funny.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:52 pm
by Softball Bat
Conservative Public Action Conference



CPAC = White Man's Public Meltdown Conference

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:15 am
by Innocent Bystander
FiatLux wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:16 pm What a clown show. Now you know why there are no funny republican comedians. They're simply not smart enough to be funny.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:24 am
by Innocent Bystander
Softball Bat wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:52 pm Conservative Public Action Conference



CPAC = White Man's Public Meltdown Conference

Right. The same people who invited Young Pharoah, of all people, until someone pointed out he snipes Jews as well as Democrats.

But yeah, Young Pharoah was not disinvited for being as inarticulate as Hershel Walker; and not for talking shit about whites. Young Pharoah was disinvited for talking shit about Jews. GTFOH.

(No discussion about communities where the two are one in the same, by the way, but whateva.)

But Young fucking Pharoah? I'm still trying to figure out why.... they don't need pet monkeys that bad, did they do it specifically to just disinvite him later? What was the end game?

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:43 pm
by Mikey
Steven who?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure this is an earth shattering violation of the First Amendment, or something.


Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:41 pm
by smackaholic
Softball Bat wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:52 pm Conservative Public Action Conference



CPAC = White Man's Public Meltdown Conference
Compared to the dems who are now slightly left of Mao, they are, but your point is taken.

Trump, who is far more populist than conservative proved it. On the liberal/conservative scale, he is moderate, leaning left, as are most all U&R "Republicans". Of course, everything in DC is just a popularity contest these days. Actual positions don't mean a lot. Mittens Rominey, on issues other than trade, is pretty close to him, but was his mortal enemy. Rand Paul, one of the few actual conservatives in that town, got along with him well.

The bottom line with Trump is, he's a wheeler dealer, who would have played ball with the dems in a heartbeat, had they the slightest interest in playing ball.

They didn't.

They wanted his head on a pike from the moment he was elected. Unfortunately for him, he was at times, good at helping them put it there.

It will be interesting to see who gets to the top of the hill on the Republican side. I'd love to see it be Rand, but he may have even more enemies in DC than The Great Orange Father.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:45 pm
by Mikey
Trump is a “populist?”

LOL he’s sure got you fooled.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:56 pm
by smackaholic
In some regards, without a doubt.

He’s definitely dragged the Republican Party in that direction.

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Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 6:46 pm
by FiatLux
Innocent Bystander wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:15 am
FiatLux wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:16 pm What a clown show. Now you know why there are no funny republican comedians. They're simply not smart enough to be funny.


I've got a great idea. Start making sense and people won't scroll past all your posts.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:20 pm
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 4:41 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:52 pm Conservative Public Action Conference



CPAC = White Man's Public Meltdown Conference
Compared to the dems who are now slightly left of Mao, they are, but your point is taken.

Trump, who is far more populist than conservative proved it. On the liberal/conservative scale, he is moderate, leaning left, as are most all U&R "Republicans". Of course, everything in DC is just a popularity contest these days. Actual positions don't mean a lot. Mittens Rominey, on issues other than trade, is pretty close to him, but was his mortal enemy. Rand Paul, one of the few actual conservatives in that town, got along with him well.

The bottom line with Trump is, he's a wheeler dealer, who would have played ball with the dems in a heartbeat, had they the slightest interest in playing ball.

They didn't.

They wanted his head on a pike from the moment he was elected. Unfortunately for him, he was at times, good at helping them put it there.

It will be interesting to see who gets to the top of the hill on the Republican side. I'd love to see it be Rand, but he may have even more enemies in DC than The Great Orange Father.
Fuck off lying death cult traitor. The Ds are to the right of center you fucking “Alice in Wonderland is reality” motherfucker.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 7:22 pm
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:56 pm In some regards, without a doubt.

He’s definitely dragged the Republican Party in that direction.

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A right wing populist is a Nazi. Way to fuck your own self in the butt.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:13 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:56 pm In some regards, without a doubt.

He’s definitely dragged the Republican Party in that direction.

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Name one thing he did as President that you would consider “populist,” and why you consider it so.

Giving his family and friends high paying government jobs that they weren’t remotely qualified for doesn’t count.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:17 am
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:13 pm
smackaholic wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:56 pm In some regards, without a doubt.

He’s definitely dragged the Republican Party in that direction.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Name one thing he did as President that you would consider “populist,” and why you consider it so.

Giving his family and friends high paying government jobs that they weren’t remotely qualified for doesn’t count.
His trade policies, particularly, attempting to get China to stop fukking us, is populist. Having some sort of control of the border is populist.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:22 am
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:13 pm
smackaholic wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:56 pm In some regards, without a doubt.

He’s definitely dragged the Republican Party in that direction.

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Name one thing he did as President that you would consider “populist,” and why you consider it so.

Giving his family and friends high paying government jobs that they weren’t remotely qualified for doesn’t count.
You'll get no argument from me about nespotism. Hiring family is just bad form, no matter who does it. But it does seem that his jew-boy son in law got some good things done in the middle-east.

What are your thoughts on the whole Hunter Biden trainwreck? Nothing Trump did regarding his kids can compare to what everyone knows happened with Hunter.

My guess is that once the dems decide it's time to put Biden to bed, they'll use it, if he doesn't go quitely. I suspect he will though. He doesn't have the energy or faculties to do anything else.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:25 am
by Softball Bat
Three entities, with three different motivations, have coalesced to produce the grotesque scene we have today.

1. Donald Trump: A very skilled lifelong criminal con-man. His motivation is what it always has been. He seeks to advance or preserve his own interests. Other people are merely tools to him. He is an utterly amoral psychopath. In all situations he will do what he deems most appropriate toward the cause of advancing or preserving self. Period. Full stop.
A "guiding governing principle?" LMAO!
Wakey, wakey.
Self, self, self, self, self, self, self, self...

2. The Aggrieved White Male: These people are feeling great stress. They see that "their" country has been slipping away from them over the past couple of decades. They feel it escalating, and demographics are not on their side. They are desperate. Con-man Dump has come along and has pushed their buttons over and over again. He tells them all the sweet things they want to hear. So they have bought in to what the con-man has sold them. Their motivation is to bring back Leave it to Beaver. This group of people are fools.

3. The GOP Elected Officials: Cruz, Rubio, roasted Donald Trump during the 2016 R campaign. Remember that? They called him out for what he is at that time. But now they have all caved to everything Dump says. Why? Because they are completely feckless. They know whitey will vote them OUT of office if they turn against their hero, so they continue to tow the perverse line. Their motivation is keep their seat or power, period. These people are trash who have NO business being in position of power. But... fools elected them, so... yeah.

These three entities all feed off each other because they perceive that doing so will help them attain their objectives.

I hesitate to bring up Hitler, but there are some parallels.
Hitler, like Dump, pushed the buttons of the aggrieved, and he motivated them to follow him, even though the direction he was taking them was off a cliff.
If they had their wits about them they would have seen it.

So it is with these three entities.

Off the cliff they will go.

Re: Scenes from CPAC

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 3:45 am
by Kierland
smackaholic wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:22 am
Mikey wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:13 pm
smackaholic wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:56 pm In some regards, without a doubt.

He’s definitely dragged the Republican Party in that direction.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Name one thing he did as President that you would consider “populist,” and why you consider it so.

Giving his family and friends high paying government jobs that they weren’t remotely qualified for doesn’t count.
You'll get no argument from me about nespotism. Hiring family is just bad form, no matter who does it. But it does seem that his jew-boy son in law got some good things done in the middle-east.

What are your thoughts on the whole Hunter Biden trainwreck? Nothing Trump did regarding his kids can compare to what everyone knows happened with Hunter.

My guess is that once the dems decide it's time to put Biden to bed, they'll use it, if he doesn't go quitely. I suspect he will though. He doesn't have the energy or faculties to do anything else.
And now the Nazi have a stage shaped like a rune. They aren’t even trying to hid it. These are you people traitor.