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Scoring question

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:07 pm
by fix
When you play do you generally stay consistent at playing bogey golf or do you make mostly pars and bogeys but always find a way to blow up* on one or two holes

* Triple bogey or worse.

Just curious.


2 10's on the back 9 yesterday. :x

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:28 pm
by Felix
Otis, I think a "blow up" hole is more the norm depending on your handicap. Lower handicap players tend to have a blow-up hole while higher handicappers tend to play pretty consistently.

I'm a real streaky player and tend to have one or two holes that hurt my score. On the other hand, I'm a pretty decent match player because of this same tendency.

Tens are not your friends (unless it's someone of the opposite sex)--remember that.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:32 pm
by Dinsdale
Which time are you talking about? I try to not commit myself to any given skill level these days.

T & P, Otis. Regardless of handicap, I think ANY regular player is borderline suicidal after a 10.

At my favorite super-hacker-redneck course yesterday, I started out with par, +4, par. Bear in mind, this course is short short. Lots of doglegs and water, sure, but it's short. After racking up snowman on #2, it kinda just takes the fight right out of you. 2 swings, two penalties, 4 strokes. Boom. After a second penalty, I don't go looking for the ball, I go looking for a chunk of rope with which to hang myself.

But, I usually can plod along with pars and a couple of bogeys, and then have a meltdown, often because the beer starts doing the swinging. What sucked yesterday, was that the putter was working well for me. Really well. But when it takes you not 1, but TWO extra shots to get to the Dance, big freaking deal what your putter does. In my defense, me and mine have been playing in some soupy-ass mud lately(I guess the drought is over), and really soft gooey mud is extremely unforgiving if you hit the ball even the slightest bit fat. On dry ground hitting "a little" fat still generally gets you in the right direction. In the soup, hitting a little fat is an open invitation for your buddies to laugh because your divot went farther than the ball(and then it's their turn). So, I can fall back on that excuse for another couple of days.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 4:36 pm
by Dinsdale
As a sidenote -- within my foursome yesterday, we may have set an all-time record for clubs launched through the air.

Oh, and somehow my followthrough clipped a tree branch, and I did up the shaft on my 5-wood.

Oh, joy. At least it wasn't like my bud last summer, who clipped a branch hitting 3-wood. The shaft made it just fine -- but he broke his freaking wrist. And didn't miss one golf outing afterwards. Big, tough bastard.....who is probably now sporting bone spurs in his wrist.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:20 pm
by BSmack
Yesterday I'm playing a par 5, hitting 3 from 70 yards after a nicely executed 5 iron layup.

Final score... A FUCKING 8!!!!!???

Yea, I'd call that a blowup.


If I take par on that hole I shoot 46 for the nine. Not great, but decent considering it's early and I've only been out 7-8 times. As it was I took a freaking 49.

:x :x

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 5:28 pm
by Dinsdale
I feel your pain. I think I was on the fringe of a short par5 in two, and took a 6, or a 7, or something. On a slow, wet, flat green. If you're next to it in 2, you should be able to finish in 3 using the freaking shaft end of the club.

I need to get out and put up a decent score to cleanse myself.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:00 pm
by Rushville
Got to play the most I've played this year so far on Saturday when I got 14 holes in.

Hit a lot of greens on the front and had a lot of good looks at birdie. Left practically all of them short. :x

I get to hole number 12 a short par 4. Hit a good drive, knock it in with a wedge from 130 out for eagle. Would have like to to have celebrated, but the way that round was going, all I could think was..."well at least i won't leave this putt short."

Promptly went to the next hole and three putted from 8 feet for double to give that eagle right back to the course and then left a par putt short on the next one to even further waste a great shot. That's a blow up.

At that point I didn't even care that we only had one hole worth of daylight left.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:12 pm
by MuchoBulls
All about the short game BSmack. I have the same issue from about 80-110 yards out. I don't hit the SW consistent to knock it stiff and I do not hit a half a PW very well either.

I try to stay about 120-130 yards out and hit a full PW or a 9I depending on the conditions.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:13 pm
by fix
Dinsdale wrote:T & P, Otis. Regardless of handicap, I think ANY regular player is borderline suicidal after a 10.
Ya.. but as my friend who was trying to console me kept reminding me, "hey, at least it wasn't an 11 like you shot 3 weeks ago".

On the bright side, my putting was nails yesterday and I did win the long drive competition on 18 thanks to a solid drive and then a 20mph headwind that kicked up right after I had posted my shot.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:16 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Dinsdale wrote:As a sidenote -- within my foursome yesterday, we may have set an all-time record for clubs launched through the air.

Oh, and somehow my followthrough clipped a tree branch, and I did up the shaft on my 5-wood.
You're not talking about golf are you? Fuckin perverted freak*.

* Rack fuckin perverted freak!

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:17 pm
by Dinsdale
Man, you guys are building my golf esteem right on up, and for this I thank you.

Around here, when it's soggy in winter(or spring this year, but that's not the norm), we go and play this pitch-and-putt Par 3 that's on a hillside, and drains quite well. Almost always playable. And although all the holes are between about 35 and 75 yards, it's incredibly difficult(more so than you'd ever imagine). But all that wintertime chipping and putting on a difficult course sure keeps the short game in tune. If you're really flailing, maybe try to find a really short, difficult chip-and-putt near you, and go only there for a few rounds. It helps. My whole "golf posse" swears by it.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 6:55 pm
by BSmack
MuchoBulls wrote:All about the short game BSmack. I have the same issue from about 80-110 yards out. I don't hit the SW consistent to knock it stiff and I do not hit a half a PW very well either.

I try to stay about 120-130 yards out and hit a full PW or a 9I depending on the conditions.
What's sad about that score is that 70 yards with a full 60 degree wedge is usually a money shot* for me. I just got cocky and, while I was looking up, chili dipped it about 30 yards down the fairway. That shot did leave me at a very uncomfortable distance. I decided to bump a 7 iron onto the green. I bladed that and it ran across the green and 10 yards behind. To make it worse, the pin was tucked in the back center of the green, leaving me short sided.

Now this is where it gets REAL UGLY. If you have a weak stomach, stop reading NOW.

You see, now I'm hitting 5. I damn sure don't want to make a double bogey after being 70 away after 2, and I don't feel comfortable enough to one put anything longer than 6-7 feet. I've determined that there's too much grass to roll a ball up onto the green, too little green to fly the ball and make it stop with even a sand wedge, so I break out the ultimate in caveman golf tools. Yea, you know what I mean. I broke out the 64 degree wedge and morphed into a heavier and not quite as pasty Phil Michelson minus the godlike talent.

And I promptly flopped the ball 9 yards forward. Yep, it was one stinkin yard away from the fringe and buried in 3 inch deep grass. By now I could give a rats ass what I score. I chip on, 2 putt and walk off the green with an attitude that would have turned David Banner into the Incredible Hulk in 5 seconds.

* Money shot= The ball lands somewhere on the green.

BTW: Dins, I like your idea. We don't have many chip and putts around here. But I'm thinking if I turn one or two early morning rounds a week into a short game practice session, I won't be dissatisfied with the results. I know my swing is about as good as it is going to get without getting a 100,000 Butch Harmon lobotomy. So I better start working on scoring.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 7:09 pm
by Dinsdale
BSmack wrote:BTW: Dins, I like your idea. We don't have many chip and putts around here.
I'm probably not intelligent enough to have come up with that idea out of the blue, but, the one I frequent is at a bar.

I'm not sure I've pimped the Edgefield on this board, but I have quite a bit in the past. Any freaking bar that's on 43 acres, has a brewery, distillery, winery, a bunch of restaurants, a movie theater, and 140 hotel rooms....ALONG WITH 18 HOLES....well. that sucker's got Dinsdale's name allllll over it. Gorgeous grounds, to boot. Unfortunately, it's on the other side of town, making for like a 30+ mile drive, so a designated driver becomes a must.

And if you read the bottom of the page, every summer, everyone who scores a hole-in-one gets an entry for a free trip to Bandon Dunes. I didn't win last time. Only place I ever scored an ace.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:02 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Dinsdale wrote: Only place I ever scored an ace.
Why Gary, whatever are you talking about?


Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:17 pm
by Dinsdale
I'm gay because I hit a hole-in-one?

May I never drop a double-eagle, then.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:22 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Dinsdale wrote:I'm gay because I hit a hole-in-one?
No, you're gay because you fuck men. (Thanks for teeing that one up)
Dinsdale wrote:May I never drop a double-eagle, then.
I believe they are still protected under Federal laws, so be careful if you do.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:27 pm
by indyfrisco
A very typical scorecard for me.

4 6 3 5 4 7 4 4 6 = 43
8 4 4 3 5 6 4 7 5 = 46

Sometimes, I will get 4 birdies along with 4 triples. It all depends on how many greens I hit. I can't chip at all. Sometimes, it takes me 3 chips to get the ball on the green. I used to be a scratch golfer in high school, but somehow, I've completely lost the ability to chip the ball. It is just plain embarrassing now. My father-in-law, a damn good golfer, said he'd be scared to play me for money if I ever learned how to chip (again).

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:33 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Frisco, I don't golf much anymore and chipping is always an issue. I bought a 2 way chipper from Edwin Watts (about $20-25) and use it lefty, for some reason when I use my "weak" hand to chip I end up with better touch around the green. I will also putt lefty if in a funk. Crazy, but it works for me.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:47 pm
by Dinsdale
A buddy of mine, who has MAD GAME, taught me what an old guy taught him years ago --

This is tough to explain in text, so cut me slack --

All of the shorter chips are just putts. I like to choke way up on my sandwedge, others don't, but the technique is the same. Put the ball near your back foot. Cock your wrists WAY out in front of the ball -- don't worry about what it's doing to the loft angle.I'm talking like 30 degrees(??) from perpendicular for the shaft. Now, take it back slowly, perfectly parallel to the ground. By this, I mean no arc to the swing whatsoever. Just in a perfect plane with the ground. Basically, you're making a putt with your wedge. The edge of the sole might catch a blade or two of grass on the way, but you don't need to dig under the ball. Trust the club -- it will lift the ball off the ground for you if you make contact. Once you learn to dial in the speed, short chipping becomes MUCH easier.

I stuggled MIGHTILY with short chips, until my friend taught me this. Instant results. And while some of our other crew with chipping deficiencies are set in their ways, the ones who listened to his advice all saw similar instant improvement. As you get more and more comfortable with this "it's just a putt" philosophy, you'll get confident with it from farther and farther away. Heck, I'll take those "wedge putts" from 40-50 yards. Every shot is different, and sometimes you need a wide-open flop, but more often than not, I've found that the wedge-putt is far superior to most other types of approach shots, more often than not.

Sometimes, me and my friends get liquored up, and hang out at the chipping/putting range. We have a game we play for money(change, usually), where the guy with "box" picks a hole, and stipulates a route(like around two of the other flags), usually starting off the green. We trash-talk enough that we get into it, and wehn all's said and done, we're better off for the practice. The only way I can take any interest in practice sessions(sup ADD) is to make a game out of it.

I hope my visual made some sort of sense. I may suck badly, but I can get up and down pretty often, since I learned this. A good short game wards off humiliation, regardless how badly you flail.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:47 pm
by indyfrisco
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:Frisco, I don't golf much anymore and chipping is always an issue. I bought a 2 way chipper from Edwin Watts (about $20-25) and use it lefty, for some reason when I use my "weak" hand to chip I end up with better touch around the green. I will also putt lefty if in a funk. Crazy, but it works for me.

That's all well and good, but I also believe that is an illegal club. I don't play in many tournaments, but I need to get better at it with a regular club.

I have a 60 degree Cleveland Byron Nelson Copper wedge and a 52 degree Cleveland Gunmetal wedge. I used to be an ace with the 60 degree wedge. Now, it's feast or famine with a wedge for me, famine 95% of the time. :cry:

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:50 pm
by Dinsdale
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:Frisco, I don't golf much anymore
How about your husband?

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:57 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
IndyFrisco wrote:TWIS,

That's all well and good, but I also believe that is an illegal club.
Uhhhhh yea it is. :oops: :D

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:57 pm
by indyfrisco

I've read all kinds of things. I've seen something similar to what you said above. I'm basically the guy in that commercial that is playing right now that has tried everything, remembering all the different things like trying to ride a horse, it's only a putt, swing the club like a garden hose, etc. and I still chili dip it or coon it. For me, it's mental. I have gone to the chipping greens MANY times for an hour or two at a time and improved my chipping only to go to the course and see it all go away.

Damn. I'm just getting pissed thinking about all the work I've put into my short game to better it with ZERO results.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:58 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Dinsdale wrote:
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:Frisco, I don't golf much anymore
How about your husband?
I know you are but what am I smack?

Where'd you get your degree, the DrD School of smack?


Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:11 pm
by Dinsdale
IndyFrisco wrote:coon it
Oh, DO tell. New one for me.

Twizzler, I've never actually used any of these mod functions, but I'm tempted to check them out on your posts, all nazimod style and shit.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:18 pm
by indyfrisco
To "coon it" is to cut it or blade it with your wedge sending it firing over the green. I've from southeast Texas and I've always heard it called "cooning" when you blade a wedge. I have heard people in Dallas say it as well as here in Indiana. However, I just had my cousin-in-law from Wyoming ask me what the heel it meant when I said I "cooned it" this past weekend.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:26 pm
by Dinsdale
Oh. I call that "hitting the driving wedge."

Like.....say.....yesterday, for instance. Must have got at least 200 out of my 55 degree. The creek was sitting about 150.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 9:45 pm
by Rushville

I never heard that to describe a blade from northern Indiana to Indy or anywhere else in central Indiana.

But when I worked with a bunch of racist jackasses in North Carolina, I heard it all the time. :D

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:33 pm
by Dinsdale
Did I mention that I hit my driving wedge after dropping one from the previous creek shot?

I was sitting a butt-hair over 100. In this instance, the front of the apron was pretty much a swamp, which put the kibash to hitting a little short and rolling it up. Plus, my half-PW has pretty much sucked, as of late. So, I made the very clever decision to mash my 55. Normally, I can stick a 55SW pretty well between about 100-105 on a good day. Well, it wasn't a good day, and I was hitting out of the mud.

Cooned that bitch ten ways till sunday. Didn't find the ball, but if I had, I'm sure it was smiling at me.

I HATE it when that happens.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:45 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
Dinsdale wrote:Twizzler, I've never actually used any of these mod functions, but I'm tempted to check them out on your posts, all nazimod style and shit.
Yes Dinswalker, join us on the Dark Side.

Nazimod Vader

P.S.: I suck penises of all shapes and sizes

P.P.S.: Did I mention that I'm like WAY gay and stuff?

Nice, but I wouldn't have capitalized the "P" & "S", just for future reference.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 11:05 pm
by Dinsdale
Dark Side.......gotcha.

Good advice. I like this.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:05 am
by The Whistle Is Screaming
The Dark Forces are strong with you Dins.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:17 pm
by indyfrisco
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:P.S.: I suck penises of all shapes and sizes
Have you learned nothing from me?

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 1:52 pm
by The Whistle Is Screaming
IndyFrisco wrote:
The Whistle Is Screaming wrote:P.S.: I suck penises of all shapes and sizes
Have you learned nothing from me?
What you fail to recognize young Jedi, is that Dinswalker has crossed over to the Dark Side and has found new use for his Modbutton Saber and it's edit functions.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:25 pm
by indyfrisco
Ah...I am lost in all the Star Trek references. I don't watch that shit.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 4:28 pm
by Dinsdale
Jeez, cut me some slack. I've never clicked on any of the doohickers before. Now, if we can get the admins to give golf mods the IP feature, I can like make withdrawls from your bank accounts and use your Visas and stuff.

It'll be grand.