Screw_Michigan wrote:Scott Jennings, a CNN contributor and Republican campaign adviser, is a former special assistant to President George W. Bush and a former campaign adviser to Sen. Mitch McConnell.
So what?
Everyone knows that all the alleged conservatives working for CNN/MSNBC typically have 2 characteristics. First, they are all Bushites who are still butthurt that the Bad Orange Man stole their party. Second, they tend to be pretty shitty at standing up for conservative beliefs, or any beliefs, really.
What is interesting here is that this bunch of Republicans, towed the MSM party line and ignored how terrible a candidate Biden was.
But at some point, even they have to admit it, in an attempt to regain a shred of respectability.
I’m impressed that Joe has made it this far. I set the over under at last 4th of July.
I’m modifying it to this coming Independence Day.
The question is,will they dump the extremely unlikeable Kamala as well.
I think they will. We’ve been seeing too much of Hillary lately. That bitch is gonna find a way to get in there.
Who else do they have?
Petey Bootyfudge?
Pffftttt. His little maternity leave stunt while the part of the economy that he is supposed to be overseeing didn’t go over well.
And don’t forget SC.
Balck folks don’t like gay dudes. They WO t vote for one.
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