Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 3:28 pm
"Some of Professor Manson’s colleagues have tried to stop the research of another faculty member, Professor Jeffrey Brantingham, who applies artificial intelligence and learning algorithms to predict crime by location within a city, and the time of day the crimes are more likely to occur. The crime prediction algorithm that he helped invent, known as “PredPol”, is used by police departments throughout the world. His research shows that the algorithm is reducing crime and helping police departments more effectively deploy resources where crime is more likely to occur and when.
The algorithm grew out of Brantingham’s research on predicting military casualties in Iraq, which helped the Pentagon identify particularly hostile locations within Iraq that US personnel should avoid. Following this, former LAPD chief William Bratton approached UCLA and Brantingham and asked if the data his LAPD staff were collecting on the location of crimes committed, the type of crime, and when crimes occurred, could be used more systematically to predict when and where crime may occur.
In randomized tests conducted in Los Angeles and Kent, England, researchers found that the algorithm predicted crime much more accurately than the subjective predictions made by veteran police staff based on their experience alone. The research findings were published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the statistics profession.
Using Brantingham’s research, police departments throughout the US and the world have been able to reduce crime by deploying more resources in areas more likely to have crime. They also have been able to economize on their budgets. The algorithm is saving the LAPD about $9 million per year by helping the department utilize its resources more effectively.
In 2015, UCLA issued a press release highlighting Brantingham’s research achievements, noting that “predictive policing substantially reduces crime in Los Angeles.”
But what appears to be another UC game-changing idea is anything but that in Brantingham’s own department. Anthropology PhD students issued a resolution calling for Brantingham’s research to be considered for vetting by UCLA administration because it “reinforces and naturalizes the institutions of racial capitalism, mass incarceration, imperialism, and global white supremacy” and because “Professor Brantingham’s research further entrenches and naturalizes the criminalization of Blackness in the United States and converts state racism into mathematical models by employing police reports and demarcated spaces as putatively neutral.”
This is chilling not only because of the complete intolerance of research that these students don’t like for political reasons but also because PhD students—ostensibly future scientists—don’t seem to understand the principles of the scientific method, principles that have guided scientific inquiry for centuries, principles developed and refined by Galileo, Kepler, and Aristotle, principles expertly applied by Professor Brantingham. "
https://www.hoover.org/research/univers ... -it-itself
In other words, dumbass students object to FACTS.
The algorithm grew out of Brantingham’s research on predicting military casualties in Iraq, which helped the Pentagon identify particularly hostile locations within Iraq that US personnel should avoid. Following this, former LAPD chief William Bratton approached UCLA and Brantingham and asked if the data his LAPD staff were collecting on the location of crimes committed, the type of crime, and when crimes occurred, could be used more systematically to predict when and where crime may occur.
In randomized tests conducted in Los Angeles and Kent, England, researchers found that the algorithm predicted crime much more accurately than the subjective predictions made by veteran police staff based on their experience alone. The research findings were published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the statistics profession.
Using Brantingham’s research, police departments throughout the US and the world have been able to reduce crime by deploying more resources in areas more likely to have crime. They also have been able to economize on their budgets. The algorithm is saving the LAPD about $9 million per year by helping the department utilize its resources more effectively.
In 2015, UCLA issued a press release highlighting Brantingham’s research achievements, noting that “predictive policing substantially reduces crime in Los Angeles.”
But what appears to be another UC game-changing idea is anything but that in Brantingham’s own department. Anthropology PhD students issued a resolution calling for Brantingham’s research to be considered for vetting by UCLA administration because it “reinforces and naturalizes the institutions of racial capitalism, mass incarceration, imperialism, and global white supremacy” and because “Professor Brantingham’s research further entrenches and naturalizes the criminalization of Blackness in the United States and converts state racism into mathematical models by employing police reports and demarcated spaces as putatively neutral.”
This is chilling not only because of the complete intolerance of research that these students don’t like for political reasons but also because PhD students—ostensibly future scientists—don’t seem to understand the principles of the scientific method, principles that have guided scientific inquiry for centuries, principles developed and refined by Galileo, Kepler, and Aristotle, principles expertly applied by Professor Brantingham. "
https://www.hoover.org/research/univers ... -it-itself
In other words, dumbass students object to FACTS.