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Gorillaz - Demon Days

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:13 am
by At Large
Just got the Gorillaz new CD today. I was surprised that when I got to Best Buy at 5:45 that I was snagging the very last copy on the shelves. In the A-Z sections, 3 bins of it were gone. In the new release front shelf, I got the last one. Makes me hopeful that people out there appreciate good music.

I had heard it was mellower than the first CD and it is, but it's really really good. Danger Mouse of Grey Album fame produced it and his touch shows all over it. Much like Dan the Automator's hit and miss, love-it-or-hate-it producing style (and there are a few songs on the last one that I skip when I listen to it) from the first disc, this one has Danger Mouse's style. It's mellow in groove, but not boring in the least. It kinds of reminds me of Lo-Fidelity All Stars - How to Operate with a Blown Mind in that it runs with it's theme and never lets go.

I've heard about the first 10 songs (with 5 to go) and I highly recommend it.


Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 4:42 am
by Funkywhiteboy
I'll have to check that one out. 8)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:56 pm
by Bizzarofelice
After Dr. Octagon, Handsome Boy, Deltron and Gorillaz, yeah you can only take so much of the guy's stuff. All kinda sounds the same... and why does he love Del so much.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 12:40 am
by Funkywhiteboy
Bizzarofelice wrote:... and why does he love Del so much.
Because he's a funky homosapien? 8)