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Why Modern Movies Suck

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:15 pm
by HighPlainsGrifter
Sex Scenes in Movies at All Time Low
A recent study by US university UCLA surveyed 1,500 people aged up to 24, and astonishingly they said they want to see less sex on screen.

Instead, what they are after are more stories of platonic relationships. This lot don’t even want romance!

They feel they are not being accurately portrayed and reflected on the big screen, poor lambs.

And there was I, thinking they were sexually liberated and living their best lives.

Good old Gen Z! Trust them to want to suck all the fun out of a night at the cinema.
GenZ genderless cucks are ruining everything. Fuck off to your tiktok, kids, and let the rest of us enjoy some fantasy sex on the big screen, goddamit.

Re: Why Modern Movies Suck

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:41 pm
by Sudden Sam
Seems heterosexual coitus threatens these limp-wristed cucks like our recently departed poster friend. Everyone has to be gender neutral.


Re: Why Modern Movies Suck

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:00 pm
by JayDuck
I think it has more to do with the ease of finding the specific porn you want online than a lack of wanting to see sex at all. Long gone are the days of needing to rub one out to the lingerie in the Sears Catalog in a pinch. Every 12 year old has a phone and can bring up double-anal bukkake gangbang gutter sluts on demand.

When I was a kid I was freeze framing during the 2 seconds of Linda Hamilton tit in Terminator, but why should I care about that when I can get the real deal elsewhere and not have to risk mom walking in on me in the living room? Movie sex scenes have just lost their appeal for many people. Its not that they don't want it. They just want to keep movie entertainment and sex entertainment separate.

Re: Why Modern Movies Suck

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:14 pm
by Mikey
I tend to watch movies, or serial TV shows, for the story and characters. The quality of the production and the ability of the writers and actors to pull off an entertaining plot. Sex is OK but not that important. When it's 50% sex scenes it gets boring. Same with overdone battle scenes. That's pretty much why we stopped watching Game of Thrones after probably two seasons. Some of the episodes had almost no advancement of the plot at all. Beside the tendency of the plot to veer of in a dozen directions with no resolution to any of them.