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l'avocat Roux, have you visited St. George, LA?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:00 pm
by bungle clone
Old wine in new skin, to be sure. But Red Stick has a *new* municipality, it appears.

Since you have a familiarity with the region, I'm sure you can clear up what the situation really is like on the ground.

Re: l'avocat Roux, have you visited St. George, LA?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:33 pm
by Roux
Yes, I'm quite familiar with this. Last year, I moved from my old house (810) and downsized to a smaller home that my wife found. Happy wife, happy life.

The St. George area is definitely a part of Baton Rouge. If you were driving around, you would have no idea where the boundaries are.

Anyway, this change to St. George happened after our move, and yes we are in the St. George area. I wish the organizers of St. George put their considerable talents and money towards helping north Baton Rouge instead of breaking away from the city.

The Post Office has said that they don't care if homes and businesses in the area use Baton Rouge or St. George. So my address will remain Baton Rouge.

Re: l'avocat Roux, have you visited St. George, LA?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:35 pm
by HighPlainsGrifter
Interesting. Black people seem to love the idea of segregating theyselves into they communitehs. Gawd and G0WD forbid white people do it tho.

Sw00t hypocrisy, balcks.

Re: l'avocat Roux, have you visited St. George, LA?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:22 pm
by bungle clone
Thank you, Roux. I would like your opinion on a few other matters, if I may.

First is the issue of air conditioning in prisons, most notably in the South. I believe that it is an issue that should have bi-partisan support.

related, in your neck of the swamp:

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal judge on Thursday ordered officials at the Louisiana State Penitentiary to increase shade and take other steps to protect prisoners doing agricultural labor from dangerous heat.

U.S. District Judge Brian Jackson’s order reinforced a similar one he issued in July. This one cites photographs showing inmates in the fields of a former slave plantation with a single pop-up tent for around 20 men, little protection from the sun and nowhere to sit. The photos were provided by Voice of the Experienced, the advocacy group that sued over conditions for inmates working the “farm line” at the immense prison farm in Angola.

“Taken at face value, Plaintiffs’ allegations in this matter have portrayed the State of Louisiana in a harsh and unflattering light. Defendants contribute to this depiction with their apparent obstinance towards proposing meaningful changes to conditions on the Farm Line,” Jackson, based in Baton Rouge, wrote.

A spokesperson for the state corrections department said officials would not comment until they had time to fully review Jackson’s order.

Jackson’s latest order said there were 50 instances of inmates reporting illnesses from July 2 to Aug. 5, with seven requiring emergency medical treatment. He ordered more tents be provided and that they be erected close to where prisoners are working. He also ordered that some form of seating be made available and that workers be given 15-minute breaks every 45 minutes when heat alerts are in effect.

Re: l'avocat Roux, have you visited St. George, LA?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:43 pm
by Smackie Chan

