Weekend Roll Call 11-2-24
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 10:04 am
We are now less than 3 days away.
Although, as I eluded to last night, I may well be
posting the WRC next weekend without a clear
cut winner. We do know for certain, either the
yam will win, or he will be declaring that it was
rigged and that he really won regardless.
Half of the world is out to get the yam.
Voting systems only work against the yam.
Millions of illegal votes are only cast against the yam.
Blah, blah, blah.
In all seriousness, many millions of Americans
(including many of our sordid clambake members)
will go against good common sense, against their
true patriotic duty, and against plain old human
decency to vote for the yam. They do this for a myriad
of reasons as a whole, but most will do it for just a
few reasons. They like how he bucks trends and
defies norms. They actually believe the bullshit that
he is trying to sell them, and they have been brainwashed
to believe that things were so much better when he
was in office the first time.
In a nutshell, yam voters will burn, piss on and trample
upon our flag, our constitution, bill of rights, and everything
our country stands for in order to save 25 cents on a gallon
of gas or a cheese burger. They want to MAGA- you know,
back when nogs and tranny's knew their place.
As I have said repeatedly before... presidential elections have
very little impact on my and the average person's life. Shitty one's
may make you tighten your belt. The decent one's go unnoticeable,
and we have never had a great one in our lifetime, if ever. If your
life was much better when the yam was in office than now, chances
are YOU have done something to fuck it up. It wasn't JB ... and
Stepping off of the pulpit now .....
No MOW. All of my quality meme sources are all election, all the time
right now. Regardless of our affiliations, I think we can all agree that
we are all currently suffering with election fatigue.
Pretty much a rainout on tap for FOC. Good time to take care of
a few things indoors that have been overlooked.
No Chiefs until Monday night - and that has a really good chance of
rain also. Kermit has played well in the rain before and I expect him
to do the same on MNF. KC is currently favored by 9.5 points. I will
avoid the embarrassment that I have subjected myself to frequently
this year, and not even waste your time suggesting how you should
bet on this game. I will simply be content knowing KC will win outright,
be 8-0, and only 99 days away from the 3pete.
Happy weekend, Y'all.