What a strange two weeks it's been for me...
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:48 am
Where do I start? Off topic I know, but this is a good one.
I used to have a nice presence on the board(s) we used to frequent when I worked my nice, cushy internet start-up job. Then we downsized two weeks after my daughter was born and three months after moving into a new house. So desperation makes you do wild things. I applied and accepted a job at a company that is so nazi-like in it's rules, Hitler would have been impressed.
Let's look at the hitlist:
So my wife has been commuting for a few years to Omaha. She tried finding a job here, but couldn't find anything serious or that paid as well. So it was decided that we would move to Omaha in a few years and then I'd find a job there.
Gas prices pushed the issue early and I was given the decree to find a new job. I apply for a few jobs and end up interviewing for a similar job with a well-respected, highly recognizable company.
I get the job offer last week and have to wait until Friday to give my two week's notice. From a friend that quit before, he said that he gave his notice at 10:00 in the morning and that he was asked to leave immediately. That whole week just dragged on and on. Finally, at 9:30 last Friday, I couldn't wait anymore. I give my notice to my boss. Yes, they asked me to leave the building that day, but they asked me to come back after lunch to debrief some people on what I was working on. By 3:30, I was free of that place.
I start my new job on Monday and I'm excited. I get to dress business casual. You can do almost everything on that list above. I'm not sure on their Internet use policy, but I'm sure I'lll find out. It'll be good to get back to a real company atmosphere instead of the hell week atmosphere I've endured for 3.5 years.
So our house is going on the market this week and I've been busting my ass to get ready for the open house. Wish me luck as I start a new job and try to sell our house.
I used to have a nice presence on the board(s) we used to frequent when I worked my nice, cushy internet start-up job. Then we downsized two weeks after my daughter was born and three months after moving into a new house. So desperation makes you do wild things. I applied and accepted a job at a company that is so nazi-like in it's rules, Hitler would have been impressed.
Let's look at the hitlist:
- Must wear a suit and tie
No walking on the grass ever
No microwave
No refridgerators
No snack vending machines
No music (only the loudspeaker muzak)
No food at desks
No drinks at desks
Must be in at 8 and leave no later than 5 no matter what (and that's no lie)
No fans at desk (I once spent several hours debating my boss on why I wasn't a company man because I had challenged their new ban on fans)
No decorations on cube walls
No excessive cube decorations (ie no more than a few photos. An email telling us to not have "shrines" was also sent out.)
Cube overhead bins must be closed at all times (so as to appear uniform across every aisle
Spies tattled on everybody about when you came and went for lunch
If they find out that you're looking for a new job, you're fired
If you accept a new job, you're fired.
If you give a two-week notice, they escort you out of the building that day
So my wife has been commuting for a few years to Omaha. She tried finding a job here, but couldn't find anything serious or that paid as well. So it was decided that we would move to Omaha in a few years and then I'd find a job there.
Gas prices pushed the issue early and I was given the decree to find a new job. I apply for a few jobs and end up interviewing for a similar job with a well-respected, highly recognizable company.
I get the job offer last week and have to wait until Friday to give my two week's notice. From a friend that quit before, he said that he gave his notice at 10:00 in the morning and that he was asked to leave immediately. That whole week just dragged on and on. Finally, at 9:30 last Friday, I couldn't wait anymore. I give my notice to my boss. Yes, they asked me to leave the building that day, but they asked me to come back after lunch to debrief some people on what I was working on. By 3:30, I was free of that place.
I start my new job on Monday and I'm excited. I get to dress business casual. You can do almost everything on that list above. I'm not sure on their Internet use policy, but I'm sure I'lll find out. It'll be good to get back to a real company atmosphere instead of the hell week atmosphere I've endured for 3.5 years.
So our house is going on the market this week and I've been busting my ass to get ready for the open house. Wish me luck as I start a new job and try to sell our house.