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icantstopfarting VS. Team GLADE (Wagon, et al)
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:06 am
by Qbert
have at it.
being M0d of this Forum...i have no concrete evidence of "icant" as being a TROLL.
y'all can figure it out here.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:10 am
by orcinus
Until icant learns to defend herself with something other than deflection, she'll forever be a troll in my eyes.
IP be damned ... step it up sister.
Fight the good fight.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:19 am
by Qbert
so, said an ADMIN.....just in case you need to update your scorecard.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:27 am
by Cueball
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:28 am
by Cueball
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:29 am
by Cueball

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:47 am
by Qbert
feed your child Cueball!
thats WRONG!
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:54 am
by Cueball
Fuck that, the kid ain't mine. He has hair
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:04 am
by Qbert
Cueball wrote:Fuck that, the kid ain't mine. He has hair
FOR NOW!!!!!!
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:49 am
by JHawkBCD
Well, this deathmatch is going swimmingly...
Maybe you guys can bring in Geraldo Rivera to dig up the participants.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:32 pm
by Guest
I'll cut you a deal forklift boy.
Why don't we ask a mod to decide if I'm a troll or not.
If I am I'll leave for good.
If you are wrong you leave for good.
Up for a little wager forklift bitch?
I know better than to ask you for money since we both know you don't make any.
QBert said:
being M0d of this Forum...i have no concrete evidence of "icant" as being a TROLL.
That my friends is what is known is 'bode.
BTW I've been slapping Forky around for a while now without needing my own thread to do it.
Let's see if Forky holds up his end of the deal now.
Either way don't hold your breath for round two today, I'm headed out for the day and I'm damn sure that Forky won't be posting from his lift.
WAR getting over despite the KC ladies riding each others nuts.
That didn't go like you expected it did it Forky?
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:50 pm
by Headhunter
icantstopfarting wrote:QBert wrote:
being M0d of this Forum...i have no concrete evidence of "icant" as being a TROLL.
That my friends is what is known is 'bode.
No, Sir. That is what is called mods having no access to IP information. Only admins have that information. And like Orc said, the fact that there is not enough evidence of you being a troll to boot you out of the NFL forum doesn't mean you're not a suspect. I think you're a troll as well. The fact that you've never used the IP with which you post under the icantstopfarting nic, nor any other simply means either this is all you use to post on
this board, or you're using a proxy for this troll. Hiding a troll isn't rocket science, and you wouldn't be the first to pull it off. But keep on patting yourself on the back and claiming 'bode. It's step 1 in the shit troll handbook, afterall.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:36 pm
by Hapday
icantsuckinghomelessmenscocks wrote:
BTW I've been slapping Forky around for a while now without needing my own thread to do it.
The only thing you have been slapping around is the reputation that Denver fans weren't myopic. Good job Corkey.
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:22 pm
by Felix
Hapday wrote:
The only thing you have been slapping around is the reputation that Denver fans weren't myopic. Good job Corkey.
We lay no claim to him
Realist Denver Fans
Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:54 pm
by War Wagon
Qbert wrote:^^^^^^^
You participating, or did you bump your shin on the corner table the mrs. made you move during the last furniture re-arrangement?
Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:26 am
by War Wagon
icantstopsucking wrote:
That my friends is what is known is 'bode.
No, that is what is known
is being a 'tard
BTW I've been slapping Forky around for a while now without needing my own thread to do it.
BEB much? Soory son, yuou haven't been slapping anyone around. Quite the contrary.
Let's see if Forky holds up his end of the deal now.
What deal?
The deal where you suck Mule dick, and then get your face rubbed in it?
Either way don't hold your breath for round two today, I'm headed out for the day
Translation: There's lots of aluminum cans out there that need to be recycled.
and I'm damn sure that Forky won't be posting from his lift.
Well, you got that half right. I don't waste time at work posting, being as how I have now about 45 men whom I supervise and schedule over 3 shifts...dealing with shit trolls wouldn't be conducive to productivity.
WAR getting over..
Did a little birdie tell you that you got over? I'd crush that avian before it leads you to even more delusions
That didn't go like you expected it did it Forky?
Went exactly as expected.
I don't even care whether you're a troll or not. Your takes suck. Your writing/smack sucks. Your nic sucks. You suck.
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:46 am
by War Wagon
Alrighty then...this lameass topic is still stickied for what reason?
Q, get your shit together.
Fartster, consider yourself run.
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 5:17 am
by Qbert
its only been 26 hours....nothing to worry about....
THE "icant" might have trouble getting its affairs in order...THE "icant" might need aome TIME?
THE "icant" SAID IT was heading OUT for the Day....
you know that I'm the "first" for shoveling on DIRT and covering up something that is pretty smelly....BUT, "icant" SAID that IT wouldn't be around.
this Thread will remain Stickied...
and Wagon--->when the CRIPPLE FIGHT was called....
somebody might have suspected a CRIPPLE to Pile onto....
Got it?
(i'm up to about 7 Reubens by now...)
Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 4:01 pm
by Felix
Qbert wrote:
you know that I'm the "first" for shoveling on DIRT and covering up something that is pretty smelly....BUT, "icant" SAID that IT wouldn't be around.
this Thread will remain Stickied...
You've shown an amazing amount of discipline as a moderator in not deep sixing this POS.....
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:58 am
by Cueball
He started this trainwreck, bound to it he is.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:16 am
by Qbert
buncha' Doubting TomASSES....
its now Monday!
maybe THE "icant" will show up?
or, maybe not.
its NOT MY Face to Save....anyways....
guess "icant" is a TROLL--->that was the Point to this Thread?
for you "Stickied" worriers....towel OFF!
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:37 pm
by Guest
That's what I love about this place....
There are some here that will simply never let the facts get in the way of what they choose to believe.
Let's try this again:
Daddy wrote:
Why don't we ask a mod to decide if I'm a troll or not.
If I am I'll leave for good.
If you are wrong you leave for good.
Up for a little wager forklift bitch?
I know better than to ask you for money since we both know you don't make any.
Forky wrote:
Ask a mod? Ok.
Despite ForkWagons pleading QBert did the right thing and answered honestly.
Don't worry though Forkwagon I've won ban bets in the past and I usually let the other dude slide cause noone ever can say that I am unforgiving to tards.
Besides upon further review I guess I did say never mind about 12 seconds before you suddenly found your nuts again and slinked back in to post.
I think not.
You know I never joined Scoreboard because I couldn't view the forum first without being a member but I have to say I'm disappointed from what I have read so here far after hearing that it was the "model" football forum.
I thought the idea here was that fans of teams would smack fans of other teams and we were headed back to the epic football forum like we had back in the days of SC3.
I come in here and my fellow Denver fans are more interested in being "realistic" than actually supporting said team.
I show passion and am villified.
Understand this fools:
I hate the other AFC West teams with a passion. I know more about football than most in here and I will not hesitate to point it out when questioned.
Again I thought that smacking other division fans and rivals was the point of having a forum that invited fans of all teams in the first place.
Guess not.
Many in here seem only interested in being niiiiiiiiice to each other.
If the haters here would simply pull their heads out of their asses and scroll down they would see that I am posting interesting topic after topic, all while being accused of trolling.
Fucking ridiculous.
Based the replies I've read it's clear to me that many in here will always believe that no matter what so why bother?
Believe what you like haters, the truth is there for all to see.
The bottom line is that I have been an avid Bronco fan since they won their first Super Bowl and what I am seeing now is a young up and coming team making improvements and getting ready to challenge the big boys again.
Only in here can a 10-6 season and playoff berth be considered a failure.
Bronco fans other than me.
The question I have is that when Shanny and the boys kick ass this season and take names will the other girls who claim to be fans come out of the woodwork and suddenly be passionate again?
I'm thinking yes.
And that's pathetic.
Either way I'm done with this topic.
I made my case, I made it strongly, I was right, and it still didn't matter to many of you.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:14 pm
by Hapday
icantstopsuckinghomelessmenscocks wrote: I know more about football than most in here and I will not hesitate to point it out when questioned.
I laughed.
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:06 pm
by War Wagon
icantstopfarting wrote:
The bottom line is that I have been an avid Bronco fan since they won their first Super Bowl.
Bandwagoning bitch ever since, huh?
What about
before they won a SB?
Were you a dungver fan then, but just not an avid one?
It took a SB victory for you rip off shirt and have horseface's #7 tattoed to your chest?
Or, more likely, you were in the 4th grade
way back then, and judging by your writing skills, are now ready to be promoted to Jr. High.
Sonny, despite your idiot opinion, this IS the big leagues of NFL smack/banter, albeit the off-season. Wait until September, and the lid will blow off this place.
You come in here with childish, lamebrained attempts at smack, all the while proclaiming how "right" and "knowledgable" you are, futilely banging your chest that "I got over"'ll get your ass handed to you on a platter every fucking time.
As for being "nice" to each other...most of us have been around a long time...from SCIII, to TNW, to Smackboard, to T1B. It's not about being nice. It's about having and showing respect for your opponent, much the same as you would on the field of play.
Just becuase I hate and despise the 'duhs and mules, doesn't mean that i don't respect them, or their fans. I respect any fan's passionate loyalty to their team, thru thick and thin, even to the point of absurd myopia ('sup wags?).
Why am I typing this to you? Won't matter what your response, I can't get past that ridiculous nic.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:41 am
by DallasFanatic
No need to worry about Kaley Paul. He would never go homotroll on us. What you have is a genuine queer on your trail Be careful.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:01 am
by poptart
Hapday wrote:icantstopsuckinghomelessmenscocks wrote: I know more about football than most in here and I will not hesitate to point it out when questioned.
I laughed.
Yeah, only items missing were.........
Get with the program, folks.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 3:12 am
by Felix
poptart wrote:
Get with the program, folks.
No doubt, we've seen icant before--I'm just not sure where.....
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 1:05 pm
by Red
icantstopfarting wrote:The bottom line is that I have been an avid Bronco fan since they won their first Super Bowl.
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:27 pm
by ChargerMike
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:04 pm
by Cosmo Kramer
What a bunch of fucking losers!
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:55 am
by ChargerMike
icantstoptrolling wrote:There are some here that will simply never let the facts get in the way of who they smack silly.
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:35 pm
by jiminphilly
Hapday wrote:icantstopsuckinghomelessmenscocks wrote: I know more about football than most in here and I will not hesitate to point it out when questioned.
I laughed.
I did too.
Here are some classic lines from a post of his-
Owens is the best receiver in the NFL - hands down. He has what? 4 or 5 years at the most left in his career?
Stop being jealous over someone who is better than you in every conceivable way trying to get paid during his small window of opportunity.
BTW i'll say it again, Owens is the heart and soul of that team. The Eagles are fucking themselves if they expect McNabb to suddenly step up and be a man.