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Thinking about going here this weekend --

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:56 pm
by Dinsdale

The Resort At The Mountain. Pretty swell place. Never played there, but hung out there a few times.

The reason this might go down today......brace yourselves....would first be to watch the best players in the world in action. No, not the best golfers -- the world's best croquet players. Dins and his boys are hardcore croquet players. The International Croquet Invitational is this weekend. Apparently it's the first time that #1,2, and 3 in the world have played in the same tournament in quite a while. It's like a major for croquet. Obviously, croquet is EXPLODING in popularity, or so the reported 6 spectators in attendence friday would lead one to believe.

BUT, after some serious alcohol consumption while watching the big boys slap the mallet, the Resort course looks pretty darn nice. And my bud's family owns a cabin right up the road on Mt. Hood, which is cool.

So, do you golfers play croquet when you're not golfing? "Official rules" are pretty complicated, but what a great game to play at a bbq.

We'll see how this plan comes together. Might just have to go hack at the usual haunts. I'm ready to go just about anywhere, except Downtown, where they're having that abominable parade again. If there's 500,000+ people down there sitting in lawn chairs in the streets, surely they can't annoy me on the links elsewhere nearly as much as usual.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:44 pm
by Dinsdale
Then again, the rain might put the kibash to this.....but I can still hack locally.