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Gay Lisp go'in bye bye DEI
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:15 am
by jackass007
Funny how all of the sudden Tony Eury Jr is back to working on the Silverspoon car, while crew chiefing Gay Lisp, and Silverspoon finally wins.
You'd have to think Eury jr and Silverspoon will be back together next year.
It's even gonna get funnier next year when Gay Lisp takes over the 6 car for a year and wins Daytona!
Or wrecks every DEI car every chance he gets..
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:32 am
by War Wagon
English version?
I have no idea what you are rambling on about.
Let me take a stab.
Waltrip is history.
Truex is in the #15 next year.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:06 pm
by jackass007
Yes wags.. Waltrip is looking for a ride, and here is what "I" am hoping for.
Gannassi holds McMurry to his contract, and Roush gives Waltrip a 1 year ride in the 6.
Probably won't happen, seeing that Jack Roush wants Craven in the 6 next year, and there has been rumblings Martin will stay in it for 1 more year until McMurry is ready.
Waltrip has a shot at a few good teams, like Childress, Everham, and Gibbs.. I just hope he catches a good ride, and not fall back to the junk he use to drive before DEI
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 3:57 am
by MuchoBulls
jackass007 wrote:Waltrip has a shot at a few good teams, like Childress, Everham, and Gibbs.. I just hope he catches a good ride, and not fall back to the junk he use to drive before DEI
What about the #40?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 2:09 pm
by jackass007
The #2 popped up there too.. Yesterday on trackside live, when Waltrip was all depressed saying he has no ride for 2006, Rusty said, "you have plans", waltrip said, "I do? Where, go ahead and tell me" Rusty said after he was about to spill "I better not"
But you could tell there was something there.
Reid Sorenson is in the 40?
the 42 if McMurry splits
the 07 if Blaney gets the heave ho..
the 6
the 11
the 18
anybody who hires Waltrip gets an automatic in to the Daytona 500, and the Allstar race
Re: Gay Lisp go'in bye bye DEI
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:09 pm
by DallasFanatic
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:jackass007 wrote:Funny how all of the sudden Tony Eury Jr is back to working on the Silverspoon car, while crew chiefing Gay Lisp, and Silverspoon finally wins.
You'd have to think Eury jr and Silverspoon will be back together next year.
It's even gonna get funnier next year when Gay Lisp takes over the 6 car for a year and wins Daytona!
Or wrecks every DEI car every chance he gets..
Eury Jr. is gonna crew chief for Jimmie Johnson next year? This is the first time I've heard of it. :roll:
What the fuck are you babbling about Paul? Shit you make a 007 post look readable.
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:42 pm
by DallasFanatic
No need to read slower dipshit. Why do you think JJ is silverspoon? He drives the shit out of the car every week while silverspoon rides because of his daddy's name. Stick to being a drag queen fan Paul.
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:29 am
by Qbert
i don't really much like to stick up for Paul...but he is RIGHT TWICE!
don't forget that Jeffy didn't accomplish much in open wheel at all...he wasn't in Busch very Long...and got lucky to be hooked up with Evernham.
dues paid by Jeffy and Jimmah....not as successful as compared to Junior?
Definitely...cause Jeffy and Jimmah are NOT the Son of The LEGEND!
JUNIOR HAS the PRESSURE to LIVE UP to THE, he had to learn and earn his way to get there...Daddy gave Kerry a ride...look how well that has went.
Junior's STILL Learning.
Drag Racing rules....World of Outlaws at Eldora, et the BEST however.
(don't even think of arguing that..unless you've been to the Kings Royal, THE Historical Big ONE or the Knoxville Nationals....and to an NHRA Event and a NASCAR Event.)
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:19 am
by DallasFanatic
Q, every time you post I have the hardest time following what the hell it is you are trying to say.
Who gives a shit if JJ didn't race in the Busch series. Did LeBron play in college? JJ got the keys from Jeff because Jeff saw talent, and JJ has proven him right since winning the pole for his first daytona 500. Hate on the guy all you want, he knows how to race a car every single week, not just at Daytona and Talladega.
Repeat after me fellas:
Junior = silverspoon
JJ = talent
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:11 am
by War Wagon
DallasFanatic wrote:Q, every time you post I have the hardest time following what the hell it is you are trying to say.
That's your problem.
I have this handy translation device available, if you need it.
When Q says " --------------> jump <----------------"
You fucking jump.
Only $9.99

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:27 am
by Qbert
DallasFanatic wrote:Q, every time you post I have the hardest time following what the hell it is you are trying to say.
well, DF--->Welcome to the Majority!
Mrs. Qbert
Who gives a shit if JJ didn't race in the Busch series.
how did JJ EARN his right to be here then?
KYOA much?
many peeps in HERE are trying to CLAIM that Junior didn't EARN his Stripes...He's the Silverspoon?
Did LeBron play in college? JJ got the keys from Jeff because Jeff saw talent, and JJ has proven him right since winning the pole for his first daytona 500.
maybe so...but JJ got did Jeffy before him.
Hate on the guy all you want, he knows how to race a car every single week, not just at Daytona and Talladega.
JJ capitalized on his break WITHOUT paying the SAME Dues as JUNIOR. AND JJ certainly didn't have the SAME Amount of PRESSURE as Junior did/ do so.
That is not "Hatin' on" JJ.
Its merely a POINT that KCPaul was gettin' at above...that I happen to agree with.
Repeat after me fellas:
Junior = silverspoon
JJ = talent :D
So, from your angle...JJ = talent
~fine, did he pay his dues in a lower NASCAR Series?
~how was he spotted?
~he got LUCKY.
and, Junior = silverspoon
~fine, Daddy is one of the Best who's ever BEEN.
~where did Junior 1st Race-->Winston Cup? C'mon!!!! if he was silverspoon--->that's where he would Naturally START....right?
~Junior raced in ARCA and
Busch...then WON a Race in Busch...and picked up a few Cup Races in the meantime.
~Junior WON the BGN Series...while Racing in CUP at the Same time.
~Junior has had EVERYTHING Handed to HIM????
Nah...he might have some talent too...which doesn't come in the form of a HANDOUT.
JJ and Junior are BOTH quite talented.....absolutely.
But, remember that ALL of these Newbie Fvckknuckles are RICH to begin with now.
They ALL haven't HAD to do it on their OWN.
Now, guys like Mark Martin and the Late Alan Kulwicki; on the other hand, REALLY have EARNED everything that they have gotten from the sport.
beginning to see a difference yet....DF?
Junior EARNED his SPOT and JJ capitalized on a BREAK.
ps--->i typed REAaaaL', you might be able to translate it....
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:17 pm
by DallasFanatic
Ok maybe I was hatin on Jr and I always have my JJ goggles on. My bad.
JJ was given a break. Hell every driver is given a break to race in the Nextel Cup. I can also understand how someone would label JJ as the silverspoon based on the above said break. However I firmly believe that JJ has proven himself to the nth degree as a driver week in and week out, hence shedding the silverspoon image and making Gordon look like a genius.
I can't say the same for Jr. Q, you might be right and maybe its hard for him to shake the image of his dad, but the bottom line is NASCAR has a fond liking to young Jr, and they have shown it blatantly over the past couple years. So Jr will have the silverspoon tag in my eyes until the guy finishes better at tracks other than Daytona and Talladega on a consistent basis without the help of NASCAR.
Don't get me wrong, I think Jr is a good driver, he just needs a little more practice in the Busch Series.
Oh and Paul, I could care less about your beloved Drag Queen racing. That by far, has to be the most boring shit on ESPN 3.
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:26 pm
by rozy
Please tell we are like NOT having this conversation, right? RIGHT?
Can anyone tell me what the difference is in the 5 car this year as opposed to the last.......decade?
Put Jr. in the 48 with the same crew he has now and he will have the same problems.
Put Jimmy in the 8 with his crew and he will be leading the points.
And you are a stone cold KCPANOCHA if you can't figure that out.
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:28 pm
by DallasFanatic
damn Rozy.....well said......RACK it!!!!
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:43 pm
by DallasFanatic
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:That's funny, because I could really care less about NASCAR, yet I know more about it that you do.
You wouldn't be able to tell by reading your posts.
KC Backfat wrote:BTW, NHRA Drag Racing is the highest rated program on ESPN2. You are CLEARLY in the minority with your lame opinion. Besides, most of us that DO drag race just laugh at you bitches that think it's "boring". Most of you would shit your Underoos if you had to handle the HP that we do.
Maybe I should have used a smiley when I made my reference to ESPN 3. The bottom line is if it's not on ESPN than it just doesn't fucking matter. Oh, and Paul, everyone with half a brain knows your ass can't fit into a car suitable for drag racing. Stick to your glorified mustang piece of shit and don't disgrace the true professionals that actually participate in professional drag racing.
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:47 pm
by jackass007
Qbert wrote:i don't really much like to stick up for Paul...but he is RIGHT TWICE!
don't forget that Jeffy didn't accomplish much in open wheel at all...he wasn't in Busch very Long...and got lucky to be hooked up with Evernham.
dues paid by Jeffy and Jimmah....not as successful as compared to Junior?
Definitely...cause Jeffy and Jimmah are NOT the Son of The LEGEND!
JUNIOR HAS the PRESSURE to LIVE UP to THE, he had to learn and earn his way to get there...Daddy gave Kerry a ride...look how well that has went.
Junior's STILL Learning.
OK, #1 Silverspoon was given the 2 ride, put together with championship crew members, only common sense that he has "better" equipment than most others. Daddy's the one who put Childress on the map, Silverspoon gets the good stuff.
#2 Kerry never got a permeant ride thru his biological father.. Never happened
#3 Jimmie was noticed by Hendrick thru testing, putting in equal times as little jeffie was putting in. Jimmie did run races in the busch series, just didn't win a lot, only once, but he did finish 10th in points in 2000, and 7th in points in 2001
IMO that's enough track time to earn a cup chance.
#4 I really don't think Silverspoon was communicating well with his old crew, and if you think Waltrip had equal equipment, think again, it wasn't until Eury Jr started setting up the 8 car this year, he started to run better. Now that Gaylisp is flying the coup, look at Eury to besetting up Silverspoon every week. Heck, it's like having 2 crew chiefs
#5 Paul, you are a fucking retard, anybody with a picture of that fucking retard on your signature is a fucking retard, Silverspoon is Silverspoon, he did have "Everything" handed to him, he's had rules changed by NASCAR for him, his fan base is because of his name, nothing more.
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:19 pm
by jackass007
Qbert wrote:
Who gives a shit if JJ didn't race in the Busch series.
how did JJ EARN his right to be here then?
KYOA much?
He did race Busch, for 2 years
Qbert wrote:many peeps in HERE are trying to CLAIM that Junior didn't EARN his Stripes...He's the Silverspoon?
Yes he is
Qbert wrote:maybe so...but JJ got did Jeffy before him.
Not that I'm a 24 or 48 fan, but racin is racin, you have to apply your trade on gameday, it's idiotic to say these guys are "Lucky"
Qbert wrote:JJ capitalized on his break WITHOUT paying the SAME Dues as JUNIOR. AND JJ certainly didn't have the SAME Amount of PRESSURE as Junior did/ do so.
WHATTTTTTT the fuck? JJ, 2 years in Busch? don't mean a thing, unless you win a championship?
Junior could have fucked a duck his first 3 years in busch, or cup, and still landed a ride on name alone. If he sucks cock the next 5 years, and gets fired he would still catch a ride, just because of his name.
Dallasfan wrote:]Repeat after me fellas:
Junior = silverspoon
JJ = talent :D
Qbert wrote:So, from your angle...JJ = talent
~fine, did he pay his dues in a lower NASCAR Series?
yes he did
Qbert wrote: ~how was he spotted?
Hendrick motorsports
Qbert wrote:~he got LUCKY.
And Silverspoon didn't? He was lucky who his mother's sperm donor was.
Qbert wrote:and, Junior = silverspoon
~fine, Daddy is one of the Best who's ever BEEN.
not quite, but I have a bunch of 3 gear retired to my office
Qbert wrote:~where did Junior 1st Race-->Winston Cup? C'mon!!!! if he was silverspoon--->that's where he would Naturally START....right?
~Junior raced in ARCA and
Busch...then WON a Race in Busch...and picked up a few Cup Races in the meantime.
~Junior WON the BGN Series...while Racing in CUP at the Same time.
~Junior has had EVERYTHING Handed to HIM????
Nah...he might have some talent too...which doesn't come in the form of a HANDOUT.
would you call rule changes a handout? would you call Silverspoon driving like an asshole in 2001-02 and Nascar looking the other way, whereas other drivers doing the same shit get an instant black flag, and rightfully so. I know 75% of Nascar fans are silverspoon fans, just go to the track and see every 3rd souvenir trailer is a silverspoon trailer.
And just for the record in 2000, 2001 you wouldn't have found a jackass with more 3/8 gear on than me, but shit racin is shit racin, having a rules changed for you, and getting away with murder just isn't for me.
I went with the driver who reminded me most of Dale, and I'm not disappointed.
Qbert wrote:But, remember that ALL of these Newbie Fvckknuckles are RICH to begin with now.
not my guy
Qbert wrote:junior EARNED his SPOT and JJ capitalized on a BREAK.
Wrong again, if Jimmie drove the 2 car in Busch, he would have won the same championships as Silverspoon did
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:32 pm
by jackass007
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Jackass, I hope YOU read Qbert's post above very slowly so it all sank in.
From here on out all references of the word "Silverspoon" mean Jimmie Johnson. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.
Have a nice day.
WAR NHRA Drag Racing....the BEST American motorsport. ;)
I usually just ignore you because you're just a fucking retard not worthy of my attention, but BEAT OFF TO THE ASSHOLE ON YOUR SIG.
8 is daddy's little silverspoon fuck
48 is 24's butt buddy
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:44 pm
by jackass007
rozy wrote:Can anyone tell me what the difference is in the 5 car this year as opposed to the last.......decade?
I don't know what you mean....
Kyle busch in half of a season 5 top 5's
Terry LaBonte the last 4 years had 6 top 5's
Kyle's talent is there, if you can't see it you're blind
I'll be surprised if Kyle dosn't get at least 1 win this year
the 48 team is going to the 5 team for setups
the 5 team is a force, watch him win this weekend
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:57 pm
by rozy
jackass007 wrote:
I don't know what you mean....
Kyle busch in half of a season 5 top 5's
Terry LaBonte the last 4 years had 6 top 5's
Kyle's talent is there, if you can't see it you're blind
Can you read? In essence you reiterated what my point was, dumbass.
It's the DRIVER and his ability to communicate with his team. NOTHING at all to do with who got Silver Spooned.
I have had fun over the years blasting at Jr. fans ONLY for the purpose of getting under their skin. He is very talented. He just isn't Jimmy Johnson right now. And how they got there is completely irrelevant.
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:19 am
by Atomic Punk
rozy wrote:
It's the DRIVER and his ability to communicate with his team. NOTHING at all to do with who got Silver Spooned.
I agree. Dale Jr. is dumber than a box of hammers and cannot communicate what is happening with his car to the crew chief. Then Tony goes to Mikey's ride and all of a sudden Mikey is doing much better sans Goodyear tire problems (or aggressive camber setups etc.) and then it makes Silverspoon look like a whiny punk when Mikey as a mid pack driver starts doing better.
You know who was really good at giving great race feedback to the crew chief was Darrell Waltrip. Maybe Mikey learned something in his own Silverspooned way.
Mike will have a ride next year and they all know who it is as Rusty was about to say where. Mike will be a mid pack driver once again and will only be successfull on a super speedway. He is a marathon runner and has the mental discipline to keep his concentration and not do anything foolish in those types of races.
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:24 am
by jackass007
rozy wrote:
Can you read? In essence you reiterated what my point was, dumbass.
It's the DRIVER and his ability to communicate with his team. NOTHING at all to do with who got Silver Spooned.
I have had fun over the years blasting at Jr. fans ONLY for the purpose of getting under their skin. He is very talented. He just isn't Jimmy Johnson right now. And how they got there is completely irrelevant.
OK I guess you were making a sarcastic point to some extent..
Sorry, I'm not use to your takes.
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:32 am
by jackass007
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:That "asshole" would pound your queer ass into oblivion, Cumlips.
that old fat fuck?
yeah, bring it,
set it up,
hell I live close to him,
I'll trip him and break his fucking hip.
Don't you know who I am?
Spin it all you want- JJ STILL got to Cup FAR easier than Junior did.
Yeah, JJ's daddy was a 7 time cup champ that got him a championship ride in Busch... Stick to drag racing something I know nothing about you fucking 3 time cryin ryan award winner
I shot down all of your and Q's mistakes about Jimmie
pick up a press guide one of these days
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:37 am
by jackass007
Just a quick disclaimer
I am not a Jimmie Johnson fan
I am not a Jeff Gordon fan
when these guys get into trouble, a smile breaks across my face
I am a Kurt and Kyle Busch fan
The new first family in NASCAR
I didn't want to confuse anybody, with all the sticking up for JJ
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 2:13 am
by DallasFanatic
jackass007 wrote:Just a quick disclaimer
I am not a Jimmie Johnson fan
I am not a Jeff Gordon fan
when these guys get into trouble, a smile breaks across my face
I am a Kurt and Kyle Busch fan
The new first family in NASCAR
I didn't want to confuse anybody, with all the sticking up for JJ
Being a fan of the 48, I'd like to thank you for cleaning up shop. But before you leave jackass could you please wipe your spunk covered face.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:13 pm
by jackass007
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:06 am
by Qbert
i'll MAN Up and take my medicine.
i didn't do any research on JJ before making my Rants....i ran with this.....
DallasFanatic wrote:
Who gives a shit if JJ didn't race in the Busch series.
my BAD...i know better.
As far as my points about Junior NOT having
everything given to Him....well, THEY ALL have everything given to them NOW! (as stated above)
So, its all about what you do with IT? yes?[/i]
Junior has be given EVERYTHING by his Legendary Father....and, the Legend he has to Live up to the Pressure of carrying the #3 LEMMING Nation on his Back.
get rid of the 'spoon Tag.....its tired..THEY Are ALL Silverspoons and Friends.
JJ s done a great job in the #48.
he keeps getting that Car to finish up high...when its been absolute dogshit during the Race.
props to #97 having the Dominate Car at was a pretty Strong ROUSH Day at the goofy Flat Track.
with Indy coming up next...another Flat Track...would you bet against the Roush Camp?
007 and ZZ
i'm humbled and OUT.
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:46 am
by jackass007
pictures of my excursion to the Poconos and being surrounded by Silverspoon fans are forthcoming..
as soon I as can find my missing camera cable
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:50 pm
by War Wagon
Just in time for your 1/10th K post, eh 007?
This should be epcot.
Bring 'em on.