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SEGMENT 3 Standings will be posted here...
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:28 pm
by Mac22
dslayer is currently being scored based on his last segments teams... however, must reply on the team topic or PM me to confirm the score, or will be dropped from scoring beginning next week.
Results from Loudon, NH....
Week 19 Points
cueball 654
primex 644
dal Fanatic 640
nixhex 620
jack007 614
mac22 607
qbert 601
cinder 587
bsmack 557
warwagon 552
packwin13 525
mrctm 518
rozy 518
bmonkey 515
atomicpunk 499
dslayer 484
overall standings....
bmonkey 9642
nixhex 9494
primex 9482
dal Fanatic 9460
mac22 9460
packwin13 9348
bsmack 9335
mrctm 9327
jack007 9266
cueball 9177
warwagon 9011
rozy 8937
dslayer 8933
qbert 8922
cinder 8901
check the results... ... icial.html
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:45 am
by jackass007
somebody has some fucked up math, I had 8652 going into seg 3
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:27 am
by Cueball
Chalk this weeks win up to local knowledge :P
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:33 pm
by Mac22
scoring is fixed. a case of fat fingers when i transferred the numbers from last segment to this one. everything should be set.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:16 pm
by DallasFanatic
8853 + 640 = 9460???
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:55 pm
by Bucmonkey
Damn the #6...took out my boy Sadler :x
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:03 am
by Mac22
now everything is completely fixed. i have adjusted some of the links at they became crossed (that is why you had too many points dallas.)
everything is now set. if you follow this link... you will see the points straight from my excel file. since i don't know how to post the grid here. if someone does know how to post the grid for easier reading let me know.
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:19 am
by War Wagon
Looks good to me Mac....
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:43 am
by Mac22
Scoring following Pocono and week 20..........
dal Fanatic 623
mac22 608
primex 580
cinder 560
nixhex 550
atomicpunk 547
mrctm 538
rozy 528
warwagon 523
bsmack 514
cueball 508
packwin13 508
bmonkey 505
qbert 500
jack007 480
dslayer 373
Segment 3 standings.....
dal Fanatic 1263
primex 1224
mac22 1215
nixhex 1170
cueball 1162
cinder 1147
qbert 1101
jack007 1094
warwagon 1075
bsmack 1071
mrctm 1056
rozy 1046
atomicpunk 1046
packwin13 1033
bmonkey 1020
dslayer 857
Overall standings...
bmonkey 10147
dal Fanatic 10068
mac22 10068
primex 10062
nixhex 10044
mrctm 9865
packwin13 9856
bsmack 9849
jack007 9746
cueball 9685
warwagon 9534
rozy 9465
cinder 9461
qbert 9422
dslayer 9306 ... icial.html
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:42 pm
by DallasFanatic
Its about time the #12 car starts pulling some weight. Thanks Mac for all the grunt work.
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:59 am
by Mac22
after the brickyard 400......
Week 21 Points
cueball 559
mrctm 489
atomicpunk 487
cinder 485
bsmack 481
qbert 470
warwagon 457
primex 448
bmonkey 411
dal Fanatic 409
nixhex 400
jack007 392
mac22 388
rozy 352
packwin13 334
Segment 3
cueball 1721
dal Fanatic 1672
primex 1672
cinder 1632
mac22 1603
qbert 1571
nixhex 1570
bsmack 1552
mrctm 1545
atomicpunk 1533
warwagon 1532
jack007 1486
bmonkey 1431
rozy 1398
packwin13 1367
Overall Points
bmonkey 10558
primex 10510
dal Fanatic 10456
mac22 10456
nixhex 10444
mrctm 10354
bsmack 10330
cueball 10244
packwin13 10190
jack007 10138
warwagon 9991
cinder 9946
qbert 9892
rozy 9817
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:59 pm
by Bucmonkey
What a freefall...Sadler, what the hell was I thinking :x
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:47 pm
by Mac22
sorry for the delay, was in MPLS for the weekend, and finally got home tuesday around 2:30 am
Week 22 Points
atomicpunk 594
mac22 578
warwagon 548
cinder 545
bmonkey 526
bsmack 525
qbert 519
nixhex 477
dal Fanatic 474
mrctm 472
packwin13 466
primex 445
rozy 413
cueball 394
jack007 319
Segment 3
mac22 2181
cinder 2177
dal Fanatic 2146
atomicpunk 2127
primex 2117
cueball 2115
qbert 2090
warwagon 2080
bsmack 2077
nixhex 2047
mrctm 2017
bmonkey 1957
packwin13 1833
rozy 1811
jack007 1805
Overall Points
bmonkey 11084
dal Fanatic 11034
mac22 11034
primex 10955
nixhex 10921
bsmack 10855
mrctm 10826
packwin13 10656
cueball 10638
warwagon 10539
cinder 10491
jack007 10457
qbert 10411
rozy 10230 ... icial.html
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:13 pm
by Mac22
Week 23 has brought upon us a crazy situation... check out the overall standings at the end...
Week 23 Points
cueball 636
primex 600
dal Fanatic 572
nixhex 571
bsmack 562
cinder 561
qbert 541
mac22 540
rozy 534
warwagon 531
packwin13 522
mrctm 521
atomicpunk 504
bmonkey 490
jack007 484
Segment 3
cueball 2751
cinder 2738
mac22 2721
dal Fanatic 2718
primex 2717
bsmack 2639
atomicpunk 2631
qbert 2631
nixhex 2618
warwagon 2611
mrctm 2538
bmonkey 2447
packwin13 2355
rozy 2345
jack007 2289
Overall Points
bmonkey 11574
mac22 11574
primex 11555
nixhex 11492
bsmack 11417
mrctm 11347
dal Fanatic 11328
cueball 11274
packwin13 11178
warwagon 11070
cinder 11052
qbert 10952
jack007 10941
rozy 10764
that's right.... a tie for the OVERALL lead.
also just a note for dallasfanatic... on last weeks overall points i copied my numbers into your space when i typed them out, sorry for the confusion. ... icial.html
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:09 pm
by PrimeX
Only 19 points behind the twins.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:28 pm
by Mac22
nice work by cueball this week... picking 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 8th...
Week 24 Points
cueball 636
qbert 565
mrctm 532
bsmack 522
primex 501
bmonkey 496
cinder 482
packwin13 482
warwagon 428
rozy 426
jack007 423
nixhex 413
atomicpunk 409
mac22 403
dal Fanatic 377
Segment 3
cueball 3387
cinder 3220
primex 3218
qbert 3196
bsmack 3161
mac22 3124
dal Fanatic 3095
mrctm 3070
atomicpunk 3040
warwagon 3039
nixhex 3031
bmonkey 2943
packwin13 2837
rozy 2771
jack007 2712
Overall Points
bmonkey 12070
primex 12056
mac22 11977
bsmack 11939
cueball 11910
nixhex 11905
mrctm 11879
dal Fanatic 11705
packwin13 11660
cinder 11534
qbert 11517
warwagon 11498
jack007 11364
rozy 11190
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:23 pm
by Cueball
Yeah, that's right. Startin' to get the hang of this race car thing ya'll enjoy so much. :P
Is 4 weekly wins out of 6 races this segment any good?
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:03 pm
by Mac22
just a reminder... next week is the final week of segment 3, so prepare to name your teams for the chase and the final 10 races...
Week 25 Points
cueball 618
mrctm 612
jack007 612
cinder 585
primex 582
bmonkey 562
nixhex 559
bsmack 550
qbert 524
dal Fanatic 516
mac22 502
warwagon 500
rozy 499
atomicpunk 496
packwin13 401
Segment 3
cueball 4005
cinder 3805
primex 3800
qbert 3720
bsmack 3711
mrctm 3682
mac22 3626
dal Fanatic 3611
nixhex 3590
warwagon 3539
atomicpunk 3536
bmonkey 3505
jack007 3324
rozy 3270
packwin13 3238
Overall Points
primex 12638
bmonkey 12632
cueball 12528
mrctm 12491
bsmack 12489
mac22 12479
nixhex 12464
dal Fanatic 12221
cinder 12119
packwin13 12061
qbert 12041
warwagon 11998
jack007 11976
rozy 11689
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:10 pm
by Cueball
How 'bout 5 of 7 boys? :P
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:45 am
by packwin13
Jr is just killing me this segment- but I'm okay wtih that :)
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:37 am
by PrimeX
Cueball wrote:How 'bout 5 of 7 boys? :P
How 'bout 1st place?
Ummm, me got some 'bode.
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:48 am
by Cueball
PrimeX wrote:Cueball wrote:How 'bout 5 of 7 boys? :P
How 'bout 1st place?
Ummm, me got some 'bode.
No results posted yet, but I'll grab some of that 'bode you speak of a bit later
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:36 pm
by Mac22
end of segment 3... congrats to cueball and primex... our segment winner and overall leader
Week 26 Points
cueball 681
jack007 613
primex 594
dal Fanatic 551
qbert 543
nixhex 531
mrctm 528
cinder 528
bmonkey 516
mac22 516
warwagon 488
bsmack 477
rozy 458
packwin13 454
atomicpunk 446
Segment 3
cueball 4686
primex 4394
cinder 4333
qbert 4263
mrctm 4210
bsmack 4188
dal Fanatic 4162
mac22 4142
nixhex 4121
warwagon 4027
bmonkey 4021
atomicpunk 3982
jack007 3937
rozy 3728
packwin13 3692
Overall Points
primex 13232
cueball 13209
bmonkey 13148
mrctm 13019
mac22 12995
nixhex 12995
bsmack 12966
dal Fanatic 12772
cinder 12647
jack007 12589
qbert 12584
packwin13 12515
warwagon 12486
rozy 12147 ... icial.html
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:53 pm
by Cueball
From 604 back to 23 back. Look in yer mirror X
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:39 pm
by PrimeX
Damnit man!
Hey, I'll give you a dollar if you pick Tom Sneva in segment 4?
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:54 am
by Qbert
is that "pre-fire" Tom Sneava or "post"?
Al--->take the "Pre-" with the Points...