Democratic Underground is going ballistic!!
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:07 am
Check these out! What morons! ... id=1639341
I guess they forgot about Ginsberg, and how fair the Republicans were. You know why people hate these liberal hypocrites? I hope we do have a political civil war some day, I'd love to school book depository some libs!
Check these out! What morons! ... id=1639341
I guess they forgot about Ginsberg, and how fair the Republicans were. You know why people hate these liberal hypocrites? I hope we do have a political civil war some day, I'd love to school book depository some libs! ... 04x4142821
Fuck it, I think I *will* fight some more, you fascists
If any one issue can bring me back from the graveyard of political apathy, it's a SCOTUS fight. Lo and behold, it is here.
I have been waiting for this one for 4 1/2 years now. It was inevitable, considering the average age of the justices back on that dark January day in 2001. We all knew, didn't we, that this day would come?
All that dramatic rhetoric I posted after the election last fall? Piss on it. (I think a bit of morbidity in the wake of that debacle can be excused, so cut me some slack...) I knew the lesson of "never say never" when I posted that, but I am nothing if I am not true to my feelings at a given time. Or should I just say, "that was then, and this is NOW, fuckers."
Woody Guthrie said, "All you fascists are bound to lose." I am still grappling with my doubts and hopes fighting each other for that outcome. So while I still meditate on the balancing of hope versus reality, and rhetoric versus action, I am mindful I have never needed a weatherman to know which way this wind blows - to borrow from Guthrie's greatest heir.
I feel my blood again, rising. Human rights, the equality of genders, fair labor laws, and the necessity for religious and political fascism to be crushed and defeated, for the securing of true liberty and justice for all, deserves nothing less than constant vigilance and resistance to its enemies.
Time to re-up with the ACLU. NARAL. Amnesty International. Join the Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles. Fight for the unions. And get this machine killing some fascists again.
Friends and fellow travelers: Let's BORK this motherfucker.
This is the best the RETARDICANS can do?
This is the best?
A lifetime lawyer, a partisan right wing tool and someone with less juidical experience than Clarence Thomas had when Nebish Boosh nominated him?
SOMEONE GET THE DUCT TAPE. These retardicans are making my head explode!!!