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Marc O'Hair speaks

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:24 pm
by BSmack
I'm sure this gem will keep the media at bay. I'm sure they won't be looking for any more dirt on this guy. Nope, the media will now leave him alone.
To the media:

Because I love Sean, I put a long-term plan together and financed it producing one of the best young players in the world. I demanded long hours and a commitment to excellence that I do not regret. You are just now seeing what I knew all along…he’s a player. In those stale years from the fall of ’99 thru the fall of ’02, Sean’s game went into seclusion as a result of being bitterly frustrated because he was stuck between adolescence and young adulthood. We adults can definitely remember this time in our lives. As a rookie parent, I didn’t recognize the problem and we had a very painful split. It wasn’t until after Sean’s marriage that I realized that he simply needed his independence from me and wanted his own space with his woman to spread his eagle wings and fly. But Sean and his wife, in almost a vindictive tantrum, began a media assault a couple of years ago that has branded me forever. I wish Sean had just given me a call to tell me how bitter he was and why he was so bitter instead of unfairly bashing me in the press. There were so many twisted truths and outright lies told about me in the media. It’s amazing to me how “freedom of the press” can so quickly become “freedom of the oppressor”. I would have responded to the media blitzes in the past but didn’t at my wife Brenda’s request. She always thought that the tripe would end sooner or later. But Brenda now sees that every time Sean is in contention, I get hammered. It makes my life miserable. Even though Sean must sooner or later assume responsibilities for his own actions, I will bail him out of another one of his problems by releasing him from liability concerning the contracts…he is free…he owes me nothing. And in closing, I would like to tell all my dear friends in the media to kiss my ass.

Marc O’Hair ... lect=17076

Let this be a lesson to all the sports dads who try to live through their children. Deal with your issues, don't make them your kid's cross to bear.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 3:30 pm
by MuchoBulls
That "rookie parent" line was classic. What an absolute joke that dude is.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:36 pm
by King Crimson
that's really sad. Sean is clearly a fine player, but to put the screws on the kid like that is just wrong. if the kid was all that, and appears to be, a D-1 scholarship is not that impossible to get--and doesnt' jeopardize mom and dad and Sean financially.

the parts about "getting hammered" and "assuming responsibility" seems crossways with a lot of the rest of the letter.