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Marty's hot *NIX picks

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:04 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Linux distros that are worth looking in to.
Today, the emphasis is on Live CD's:

Damn Small Linux

An OS that fits on a 50 MB bootable business card CD? Hell yeah!


Hands down, my favourite Live CD. Has a good hard drive installer for a Debian based system. Tons and tons of excellent utilities packed into one 700 MB CD.


Proffesional Hacker's Linux Assault Kit.
Dust off your black hats, cowboys. This crack's for you.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:46 pm
by ElTaco
Knoppix is bad ass and they have a DVD version with even more stuff on it now.

Some other ones that I like are:

Helix -
The guys at e-fense are awesome when it comes to wireless network security/hacking and Helix is a copied version of Knoppix with lots of wireless goodies added for testing/hacking.

L.A.S. (Local Area Security) -
Haven't used this Live CD too much but I do have it with me a lot just in case I need it. Its a small footprint (180mb and 210mb) cd with a small version of knoppix once again as the base and a lot of network and PCsecurity testing tools included. It can be dumped into memory as well so you can take out the CD and used the CD rom/RW to burn forensic images.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:58 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
ElTaco wrote: Helix -
The guys at e-fense are awesome when it comes to wireless network security/hacking and Helix is a copied version of Knoppix with lots of wireless goodies added for testing/hacking.

Helix is alright.

You'd really get a kick out of Knoppix STD. I'm going to be booting it up later tonight.

Insane WiFi laughter ...MWAHAHAHA!!!!