Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:36 pm
[marq=right] BUWAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAAAAAA![/marq]KC Paul 3.0 wrote:“ we expect to be the top defense in the league.”
[marq=left] [/marq]
Damn, I needed a good laugh to round out my day.....
[marq=right] BUWAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAUHAAAAAA![/marq]KC Paul 3.0 wrote:“ we expect to be the top defense in the league.”
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Speaking of ATTITUDE, this next quote from Sammy Knight is why Dude was brought here to KC- he was asked by somebody how he feels about some fans saying that they want the Chiefs' defense to be ranked "middle of the pack":
MONEY.“When I hear that it, it makes me sick to my stomach. It really does. It makes me want to throw up. These guys are out here busting their ass all day and we expect to be the top defense in the league. That is what we shoot for. Just like the offense is expected to be the top offense in the league, we expect to be the top defense. Anything less is uncivilized. I just laugh at. If that is where they want to slot us that is fine. If that is where they want us to go that is fine. If people put limitations on you, you will be limited. We set our expectations to the highest level. We want to be the best. We may not be the best in the beginning, but when the end of December comes around we want to be the best.”
That says alot!I think from one to 40, it's a better team here than the Miami teams I've been on
That's right CM, no price is too high for that Chief Defense--remember that..........ChargerMike wrote:
I guess you're saying I can bid you up into the stratosphere for that vaunted Chief's D....right Paul?
SWEEP us??KC Paul 3.0 wrote:Funny....I'll be thinking the same thing when we SWEEP your asses this season.Myopic Jamika wrote:Damn, I needed a good laugh to round out my day.....
Just remember who the hell your head coach and OC is RaydahFan.
Glob of shit that smells like 8-8, give or take a game, Chef fan.
Your window is effectively closed.
Pre season...?JHawkBCD wrote:My favorite will be the $50 I get from Jamika when KC finishes with a better record than the Roiders.
JHawkBCD wrote:poptardsaywhat?
KC Paul 3.0 wrote:I am ON for a sig bet, Ass. That IS your abbreviation, isn't it Ass???The Assassin wrote:SWEEP us??
Sig bet???????????
You're full of shit if you think the Chefs get the sweep this year Cheffan.