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Ode to the Raiduhs'....

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:01 pm
by ChargerMike
Bwaha..pulled this sucker off a Chargers site......

Dark and lonely on an autumn night
Raider fans sits with his glass pipe!
Smoking that crack, for a moment he thinks
that maybe the Raiders will win from those offseason hi-jinks
Still as he rubs his aching wrists
from the damn handcuffs 5-0 always slips over his fists
He knows his parole officer is always right
the Chargers team has the West locked up tight
Now he get's ready to earn some scratch
Gotta find some poor victim to catch
Practicing his line "Gimme your wallet Meester!"
Soon he'll be back in his cell rubbing his sore keester
Poor little Raider fan in the Silver and Black
Your team is doomed to defeat, overwhelmed by the Bolt attack.

LOL listening to raiders fans attempt to lay smack!
Makes me laugh so hard I risk a heart attack
I was there last year when we clobbered your blokes
they played with no heart, one of the NFL's biggest jokes
I watched little felons cry in the halls
knowing their Raiders had no heart or balls
This year they'll be even worse
no matter that Al Davis opened his purse
Because the stench of ill that marks Raider Nation
Permeates not only the fans, but the whole organization
do us a favor and return to your cell
Ask your bunkmate if you can ring his bell
and for a brief bit of time you might bite your pillow
But when it's done, nothing's changed; Chargers are sharks, raiders are minnows.

Have you heard the news have you read the paper!
There's an Amber Alert! Somebody's pulled a caper
A triple murder and possible kidnappin'
Its really awful and got newsies mouths a flappin'
Now all those fans in the Raider Nation
are getting detained by every police organization
After all when violent crimes are afoot
Parole officers tell Raiders' fans to stay put
Don't leave the city or cross state lines
Silver and Black draws more than stiff fines
Back to the bighouse for those of the Black Hole
For more practice smoking their cellmate's pole
While their team of losers give it up on the field
To the Donkeys, Chiefs and Chargers this year, twice they will yield

That kicks ass.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:07 pm
by patriotsrule
Try to ban that raider fakers.
Patriots Rule. But hey give you Bolts some props!
Peace out!! Patriots Rule

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:39 pm
by trev
Did I just wake up on the wrong side of my nap or was that the dumbest poem ever posted?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:52 pm
by JHawkBCD
Neither... you're just drunk again... which must mean it's time to pick the kids up from summer school.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:55 pm
by Raydah James
JHawkBCD wrote:Neither... you're just drunk again... which must mean it's time to pick the kids up from summer school.
Or in your case, hit up the nearest buffet, bounce a couple of fucking checks like the degenerate piece of monkey shit you are, and close with chewing on GBG's elastic meat curtains by the foot.

Fucking gameless pussy.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:00 pm
by trev
Raydah James wrote:
JHawkBCD wrote:Neither... you're just drunk again... which must mean it's time to pick the kids up from summer school.
Or in your case, hit up the nearest buffet, bounce a couple of fucking checks like the degenerate piece of monkey shit you are, and close with chewing on GBG's elastic meat curtains by the foot.

Fucking gameless pussy.
So many things wrong with Stalks pussy statement but not worth responding to. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:19 pm
by JHawkBCD
Raydah James wrote:
JHawkBCD wrote:Neither... you're just drunk again... which must mean it's time to pick the kids up from summer school.
Or in your case, hit up the nearest buffet, bounce a couple of fucking checks like the degenerate piece of monkey shit you are, and close with chewing on GBG's elastic meat curtains by the foot.

Fucking gameless pussy.
Funny how you're so quick to go to this imaginary GBG card whilst you jump in and defend trevortard every time a "drunk while her kids were in the car" reset is dropped. Pretty clear that the smack you're running in her defense is because you want to fill her Easy-Bake Yeast Oven with your needle dick.


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:41 pm
by Raydah James
JHawkBCD wrote:
Funny how you're so quick to go to this imaginary GBG card whilst you jump in and defend trevortard every time a "drunk while her kids were in the car" reset is dropped.
Whats funny about it? You're a piglet fucking smackless bitch whose non existant game consists of writing checks with springs attached when you're not being a total pussy and stalking the woman who's carrying my love child.

Bring it cunt-i'll gladly thump that cockpost you call a head and blast a gallon of sillystring all over it after leveling your ass again with another beatown, vagdrip.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:00 am
by JHawkBCD
Raydah James wrote: Whats funny about it? You're a piglet fucking smackless bitch whose non existant game consists of writing checks with springs attached when you're not being a total pussy and stalking the woman who's carrying my love child.
Well, if it looks anything like you, at least you can cover up the genetic deficiencies by claiming fetal alcohol syndrome as an excuse for the ugliness.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:19 am
by Raydah James
JHawkBCD wrote:I wish I was you instead of bloated old porker who deals with people trying to slip pans under my feet and an apple in my mouth.
We know, JCocked....we know.

Not only are you a fucking top shelf loser whose life is so laughably pathetic that I wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy, you acheived this incredible fuckbag status while living in a shitbomb state that practically begs and pleads for its population to become at least a useable warm body by offering low housing prices and menial cost of living.

I mean, if they sent anyone other barney fife to apprehend your check scamming ass, I be shocked as shit.

Fucking chew spittin' redneck cock cozy.

What else should I expect from Greif fan though-We are talking about a fanbase who causes tidal waves of crisco to pour out of its stadium when the sun comes up on gameday. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:28 am
by JHawkBCD
Raydah James wrote: Not only are you a fucking top shelf loser whose life is so laughably pathetic that I wouldnt wish it upon my worst enemy...
You can only wish that your life was as pathetic as mine, metromosexual.