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Raiders vs. The Niners...Call it
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:14 am
by M2
The two most powerful teams in NFL History...
Going head to head...
Can you name any other rivalry, with so many SuperBowl's combined....???
That spend only a mile away from each other???
Didn't think so...
The Niner Empire....
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:19 am
by Cueball
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:19 am
by Cueball
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:20 am
by Cueball
No, definitely Niners
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:20 am
by Cueball
Wait, Raider fan wears those nice costumes.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:21 am
by Cueball
On second thought, Niner fan wears those pretty costumes
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:32 am
by M2
Can Cueball, or RaiderFan...
name this fucker????
I'm sure Kerry Collins will know his name very well late P.M. on the west coast.... :twisted:
the truth
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:34 am
by Qbert
responding ONCE to your post is a Board Faux Pas....but, ^^^^^^ this?
ok, like in Monty Python...your on the Bridge....seeking the Holy Grail--->your asked Red or Blue. (in this case Black)
Red or Black---->....Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Raiders will have the higher score in a meaningless scrimmage.
this is going to TRoTs unless RAIDERFan responds....btw.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:43 am
by M2
Qbert wrote:
Raiders will have the higher score in a meaningless scrimmage.
this is going to TRoTs unless RAIDERFan responds....btw.
This is why BrownFan, will always wake up in the morning, and ask m2...
Can I get you some juice??? With your coffee, while you watch the 49ers grab "The Trophy" again... Mr. m2???
Why of course you can... Mr. Bert :wink:
the truth
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:05 am
by Qbert
seriously, i hope that Paul Zukauskis works out well for your injury plagued O-line.
he's a dude that is very good while healthy.
as for your breakfast comments...
SF 2-14
However, the scoreboard shows that you are only as good as your last game.
since U are into History...pimping the 49'ers 5 rings... (which means nothing towards tomorrow...)
...feel free to research the Cleveland Browns history. (and you can STOP at 1964..btw!) :wink:
going to the History Card will always bite you in the Ass.
i like my eggs scrambled w/cheese, ham and juice. water will be fine.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:06 am
by frodo_biguns
Moss 10 TDs in the first quarter
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:12 am
by FaTaL
browns actually have fans?
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:14 am
by Qbert
though it would be quite humorous...i'd like to delete that post.... can't get 10 TD's when only playing 2-3 series of downs.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:19 am
by Red
Qbert wrote:though it would be quite humorous...i'd like to delete that post.... can't get 10 TD's when only playing 2-3 series of downs.
Why? It just adds to the overall tardiliciousness of this thread. WTF? Geeked over a preseason game... the
first preseason game, at that.
Of course what do I know? I seriously contemplated paying $50 to go watch the Broncs/Texans game this Saturday.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:21 am
by Qbert
FaTaL wrote:browns actually have fans?
in the history of these Boards since i joined up (01/2000)....i'm one of 3.
wonder why i'm a M0d?
the BROWNS have fans...they're just not very vocal when there team SUCKS Ass!
~sup NinerFan?
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:22 am
by M2
FaTaL wrote:browns actually have fans?
Not really, since they all died before the SuperBowl came into play...
Can anyone name a fan of the Browns????
That can last remember being there...for it? A Championship???
the truth
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:29 am
by Qbert
your a DonkeyFan in might actually want to go see your team Play?
your GEEKED--->admit it!
the shortbus section of this Thread has been exposed....and it is SAD. IS what it is....
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:38 am
by M2
Qbert wrote:Red
your a DonkeyFan in might actually want to go see your team Play?
your GEEKED--->admit it!
the shortbus section of this Thread has been exposed....and it is SAD. IS what it is....
or Brown and
Some who are brown... maybe use to it.. and some may not...
the truth
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:45 am
by The Assassin
Why you making a big deal out of a fucking preseason game?
Raiders 26-17.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:49 am
by Qbert
m2 wrote:FaTaL wrote:browns actually have fans?
Not really, since they all died before the SuperBowl came into play...
Can anyone name a fan of the Browns????
That can last remember being there...for it? A Championship???
the truth
i was about -1 1/2 at that time.
my best friends sister came home from her birth on CHAMPIONSHIP Day
it doesn't matter.
Titles are GREATER in the BROWNS Favor.
that doesn't matter EITHER.
our teams both SUCK. (your's more than mine)
4-12 is better than 2-14...learn it, live it and LOVE it!
Your SUPERBOWL will be trying to get that Season Split with the Fucking CARDINALS this Year!
ASSASSIN--->emmma is troling this Forum as a 49'er fan.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:50 am
by The Assassin
Qbert wrote:m2 wrote:FaTaL wrote:browns actually have fans?
Not really, since they all died before the SuperBowl came into play...
Can anyone name a fan of the Browns????
That can last remember being there...for it? A Championship???
the truth
i was about -1 1/2 at that time.
my best friends sister came home from her birth on CHAMPIONSHIP Day
it doesn't matter.
Titles are GREATER in the BROWNS Favor.
that doesn't matter EITHER.
our teams both SUCK. (your's more than mine)
4-12 is better than 2-14...learn it, live it and LOVE it!
Your SUPERBOWL will be trying to get that Season Split with the Fucking CARDINALS this Year!
ASSASSIN--->emmma is troling this Forum as a 49'er fan.
Guess he's out of materials to make his windchimes.
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:11 am
by M2
is another Niner Win...
as if we dont have enough...
the truth
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:27 am
by Qbert
BEATEN Down like an uneducated person that he is clearly Not???
where can i get a smoothie? all of this artsy sHit around and all....
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:38 am
by M2
Qbert wrote:BEATEN Down like an uneducated person that he is clearly Not???
where can i get a smoothie? all of this artsy sHit around and all....
Where the hell is Qbert going with his shit???
I'm gonna try and make a trip from Larkspur, Co. to Colorado Springs....
back to Larkspur Co...
and back to Colorado Springs... while I load 12,220 lbs on to a truck and hook my rig up to an auto-transport and get into the state of Kansas by the evening...
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:10 am
by FaTaL
m2 wrote:FaTaL wrote:browns actually have fans?
Not really, since they all died before the SuperBowl came into play...
Can anyone name a fan of the Browns????
That can last remember being there...for it? A Championship???
the truth
those browns fans had some nice posters for t.o last year.
browns won a super bowl recently but they changed there names to the ravens, thats gotta hurt
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:12 am
by FaTaL
Qbert wrote:m2 wrote:FaTaL wrote:browns actually have fans?
Not really, since they all died before the SuperBowl came into play...
Can anyone name a fan of the Browns????
That can last remember being there...for it? A Championship???
the truth
i was about -1 1/2 at that time.
my best friends sister came home from her birth on CHAMPIONSHIP Day
it doesn't matter.
Titles are GREATER in the BROWNS Favor.
that doesn't matter EITHER.
our teams both SUCK. (your's more than mine)
4-12 is better than 2-14...learn it, live it and LOVE it!
Your SUPERBOWL will be trying to get that Season Split with the Fucking CARDINALS this Year!
ASSASSIN--->emmma is troling this Forum as a 49'er fan.
hey they swept the cardinals last year!
go niners, dont pull a grossman alex!
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:26 pm
by poptart
Two Raiduh -'Niner pre-season game threads started by m0ronx2....?
In the very early years of the Dennis Rodman freak parade I recall him being interviewed by Roy Firestone. Roy paused at one moment and looked at Dennis, and with as much sincerity as he could muster he asked, "Dennis, what's wrong...?"
m0x2, what's wrong....?
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:22 am
by poptart
2:00 to go in the first half and Oakland has outgained the Faggywhiners 202 - 12.
12 fucking a HALF....????
Bwaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaha
Sweet "team" m.
Pretty sure they'll be hell-on-wheels when it all starts clickin' though.
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:34 am
by M2
poptart wrote:2:00 to go in the first half and Oakland has outgained the Faggywhiners 202 - 12.
12 fucking a HALF....????
Bwaaaaaaaaa hahahahahaha
Sweet "team" m.
Pretty sure they'll be hell-on-wheels when it all starts clickin' though.
Were playing our 2nd and 3rd string OL!!!!
You retard!
We started our tight end at LT...
Smith has done well, with a divsion II OL ...
Only 6-0 against our 3rd string....
The second half will tell who really has the best team...
I need to charge my cell phone for the 2nd half... since I'm at 8,000 ft... in the Rocky Mountains...
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:52 am
by M2
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:05 am
by M2
Niner Empire!!!!
14 - 6 !!!!!
against our 3rd team O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the truth
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:10 am
by M2
21-6 Niners!!!
The Niner Mafia is in full effect!!!!!!
m2 is the truth
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:23 am
by Qbert
must be an anomly....'cuz the BROWNS WON!!!!!!!
FACE IT--->our Team's SUCK 'til it COUNTS.
i'm outta this topic....until the "x" calls...
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:33 am
by M2
Qbert wrote:must be an anomly....'cuz the BROWNS WON!!!!!!!
FACE IT--->our Team's SUCK 'til it COUNTS.
i'm outta this topic....until the "x" calls...
Not really, we had only one guy on the OL, and zero starting WR's playing in this game...
Jennings, Smily, Bass, and "Pro-Bowler" Newberry our out due to injury...
They should be back by the start of the season..
The AFC West is just pathetic!!!!
The Raiders can't beat a 2-14 team's 3rd string!!!
the truth