
It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Raoul Duke
Posts: 90
Joined: Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:25 am
Location: somewhere around Barstow


Post by Raoul Duke »

Overnight is a documentary on an unbelievable Hollywood story. Troy Duffy is a fuckhead of Olympic proportions. Here was a bartender/bouncer, who somehow managed to get his script of "The Boondock Saints" in the hands of the right people, to the point that Harvey Weinstein of Miramax was throwing money at him. But that is not good enough for his douchebag. He has to have a band too, and with all of the buzz around his movie, he is getting some love from record companies as well. This guy is such a piece of shit, that he begins berating everybody, his bandmates, his brother, even Weinstein. It gets to the point that Miramax pulls out of the movie deal, because Duffy is just fuckin' impossible to work with. Overnight shows from when the deal was struck, to the end, with Troy working a door of a bar, back to being a bouncer. He could have been a Tarentino, but instead, he is just a cautionary tale.
I saw Boondock Saints, and I thought that it had a lot of good stuff in it. Very promising work, and I was hoping that Duffy would do another movie. But after seeing this, he definitely should just fade into oblivion.
There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.
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