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Local Radio Drama - CAIR 1, Free Speach 0

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:01 pm
by Tom In VA ... p?ID=19221
Washington, D.C. talk radio station WMAL, 630 AM, has caved to pressure from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a group that has savaged journalists, critics of radical Islam, even the Fox TV show “24”—but which just as steadfastly has refused to specifically condemn various Islamic terrorist organizations

After a three-week suspension, mid-morning host Michael Graham was fired over the weekend for his comment on July 21 that “Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization.” According to formal statement issued by the host last night, Disney-owned WMAL terminated him for the original remarks and his refusal to apologize for them.


Here are Graham’s remarks, with full context:

“Because of the mix of Islamic theology that—rightly or wrongly—is interpreted to promote violence, added to an organizational structure that allows violent radicals to operate openly in Islam’s name with impunity, Islam has, sadly, become a terrorist organization. It pains me to say it. But the good news is it doesn’t have to stay this way, if the vast majority of Muslims who don’t support terror will step forward and re-claim their religion.”

Plenty of people can—and do—take issue with the framing of the religion itself as a “terrorist organization.” But his surrounding comments have more than a ring of truth. Islamic theology is used to promote violence. And in many parts of the world, radicals have taken control of Islam—and the moderates have been effectively silenced.

And Graham’s desire that moderates re-claim control of Islam is shared by many, though likely not by CAIR or groups of its ilk.


I sent an email to the station, what the fuck. The guy was annoying sometimes, other times very funny, and he shoots from the hip. Doesn't engage in any of this ambiguous bullshit so many other hosts do. Maybe it was his local flair, but he buried Rush and Hannity IMHO and a few of the other local limp dicks on this station.

What a crock of shit this entire thing is. These Islamic freaks are all about one thing intimidation and extortion. I knew a dude that went to George Mason University, he penned a small criticism of the local Islamic students at the school in the school paper, years before 9-11 and had a mini "Fatwah" hanging over him :lol: Threats, and the like.

These kooky slimeballs need to grow up. The only one that cares about their religion is them, just as the only one's that care about Chrisitianity and Judaism are those that follow in both religions respectfully. This society is rightfully open and skeptical of religion. Outside of the church, these religions can and should be scrutinized and if something is said that hurts ....

Well maybe the truth hurts and those religions need to look at why people want to say, make statues of the virgin mary in fecal matter and such.

The problem is, this country is filled with sackless, gutless cowards. They'll rail on and on against Judaism and Christianity, yet somehow when a valid criticism is made against Islam, nuts start shrivelling up like they just hit a freezing cold pool.


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:53 pm
by Variable
Unfortunately, we're still firmly locked in the grip of political correctness in this country. The only group that it's okay to criticize is white affluent christians. Say anything remotely critical about any other group and the response will be a "how dare you" gasp of shock. It is no longer acceptable to point out the truth, especially if it's something that the criticized party doesn't want to hear.

I'll give you a perfect example:

Black women lack the ability to shut the hell up during a horror movie.

White teenage girls can't shut off their damn cell phones when they're in a movie theater.

The former would illicit nothing but ire from the pc crowd, while the second wouldn't even make them blink.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:19 pm
by Mister Bushice
The Muslims out in LA had an "Open House" in some of their mosques.

It's a blatant attempt to try and grease the skids for the day when one of their freaks blows something up here, and the citizens retaliate. They're afraid they'll be blamed for the radical members actions.

So instead of openly denouncing AND pursuing action against the terrorists hiddne here, they have an open House.

Niiice. Wait until the day comes when Americans are killed here. People won't be so happy about muslims then, no matter who they are, because they NEVER stepped up to really fight terrorism.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:23 pm
by Variable
Mister Bushice wrote:The Muslims out in LA had an "Open House" in some of their mosques.

It's a blatant attempt to try and grease the skids for the day when one of their freaks blows something up here, and the citizens retaliate. They're afraid they'll be blamed for the radical members actions.

So instead of openly denouncing AND pursuing action against the terrorists hiddne here, they have an open House.

Niiice. Wait until the day comes when Americans are killed here. People won't be so happy about muslims then, no matter who they are, because they NEVER stepped up to really fight terrorism.
Word. The reason many of them don't denounce it is because they understand at least in part why those who commit the acts of violence do so.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:25 pm
by socal
Mister Bushice wrote:The Muslims out in LA had an "Open House" in some of their mosques.

It's a blatant attempt to try and grease the skids for the day when one of their freaks blows something up here, and the citizens retaliate. They're afraid they'll be blamed for the radical members actions.

So instead of openly denouncing AND pursuing action against the terrorists hiddne here, they have an open House.

Niiice. Wait until the day comes when Americans are killed here. People won't be so happy about muslims then, no matter who they are, because they NEVER stepped up to really fight terrorism.
No sweeping generalizations here.

Bushice, please. Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:43 pm
by Variable
No sweeping generalizations here.

Bushice, please. Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?
This is exactly the type of PC bullshit that is the problem. How exactly do you talk about a group as a whole without generalizing?

We, normal, everyday non-PC types are NOT going to stop to qualify every, single, solitary statement just to ensure that you oversensitive dolts don't get your hackles up.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:46 pm
by Bizzarofelice
Variable wrote:
We, normal, everyday non-PC types are NOT going to stop to qualify every, single, solitary statement just to ensure that you oversensitive dolts don't get your hackles up.

Angry White Heterosexual has been slighted and he WILL defend his freedoms!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:52 pm
by socal
Variable wrote:
No sweeping generalizations here.

Bushice, please. Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?
This is exactly the type of PC bullshit that is the problem. How exactly do you talk about a group as a whole without generalizing?

We, normal, everyday non-PC types are NOT going to stop to qualify every, single, solitary statement just to ensure that you oversensitive dolts don't get your hackles up.
So you gonna reopen Manzanar then?

Get off your PC crutch, Vari.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:57 pm
by Dinsdale
First, it's pretty hard for me to take anyone's diatribe about "free speach" too seriously. You should be defending your right to illiteracy, and then maybe move on to Amendments you can spell.

And give a bigot half a chance to spout their hate, and they'll take it. The Muslims here in Portland had an "open house," and they invited the entire community to come join them in denouncing terrorism and violence, and urging others across the globe to denounce all forms of terrorism, as well. Had a good turnout, too. Maybe if the Muslims in your community weren't put on the defensive by all of your ethnic hatred, they'd be a little less leery, and would be a little more open to speak out in public. Instead, they're blamed for crimes committed thousands of miles away, that they had nothing to do with. I think I'd lay low if I were in their shoes, as well.

Two sides to every story, ain't there?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:18 pm
by Mister Bushice
I'm not talking about what's going on in Iraq, or anywhere else. I'm talking about what could be happening HERE in America.

The muslims in EVERY community know who the borderline adherents are. They know the business owners, they know the shop keepers and the bankers. They also know who agrees with the terrorist ideal, and some may know of those who outright support it.

Not coming forth with this info is consorting with terrorists. Period. When arab muslims blow shit up here in america, and I'm talking some thing that causes death to innocents, there WILL be a backlash, and by that time it will be too late.

If White Grandmothers were setting off bombs, I say we target them, but they're not. There is a very specific group of people plotting and carrying out this shit worldwide, so there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't look closer at the group as a whole, and get the viable memebers of the group invested in more than just prayer meetings and empty words, and follow that hippie shit up with some action.

Nothing racist about saving lives through preventive measures.

Do you honestly think prayer meetings and chants will solve the terrorism problem?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:22 pm
by Dinsdale
Mister Bushice wrote:get the viable memebers of the group invested in more than just prayer meetings and empty words, and follow that hippie shit up with some action.
Mandatory government service, but only for Muslims? Would this "action" be carried out by force? Regardless whether said Muslim was an American citizen or not?

No, you're not a bigot or anything.

It's OK, dude. Bigotry against Muslims is en vogue these days. You're cool.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:27 pm
by Mister Bushice
Dinsdale wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:get the viable memebers of the group invested in more than just prayer meetings and empty words, and follow that hippie shit up with some action.
Mandatory government service, but only for Muslims? Would this "action" be carried out by force? Regardless whether said Muslim was an American citizen or not?
No, dummy, that stands for ALL americans, but arab men are the ones doing the bulk of the terrorist attacks and bombings worldwide including 9-11, and the muslim communitys response is words and prayer meetings? how in fuck all will that stop anything?

If they're such great Americans they should do their patriotic duty and report suspicious activities or suspicious people, just like every other civic minded citizen.
No, you're not a bigot or anything.
You are correct.
It's OK, dude. Bigotry against Muslims is en vogue these days. You're cool.
How is it bigotry to ask the ONE group of people who know the most about those members of their own culture (locally I mean) to step up and do the right thing?
I say they should put words into action. That is all.

There's a bunch of fat white people volunteering to watch our southern borders. That is patriotism in practice.

If a muslim leader suspects an individual, business or group is supporting or plotting terrorism, it is his duty to report it to the proper authorities. I don't want to hear later on how some yatz in a robe says " I suspected he was sympathetic to the cause of the terrorists"

And if ANY US based muslim steps up and openly supports terrorism in any way, deport the fuckers.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:32 am
by Tom In VA
Dinsdale wrote:First, it's pretty hard for me to take anyone's diatribe about "free speach" too seriously. You should be defending your right to illiteracy, and then maybe move on to Amendments you can spell.

Two sides to every story, ain't there?
Pardon the spelling error Pat, I purchased the wrong vowel.

Yes, there are two sides to every story. As it pertains to the war on terrorism, there is Dinsdale's story and then there is reality.

Did it ever occur to you why they're so nice and friendly in the U&L ? It's a strategic entry point, just like the U&R. Safe houses are assets that best not be compromised.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:36 am
by Tom In VA
socal wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:The Muslims out in LA had an "Open House" in some of their mosques.

It's a blatant attempt to try and grease the skids for the day when one of their freaks blows something up here, and the citizens retaliate. They're afraid they'll be blamed for the radical members actions.

So instead of openly denouncing AND pursuing action against the terrorists hiddne here, they have an open House.

Niiice. Wait until the day comes when Americans are killed here. People won't be so happy about muslims then, no matter who they are, because they NEVER stepped up to really fight terrorism.
No sweeping generalizations here.

Bushice, please. Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?
So are Christians and Jews. I don't see the same level of concern for their sensitivities.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:05 am
by socal
mvscal wrote:
socal wrote: Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?

You mind filling us in on what these patriotic "Americans" are doing to help?
Getting educated. Working honest jobs. Paying taxes. Voting. Raising families. Real extremist stuff.

Bushice, if all the Muslims know what all the Muslims are doing, doesn't it stand to reason that all of the Christians know what all of the Christians do?


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:49 am
by Mister Bushice
socal wrote:
mvscal wrote:
socal wrote: Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?

You mind filling us in on what these patriotic "Americans" are doing to help?
Getting educated. Working honest jobs. Paying taxes. Voting. Raising families. Real extremist stuff.

Bushice, if all the Muslims know what all the Muslims are doing, doesn't it stand to reason that all of the Christians know what all of the Christians do?

Within a parish or house of worship, or within a racially segregated closed community like the muslims are, yes.

Just like koreans, vietnamese, filipinos, Mexicans etc. , the core social base of activities are always concentrated in one main ara of a city or town, but everyone within a select religious group/enclave/mosque knows all the members and those in the community, especially the leaders of the religious group. That is their business.

Christians lost that concept here decades ago. Foreigners who came here within the last half century have not, but their children will. It is born out of a comon need for togetherness in a new place where you know no one, so you seek out those like you.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:04 am
by Variable

Angry White Heterosexual has been slighted and he WILL defend his freedoms!!!
And I'll defend your freedoms and anyone else's too.

Pity me. I grew up in Davis, CA, which is basically PC Mecca, so I've been force-fed this shit since elementary school. I went along with it like a good little sheep until I was old enough to think for myself and realized how fucking stupid it is. It was probably after I was told that blacks didn't want to be called negros, blacks or Afro-american anymore, now it was African-American. No, no, maybe it was after I was told that Mexicans didn't want to be called hispanic, chicano, or even Mexican anymore...they were "latinos." It's really fucking stupid and for the most part it's a game that a few talking head activists play with the rest of us to keep themselves in the news. You want to play along, go for it.
socal wrote:Bushice, if all the Muslims know what all the Muslims are doing, doesn't it stand to reason that all of the Christians know what all of the Christians do?
Here you are criticizing Bushice for saying "all" again. When did Bushice say "all muslims"? He said "muslims". Some muslims know what extremist muslims are up to in America. Know why? This is really gonna blow your mind... Muslims hang with other muslims. I know, totally wild, out-there concept, huh? :roll:

Please stop playing dumb for the sake of toeing the PC line. It's comically transparent to the rest of us normal folks. You know exactly what Bushice is trying to say, but feign ignorance and attempt to find bigotry where there is none.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:31 am
by socal
Tom In VA wrote:So are Christians and Jews. I don't see the same level of concern for their sensitivities.
You're kidding, right?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:47 am
by socal
Variable wrote:Here you are criticizing Bushice for saying "all" again. When did Bushice say "all muslims"? He said "muslims". Some muslims know what extremist muslims are up to in America. Know why? This is really gonna blow your mind... Muslims hang with other muslims. I know, totally wild, out-there concept, huh? :roll:

Please stop playing dumb for the sake of toeing the PC line. It's comically transparent to the rest of us normal folks. You know exactly what Bushice is trying to say, but feign ignorance and attempt to find bigotry where there is none.
He said...
Mister Bushice wrote:The muslims in EVERY community know who the borderline adherents are.

The Muslims in L.A. had an open house.
He didn't say ALL, nor did he say SOME.

He's treating all Muslims as one homogenous group. It's rather lazy labeling on his part. It's ludicrous to think that Muslims in every community complicit in plotting against the United States.

And we won't be winning many hearts and minds of young Muslims if we refuse to see them as individuals. Where are we gonna get those Arabic speakers for the CIA and the military? The intelligence operatives of the future?


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:21 am
by Mister Bushice
socal wrote:
Variable wrote:Here you are criticizing Bushice for saying "all" again. When did Bushice say "all muslims"? He said "muslims". Some muslims know what extremist muslims are up to in America. Know why? This is really gonna blow your mind... Muslims hang with other muslims. I know, totally wild, out-there concept, huh? :roll:

Please stop playing dumb for the sake of toeing the PC line. It's comically transparent to the rest of us normal folks. You know exactly what Bushice is trying to say, but feign ignorance and attempt to find bigotry where there is none.
He said...
Mister Bushice wrote:The muslims in EVERY community know who the borderline adherents are.

The Muslims in L.A. had an open house.
He didn't say ALL, nor did he say SOME.
Yes I did. Here is my WHOLE QUOTE:
The Muslims out in LA had an "Open House" in some of their mosques.
Go back and read it for yourself, Doctor Anal, get it right next time.

And you'd better believe that the muslims are a tight knit community everywhere. Every mosque leader knows who goes there, because sundown prayers (or whatever the term is) are very important in their religion, and if you are a strict adherent, you are there. Every community of people who are "strangers in a strange land" no matter what their race or creed are close knit. Believe it.
He's treating all Muslims as one homogenous group. It's rather lazy labeling on his part. It's ludicrous to think that Muslims in every community complicit in plotting against the United States.
I NEVER said that. What I did say was that leaders of their communities should report any and all suspicious activities of members as their patriotic duty. Few to none ever do so. We get lucky sometimes, like these guys:
Arrest Made in Possible Terror Plot
# FBI probe uncovers a list of potential Southland targets and suggests a connection between prison groups and Islamic extremists.

By Greg Krikorian, Times Staff Writer

A Pakistani national has been arrested by authorities in connection with a far-reaching investigation of a possible terrorist plot targeting any of nearly two dozen locations in Southern California, including National Guard recruitment centers, law enforcement sources said Monday.

The suspect, identified as Hamad Riaz Samana, 21, of Los Angeles, was quietly taken into custody last week by counter-terrorism officials as part of a probe that began with the arrest of two men in Torrance suspected of robbing gas stations. The investigation, sources said, has involved more than 100 FBI agents and Los Angeles police detectives as well as counter-terrorism specialists with other federal and local agencies.

The case has opened a new and troubling front for counter-terrorism officials because of a possible connection to a radical form of Islam practiced by a group called Jamiyyat Ul Islam Is Saheeh, an official said. The group's name translates as The Assembly of Authentic Islam.

While little is known publicly about the JIS, as intelligence officials call it, the group has been around for several years and has a presence at Folsom State Prison, where one of the three men in custody, Levar Haney Washington, 25, served time for assault and robbery, according to law enforcement sources.

The JIS is only one of the prison-based groups being investigated for possible ties to Islamic extremists. The prospect that prisons in the U.S. may prove a breeding ground for homegrown terrorists has been a central focus of the closely-guarded investigation by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Monday, without providing any details, that the public disclosures about the JIS underscored concerns that inmates and ex-cons might be recruited for terrorism in the U.S.

"The conversation about prisons has been going on for a long time. That is not a new subject," Harman said during a luncheon with Times reporters. "My question is why don't we know more about this group, and what about other groups?"

The counter-terrorism case began when Washington and Gregory Vernon Patterson, 21, were arrested by Torrance police in connection with a string of gas station robberies between May 30 and July 3.

The arrests led to a search of Washington's apartment on West 27th Street in Los Angeles.

Detectives discovered bulletproof vests and "jihadist" materials not readily available via the Internet, authorities said. Also found were the addresses of locations including the National Guard facilities, two synagogues, the Israeli Consulate and the El Al Israel Airlines ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport.

Law enforcement sources say other recovered documents suggest that particular dates — including Sept. 11 — may have been selected for terrorist attacks.

Sources say they have found no links between the men arrested in Los Angeles and any overseas terrorism network. Samana was not known to have any criminal record or alleged ties to known terrorist groups.

But the documents allegedly recovered from Washington's apartment, sources say, strongly suggest the men may have been planning an attack that could have unfolded in a matter of weeks. Sources say authorities have been compiling evidence for possible federal charges.

Samana was being held at the federal Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles, but it was not clear what charge he was being held on. Washington and Patterson have been held at the Men's Central Jail since their arraignment on nine counts of robbery and one count of attempted robbery. A Superior Court judge has set bail at $1 million for Patterson and $2 million for Washington, a Rollin' 60s gang member.

Attorneys for Washington and Patterson have said they have not been apprised of any charges facing their clients outside of the robbery cases. The name of Samana's attorney was not available.

Patterson, who has no criminal record, worked at a duty free gift shop at LAX until early this year.

No one has suggested he was surveying the airport as a possible target, but the fact that he worked at the Tom Bradley International Terminal has raised concerns for counter-terrorism officials because LAX is viewed as one of the state's most likely potential targets
But no thanks to any muslim leader for that.

Still feel safe assuming anything, socal?
And we won't be winning many hearts and minds of young Muslims if we refuse to see them as individuals. Where are we gonna get those Arabic speakers for the CIA and the military? The intelligence operatives of the future?
The worst place to recruit linguists would be from the muslim community because of the high risk of spies. It's not like arabic can only be learned by arabs. The best recruits for out of country operatives are through established channels within the region we need them, those who know the people, the terrain, and can easily blend in. An American born Muslim operative would be spotted in moments by trained eyes and local spies.

If we're going to be able to rely on young muslims we have to count on the existing leaders to properly educate them as to the difference between what is right and what is wrong within the constructs of their faith. Without their help we can do little, as the religious leaders have a lot of influence among believers.

But up until now, they are merely hosting their own verson of a century 21 open house, and issuing the occasional but rare fatwa. Big fucking deal. They need to do more. Later when the public turns against them after one of their religious freaks set a bomb off and kills innocent americans they will regret they did not do anything, because I guarantee that the public will turn against them out of resentment for the senseless killings. It's happened before. Unfortunate, but true.

So they need to shit or get off the pot. Even if they are not paak.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:29 pm
by DrDetroit
socal wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:So are Christians and Jews. I don't see the same level of concern for their sensitivities.
You're kidding, right?
No, he's not kidding. As I posted two months ago or so, there is a strong anti-Catholic trend in the US right now.

Also, anti-Semitism is making a strong comeback in Europe and we're seeing some of that here, too.

However, we do not see the Left in this country denouncing this anti-catolicism or anti-Semitism.

Hence, like Tom, I also do not see the same level of sensitivity for Catholics and Jews as we do for blacks, hispanics, or arabs.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:32 pm
by DrDetroit
Mister Bushice wrote:The Muslims out in LA had an "Open House" in some of their mosques.

It's a blatant attempt to try and grease the skids for the day when one of their freaks blows something up here, and the citizens retaliate. They're afraid they'll be blamed for the radical members actions.

So instead of openly denouncing AND pursuing action against the terrorists hiddne here, they have an open House.

Niiice. Wait until the day comes when Americans are killed here. People won't be so happy about muslims then, no matter who they are, because they NEVER stepped up to really fight terrorism.
1) Any concern for anti-Muslim backlash is unfounded. Except for a few incidents immediately following 9/11 nowhere have we seen such a backlash occur.

2) And you're absolutely right...rather than denouncing the perversion of Islam and terrorism, American Muslims are essentially mum. Shoot, you can still take a ride through Brooklyn and here the local mosque blathering anti-American bile.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:34 pm
by DrDetroit
socal wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:No sweeping generalizations here.

Bushice, please. Ever occur to you that Muslims are Americans, too?
An accurate generalization, though, ain't it?
And Muslims are Americans, too? Link? Assimilation, what? The multiculti industry in this country has all but destroyed any obligation to assimilate.

They might be Americans, but only in hyphenated name only.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:40 pm
by DrDetroit
socal wrote: He's treating all Muslims as one homogenous group. It's rather lazy labeling on his part. It's ludicrous to think that Muslims in every community complicit in plotting against the United States.
I don't believe that Bushice is alleging complicity, Socal. He is criticizing the level of tolerance for this plotting and these attacks, though, and I think he is accurate. Very few Muslims publicly denounce the terrorists and the perversion of their religion.

I live within miles of the largest Arab population outside of the Middle East and with only a few exceptions, there has been no public outrage or condemnation for these terrorists.
And we won't be winning many hearts and minds of young Muslims if we refuse to see them as individuals.

Oh, please. Even if we tried to win their hearts and minds the American Left would denounce the effort as jingoism, nationalism run amok, etc.
Where are we gonna get those Arabic speakers for the CIA and the military? The intelligence operatives of the future?
It won't be by not assimilating them into American society, that's for sure.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:35 pm
by Tom In VA

No I'm not kidding. Look around you. Disney, the owners of ABC radio and therefore the owners of WMAL the station from which this gentlemen was fired, has made several movies and such that were met with protest. Their depiction of Judeo Christian priests called into question.

Did they acquiesce to the "sensitivities" of that church ? No.

That's my point, Disney, and this society as a whole seems to engage in double standards. Right now, the Christian and Jewish faiths are on the receiving end. I'm not bringing race, ethnicity, or anything else into this picture. Neither did Mr. Graham.

He was fired, because he broke the rules and did not comply with a management ultimatum. Management's ultimatum is based on a double standard.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:53 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:socal,

No I'm not kidding. Look around you. Disney, the owners of ABC radio and therefore the owners of WMAL the station from which this gentlemen was fired, has made several movies and such that were met with protest. Their depiction of Judeo Christian priests called into question.
Examples please? And did these movies go so far as to portray the present day RCC as a terrorist organization? Or just condoning of pedophilles?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:02 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:socal,

No I'm not kidding. Look around you. Disney, the owners of ABC radio and therefore the owners of WMAL the station from which this gentlemen was fired, has made several movies and such that were met with protest. Their depiction of Judeo Christian priests called into question.
Examples please? And did these movies go so far as to portray the present day RCC as a terrorist organization? Or just condoning of pedophilles?
Try again, the bait fell off your hook.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:06 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:socal,

No I'm not kidding. Look around you. Disney, the owners of ABC radio and therefore the owners of WMAL the station from which this gentlemen was fired, has made several movies and such that were met with protest. Their depiction of Judeo Christian priests called into question.
Examples please? And did these movies go so far as to portray the present day RCC as a terrorist organization? Or just condoning of pedophilles?
Try again, the bait fell off your hook.
So you can't think of ONE example of an anti-Christain Disney movie?

That's what I thought.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:04 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
BSmack wrote: Examples please? And did these movies go so far as to portray the present day RCC as a terrorist organization? Or just condoning of pedophilles?
Try again, the bait fell off your hook.
So you can't think of ONE example of an anti-Christain Disney movie?

That's what I thought.

That's not what you asked.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:09 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:That's not what you asked.
Hung by your own petard again eh? Where are these scathing portayals of "Judeo Christain priests"? How were they portrayed?


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:26 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:That's not what you asked.
Hung by your own petard again eh? Where are these scathing portayals of "Judeo Christain priests"? How were they portrayed?

Call me when Disney makes a movie called "Mullah" or "Imam" or they continue to air despite protests a light hearted look at "Madrassas" and the hi-jinx that occurs when a jihadist fucks his 69th virgin in heaven.

The point is, they don't, they don't have the balls to do it, and they are afraid to do it.

You're unable to successfully refute the points that have been made in thread. Subsequent to your failure and/or inability to do so you're attempting to deflect the issue.

Fact: WMAL, ABC, and Disney buckled under pressure and protest from CAIR and fired Michael Graham.

Fact: Disney and ABC have rarely if ever buckled under pressure and protest from Catholics. You want your movies ? Let's try on "Priest" and "Dogma" aside. Two movies that were protested by Catholics and others and yet Disney continued to release them and the staff responsible for their production were not fired.

Protest from one group and no action taken.
Protest from another group and decisive action is taken.
= Double Standard.

Continue on with your distortion of facts. It's quite entertaining. If you could spin to music as well as you spin verbally, you'd rival Baryshnikov.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:51 pm
by DrDetroit
Tom, I agree that Disney's action to fire Graham was not warranted and that by caving in to CAIR they're only strengthening the bully's hand.

But who cares about the double standard? We're all hypocrites in one fashion or another. It's human nature.

The better question is why ABC felt that it was inappropriate to discuss the interconnection between Islam and terrorism and why Islamic states tend to breed terrorists.

It's not as though Graham asserted that Islam is a terror organization in a vacuum.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:03 pm
by Tom In VA
Conversely, I think they had every right in the world to fire Graham. It's like any other job at any other company. You don't go by the rules made by the guy that signs your paycheck, you don't get a paycheck. The fact those rules and policies are based on a double standard notwithstanding.

I agree that we're all hypocrites about something and to varying degrees. Double Standards exist, but it doesn't make them right, the "sig line" I use says it all, I'm just making an observation. Like "Hey, that dude that thinks farting in an elevator is rude, just farted next to me on the train".

ABC, this station in particular, discusses these things, Graham just used words and tone that riled up CAIR. Several other hosts, national and local, talk about the silence of U.S. muslims as well. Just in a more diplomatic tone.

The interesting part is why. Why do they engage in this double standard ?

What leverage do these groups like CAIR have that the Catholic Church or some other organization that might get offended and protest have ?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:09 pm
by Dinsdale
DrDetroit wrote:I live within miles of the largest Arab population outside of the Middle East
Bueller? Class? Anyone?

When did you move to Indonesia?

Just had to remind myself why I generally ignore you.
A Backpedaling Idiot wrote:Did it ever occur to you why they're so nice and friendly in the U&L ? It's a strategic entry point, just like the U&R. Safe houses are assets that best not be compromised.
So, if Muslims don't speak out against Islamic terrorism, they're aiding and abetting the terrorists....BUT, if they DO speak out against it, it's because they're cleverly conspiring with them, and are just putting up a facade?

Well, looks like the terrorists have beaten at least one of us. Sad. A few miscreants from the Middle East hatch up a diabolical plot, and you fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Nice work, tard.

Anyone who can't see that the AQ/extremists know they're grossly outnumbered and outgunned, so their first step is to create a divide to promote their jihadist agenda is an idiot. Feel free to run your moronic fucking mouth all you want, but just know that YOU'RE the anti-American, and a puppet to the bad guys. If you can't see them working, then you're fucking stupid. They NEED for you and the other 99.9% of the Muslim population to start hating each other for their plan to work. Not you, Bin Laden, Bush, or any other retard is going to tell ME who to hate. When someone...anyone, friend or foe, tries to get you to distrust/hate anyone based on ethnicity, isn't that just a weeeee bit of a red flag to you?

Fucking morons.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:17 pm
by Tom In VA
Dear Dins,

Backpedal ? How so ?

I stated a fact there Dins. Just because you enjoyed tea and crumpets with your local muslim community doesn't mean shit. While you've drawn the conclusion that somehow this means they're not down with "the sickness", I just figured I'd interrupt your daydream with some facts.

1. The U&L as well as the U&R (Maine) have been used as entry points for terrorist agents. Dispute that ? Please do. It'd be another time when reality and facts stick their foot squarely up your ass.

2. As for your rose colored "well they seemed like nice people" attitude, sure. In fact, the 19 that slit the throats of innocent attendents, pilots, and passengers were all "nice boys" whose neighbors were shocked when they found out. Conscientious "nice boys". So are half the serial killers until they're caught.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:26 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:Call me when Disney makes a movie called "Mullah" or "Imam" or they continue to air despite protests a light hearted look at "Madrassas" and the hi-jinx that occurs when a jihadist fucks his 69th virgin in heaven.

The point is, they don't, they don't have the balls to do it, and they are afraid to do it.
Why don't you write one of those and see how far it flies? If Disney doesn't buy it you can make a mint crying about the liberal media like the rest of the neocons jabbering about.

My guess is they haven't done anything of the kind because they know that most Americans won't relate to a movie about a suicide bomber. Most Americans know a Priest. Not many know a sucide bomber or an Imam. Furthermore, they run the risk of potrying the suicide bomber/ Imam as a human being. And we all know the right wing would be all up in arms about that.
You're unable to successfully refute the points that have been made in thread. Subsequent to your failure and/or inability to do so you're attempting to deflect the issue.
You made the "point" that Disney was being twofaced in their dealings with this DJ vis a vis their dealings with the producers and writers of certain movies that have drawn the ire of the RCC. I asked you to provide examples of these movies. Up until this post you have responded like a whining little bitch.
Fact: WMAL, ABC, and Disney buckled under pressure and protest from CAIR and fired Michael Graham.
Because he denigrated a whole religion by calling them a terrorist organization. That is like calling the RCC a terrorist organization because the IRA is comprised of Catholics. It is stupid, uninformed and makes the people who hired Graham look stupid and uninformed.
Fact: Disney and ABC have rarely if ever buckled under pressure and protest from Catholics. You want your movies ? Let's try on "Priest" and "Dogma" aside. Two movies that were protested by Catholics and others and yet Disney continued to release them and the staff responsible for their production were not fired.
I've never seen Priest. From the reviews I have seen, it deals with two priests and their inner turmoils. Sounds like some bizzare but realisticly done drama. Certainly this is not behavior that is completely alien to the community of priests. And, if the reviews at IMDb are to be believed, people did not walk away thinking that ALL priests were gay, or sleeping around or covering up crimes.

The point is that comparing Grahams's blanket assertion that "Islam is a terror organization" to Priest doesn't make sense.

And it makes even less sense to compare Graham's idiocy to Dogma. I've seen Dogma and I would LOVE to know what the RCC found offensive about Dogma.
Protest from one group and no action taken.
Protest from another group and decisive action is taken.
= Double Standard.
Again, you fail to take into account the validity of each protest. The RCC has a 2000 year history of being overbearing, over controlling and hypersensitive. The protests against the two movies you cited are classic examples of the RCC using it's pull to attempt to stifle viewpoints it finds theatening.

BTW: Your current Pope finds Harry Potter to be offensive. Shall we burn J.K. Rowling at the stake too?
Continue on with your distortion of facts. It's quite entertaining. If you could spin to music as well as you spin verbally, you'd rival Baryshnikov.
I'm nothing more than a Solid Gold backup dancer compared to your frenetic gyrations.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:31 pm
by Dinsdale
Tom In VA wrote:1. The U&L as well as the U&R (Maine) have been used as entry points for terrorist agents. Dispute that ? Please do. It'd be another time when reality and facts stick their foot squarely up your ass.
Why, becasue a few tards tried to set up a training camp hundreds of miles from any population center? If I was trying to do something on the down-low, I would think that Eastern Oregon would be a great place. Same goes for anywhere in northern Nevada. There's nothing there. weren't actually about to start citing the Portland 7 as an example, were you? Please do....I can assure you it would be the biggest laugh I've had on these boards in quite some time. You didn't actually buy into that absolue heinous bunch of propaganda crap, did you? If you care to cite any other non-bullshit-propaganda-based examples, I'm all ears.
2. As for your rose colored "well they seemed like nice people" attitude, sure. In fact, the 19 that slit the throats of innocent attendents, pilots, and passengers were all "nice boys" whose neighbors were shocked when they found out. Conscientious "nice boys". So are half the serial killers until they're caught.
OK, I see we agree on something -- that you're an easily duped mental midget that bought into the hatred. What was the name of that one dude who said that all Jews were out to get the Aryans? Didn't he start calling people out for harboring Jews?

"19 Muslim men hijacked some planes, therefore ALL Muslim men are looking to hijack planes!"

Hello? There's HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Muslim men, and you've found 19 examples (actually, there's many....even hundreds of others.....and this math works out to WHAT percentage?), so it's now OK to treat Muslim Americans different from other citizens? And their "duty" as Americans is different from anyone else's?

You're an American. You have every Right as an American to be a bigot, assuming you take it no further than words. I will even support your Right to do so. But, you obviously know in your heart that you're in the wrong, if you have to lie about what you're doing, and call it something else and sugar-coat it.

Call it what you want, it doesn't change what it is. The fact you're ashamed of it is pretty telling, though.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:31 pm
by DrDetroit
Dinsdale...oh, never mind...Mvscal already stomped your lily-livered ass into the ground on that.
So, if Muslims don't speak out against Islamic terrorism, they're aiding and abetting the terrorists....BUT, if they DO speak out against it, it's because they're cleverly conspiring with them, and are just putting up a facade?
Who asserted that they were aiding and abetting terrorists? Why is it that you people have to inaccurately restate our positions in order to make a point that isn't worth making in the first place?
They NEED for you and the other 99.9% of the Muslim population to start hating each other for their plan to work. Not you, Bin Laden, Bush, or any other retard is going to tell ME who to hate. When someone...anyone, friend or foe, tries to get you to distrust/hate anyone based on ethnicity, isn't that just a weeeee bit of a red flag to you?
Again, who suggested that they be hated? Again you're forced to restate someone's statements in order to make an irrelevant point.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:53 pm
by socal

CAIR is just doing its job calling a spade a spade. Graham's remarks were overly broad, and he was stubborn enough not to apologize and lost his job. It's not the first time a radio host has gotten himself into hot water and station management was scalded.

Your anti-Christian (Catholicism) and anti-Semite (Judaism) angle is interesting. The standards are so much doubled as they are apples and oranges. Did the movies "Priest" and "Dogma" call Catholicism a terrorist organization? No. Did it threaten the church's hierarchy higlighting the hypocritical nature of the church or skewer the church over satirical coals? Yes. They are works of fiction that provoke or challenge the faithful to take a hard look at ourselves/themselves perhaps even laugh a little, whereas Graham is very real touting his views over the air.

Sidebar: Is there a movie in the last 50 years that the Catholic Church didn't deem objectionable? As a kid I was barred from seeing many a flick for language, sex, and violence. Hell, I just saw Slapshot for the first time this past weekend because Mom took a look at the archdiocesan weekly newspaper which basically said you'd go to hell if you even glanced at the marquis as you drove by the theater.


You could easily drop the "The" from the beginning of the sentence to satisfy the PCers but your message doesn't change. Not every Muslim is an extremist looking to kill Americans. There are Muslims from many walks of life who fall across the political spectrum and the varying degrees of assimilation that Detroit refuses to acknowledge. If you're looking to the "liberal" or "moderate" Muslims to rat out the "extremist" Muslims, I'm afraid they are out of the loop just as you and I are. These terror cells it turns out are pretty tight and don't broadcast their intentions daily upon sunset at the mosque. Apparently they're robbing banks in Torrance, eh?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:10 pm
by DrDetroit
No shit, Mvscal, how many Muslims have provided information to US forces that have directly led to the capture or killing of insurgents in Iraq, Taliban personnel in Afghanistan, or to the capture of fools like Ramsey Jousef?

Socal, get a clue, dipshit.