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Simmah don nah ...

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:43 pm
by orcinus
With kickoff just around the corner, it's only natural for things to get a little bit testy in here; however, let's keep a lid on it.

If you have a problem with a thread being moved or think you're being treated unfairly by a moderator, how 'bout take the rational approach and shoot me a PM instead of starting a dozen threads about gay mods that need to be banned.

All homerism aside, M2, you should know that Paul 1.0 (yes ... it was once much, much worse) once got a two-week timeout for starting a legion of ridiculous threads. While you're not yet in that version's league, I can also see where this could be heading.

If you want to flame with another poster, mod or admin, the one unwritten rule we utilize in here is keep it contained. A stream of bickering within a single thread can be either funny and entertaining, or it can remain in a single thread ... fair enough? Flame wars that spill into each and every thread with ankle-biting and endless tripe can, should and will be clipped at every opportunity.

You don't have to hold hands and sing Kumbaya in here; however, please respect your fellow posters and bring the football debate.

Stay the course, folks ... we're in the home stretch.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:58 pm
by Headhunter
We need to be mindful that there are posters here who are not familiar with the smackboard NFL way. They will be assimilated. By brutal force, if necessary.

As the season kicks off, we can expect more people to join in. They are welcome, but they will learn the rules of this forum.

Orc laid it out pretty well.

Qbert and Felix have a history of modding this joint pretty well. Orc rules with an Iron fist, but a fair one. Me, I'm just here to pick up the slack.

Like Orc said, PM's are a good choice. Let's keep the forum clean, and Football related.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:00 pm
by poptart
Good post, orc.

Aside from Felix being ghey,
this forum is fairly ok.

If anyone has a beef with me they may NOT shoot me a PM.

They can stick it in their ear.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:20 pm
by Louis Cyphre
I'll get a piece of you at your next 9:07 chat. :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:57 am
by poptart
Be there this Saturday, Louis......9:07.

Someone's gettin' slapped around.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:00 am
by kcdave
Orc, you know me. I will nit-pick a post too fucking pieces, as soon as mods and admins start telling people what they can, and can not do.

Now that I have nit-picked your post too fucking pieces ........ I have too say "Bravo." You nailed it.

The only thing anyone should expect/demand from a board is fairness, and what Orc laid out there, is more than fair. Nice job Dana.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:44 am
by Louis Cyphre
poptart wrote:Be there this Saturday, Louis......9:07.

Someone's gettin' slapped around.
You can claim BODE on me all night on Saturday, pop. I don't post on the weekends.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:59 am
by poptart
Damn shame, Louis.

Two weeks ago a lot of the internet celebrities showed up.

I bloodied a few noses and then slept like a baby.

More of the same this week.

You have a swell weekend too.

Re: Simmah don nah ...

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:50 am
by Diogenes
orcinus wrote:If you have a problem with a thread being moved or think you're being treated unfairly by a moderator, how 'bout take the rational approach and shoot me a PM instead of starting a dozen threads about gay mods that need to be banned.

They made Bushice a mod here? :evil: