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Former nanny sues Bob Stoops, wife

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:03 pm
by RadioFan
Former Nanny Sues Stoops, Wife

NORMAN, Okla. -- A woman who worked as a nanny for OU football coach Bob Stoops is suing him and his wife for medical expenses and lost wages.

Janay Roberts said she tripped over a family pet and fell down a flight of stairs Sept. 1, 2003, at the Stoops home. She also injured her back and needs surgery, she contends in a lawsuit filed in Cleveland County District Court on Wednesday.

Roberts is seeking more than $10,000 in actual damages and more than $10,000 in punitive damages.

In a written statement, Stoops said he and his wife, Carol, "continue to hope to achieve an acceptable resolution to the matter."

The coach said he and his wife are committed to paying for Roberts' legitimate medical expenses, but while they were trying to reach a mutually agreeable resolution she retained the services of an attorney.

"We sincerely regret that we have been unable to resolve this matter in an amicable manner," the statement read. "Certainly, we believe that she should be reasonably compensated for her legitimate medical accident-related injuries that occurred in our home."

The Stoopses said in the statement they obtained professional advice to make sure they were following applicable laws when they hired the woman.

"While we deny many of the allegations made in the lawsuit, our attorneys will continue to try and resolve this matter," the statement said. "It is our expectation that this lawsuit will not unduly disrupt our family or professional duties and responsibilities."

Roberts, 29, of Norman said the accident occurred while Carol Stoops was hosting a Mary Kay cosmetics sales party downstairs. She was upstairs caring for the Stoops' three children.

Stoops and his wife initially promised to pay her medical expenses and referred her to a doctor, Robert says.

The couple reneged on the agreement and fired her after being told she would need surgery, she alleged.

The petition, filed by Blanchard attorney John Melot, alleges breach of agreement and wrongful discharge.

Roberts worked for the Stoopses for at least a year, the coach's attorney said. ... etail.html

Strange story. It's not like Stoops can't pay her medical bills. Makes me wonder what's really going on here. Sounds like they had a personal falling out as well, so to speak.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:44 pm
by indyfrisco
In more important news...


Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:58 pm
by Jimmy Medalions
Let's see that nanny try to win that case in the SEC :roll:

-T Bag

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:20 pm
by PrimeX
IndyFrisco wrote:In more important news...

Oh hell yes.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:55 pm
by T REX
Jimmy Medalions wrote:Let's see that nanny try to win that case in the SEC :roll:

-T Bag
That doesn't even make sense. Is that all you guys do around here, lob insults? I see your membership is peaking at about 15 other insult types. Wow. I guess you have nothing better to do.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:35 am
by GreginPG
T BAG wrote:

That doesn't even make sense. Is that all you guys do around here, lob insults? I see your membership is peaking at about 15 other insult types. Wow. I guess you have nothing better to do.



Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:55 pm
by indyfrisco

Search for keywords: insult

Search for Author: T REX

Search found 6 matches

Keep playing the "stop picking on me!" kid in the playground and keep getting picked on.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:41 pm
by WolverineSteve
A) Mary Kay cosmetics...surely Stoops could splurge for the name brand warpaint for the old lady. Or did she need the income?

B)20k is akin to tip money for Bob, so there must be more to it. His defense team will cost him at least that much.

C)Who the fuck cares.

D)Why can't Mrs. Stoops raise her own ankle biters? Lazy bitch.

E)How will this effect OU's season? :wink:

OU slappy's analysis and insider info sure to follow.