Who cares about Neas? Uh, the Democratic National Committee, dolt. That's who. Remember last month when the WaPo and NYT both had front page articles explaining that Roberts' confirmation was a foregone conclusion as Democrats commented that he was likely to be confirmed? Well, the very next day, the headlines were about groups like Neas' hammering Democrats like Leahy, Schumer, etc., to get aggressive. It was immediately after that sure enough we saw the AP hit piece suggesting that Roberts was racist and Democrats predictably were concerned about this "serious development."
Don't tell me he doesn't matter. Neas matters a whole lot more to the Democrats than Robertson does to the Republicans.
The change happened when Roberts was tapped to fill Rhenquist's spot and not O'Connor's spot. Now moderate and conservative dems are feeling pressure to support Roberts on the premise that Roberts will be no worse than Rhenquist already was and they can keep their powder dry for a fight over O'Connor's replacement.
How does that address my point, B? How can Leahy go from condemning Roberts as a thread to progress made re: civil rights, women's rights, privacy, etc., to supporting his nomination to Chief Justice?
He did and it demonstrates that his earlier condemnation was disgusting political smear motivated by pressure from groups like Neas' PFAW. Period.
This is the gift that keeps on giving, B. You guys have just demonstrated that you're unprincipled lying scoundrels who will smear a nominee without knowing anything about him...