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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:25 pm
by Cornhusker
Lefty, I was sure I saw this correctly last night in the LSU / Tenn. game.
Tennesse kicks off after a touchdown and a coverage guy is clearly offsides.
LSU returns the kick to about their own 33.
The officials walk off the 5 yards and LSU starts scrimmage from the 38.

If the recieving team accepts the penalty, shouldn't Tenn. have re-kicked from the 30? And wouldn't LSU have to decline, to take possession?

It's not a dead ball foul on a kick-off that was returnable.

Anybody else see this? Or was I hallucinating? (No chemicals involved)

:?: :?: :?:

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:52 pm
by Left Seater
Change to the rules this season. The receiving team now has the option to add the 5 yards to the end of the run. This change was made in the name of safety and in order to move the game along.

LSU could have taken the option of moving the free kick line back to the 30 and having Tenn rekick, but why do that when you have the ball on your own 38.

Kicks are special plays that have different rules. On a normal down if LSU had fouled and Tenn took possession during the down, Tenn would have to decline LSU's foul to keep the ball, otherwise the down would be replayed. Not sure where you are going with the dead-ball foul comment, it may be that I am just missing your point. However, in this play last night it is a live ball foul.

Hope that helps, and that I didn't make it too complicated.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:47 pm
by indyfrisco

I noticed this rule change in the NFL too. That was new in the NFL this year as well, right?

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:47 pm
by Cornhusker
Left Seater wrote:Not sure where you are going with the dead-ball foul comment, it may be that I am just missing your point. However, in this play last night it is a live ball foul.

Hope that helps, and that I didn't make it too complicated.
It was a poorly worded point on my part to say the least.
I was trying to state it was obvious it wasn't a dead ball foul, consequently, I couldn't understand how the play stood and the yardage marked off.

Thanks for the new rule information.

:roll: Sure, I made it a point to read that article about rule changes before the season started... :roll: