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bradhusker let me axs you a ?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:00 pm
by Hurrigangstah
ho you think ninty5 nebraska is the shizzle 'a college footbizzle?

dont step to me like that bitch it is clear that any vintage of the U after 9five would have opened up a can of whoopazz on that team. in fact guess what my caddie and nebraskas win percentage over the canes have in common over the last thirty years trick: twenties.

redneck fatazz bitches like you only have the past to live for while the U be living in the NOW. the U would be getting six on the huskers all day long if they played today and that be a FACT.

nebraska just a bunch of fat slow whities. be real dawg that program of yours is like the days when LT smoked the rock it is ancient history.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:26 pm
by L45B
^^^ A slight improvement from the Kevin/Gene/Feldman/Fargas-version of Brad.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:21 pm
by peter dragon
but would they win 8 of 10? :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:23 pm
by Hurrigangstah
just as i expected from a little trick bitch like brad. ho wont even show his face cause he know i'd put him to work on the corner for minimum wage.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:35 am
by bradhusker
Hurrigangstah wrote:just as i expected from a little trick bitch like brad. ho wont even show his face cause he know i'd put him to work on the corner for minimum wage.
hey hurrigangstah, ya know what? when nebraska physically ran the rock down warren sapp's and ray lewis' throats in the 95 orange bowl, IN YOUR HOUSE, no less, I WAS THERE, I even had the pleasure of beating the fuck piss shit out of some skinny cane jigglypoofs,
you'd put me to work on the corner?
is that before or after I beat you to a lifeless pulp? I'm the size of a grizzly bear, my massive hands alone weigh more than your entire scrawny body, your lifeless body would be flat as a pancake on that street corner, and a dog would shit a steaming pile right on your gangsta face,

I think I saw you at the 95 orange bowl, me and my cornfed smashmouth buddies were guzzzling a few kegs, downing a few porterhouse steaks, while you and your punk bitches were giving hand jobs for crack on the side, BY THE WAY, ONLY nebraska comes into YOUR CRIB, and dis-respects ya in front of your phoney fair weather fans, and we physically ran it down your pussy throats,
see, miami isnt physical football, its pussy football,
BY THE WAY, when you travel up to blacksburg, va tech is gonna rape you again, but, you are used to getting anal raped, arent ya, cane pussy?
teams get "hard ons" at the thought of facing the faggott canes,
stop living in the past, ya crying little pussy,
see, no one cares if miami beats NU out in california, BUT, only nebraska can come into YOUR HOUSE, and physically take you by force, just like I'd take ya by force if I choose, thats the law of physics, a BIG animal like me, can bend ya over, chew you up and spit ya out, I can do whatever I want, to a wussy crack whore like you,
go back to what you do best, suck dick for crack on the streets of miami,

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:46 pm
by Hurrigangstah
listen to the fat nuckledragging whitey run his trap. ho it took you three days to come up with that? face the facts bitch when we last met you that little quitter girl qb of yours got his ass kicked up and down the field. he was a joke to every other heisman winner ever man. just another dumb slow whitey neck with no skills and no heart. check out how miami always talked about like a contender and how nebraska always rebuilding. rebuilding is whitey talk for can't even win in a bitch ass conference.

brad it clear you one stupid mark assed bitch just like all other husker idiot losers. you got no team and no cred and we know if the U showed up in lincon those lily white bitch players and that loser coach who got fired from the raiders would run for the hills only cept there are no hills in nebraska i guess they would run to the barn and deep dick the cows.

you got no game and no team brad face it nebraska is old news.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 5:09 pm
by Cicero
Nebraska was better in 95
Miami was better in 2001

You both have small penises.

Lets move it along.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:50 pm
by bradhusker
hey hurrigangsta, LISTEN UP FOOL,

its funny how you called eric crouch a girl, LETS COMPARE?

your faggott QB ken dorsey, slides like a scared bitch when a linebacker comes close,
IN STARK CONTRAST, when a linebacker closes on crouch, eric just lowers his shoulder and hits the motherfucker square on,
NOW, from anybodies perspective, its ken dorsey who is the scared lil' pussy girl, NOT crouch,
just watch kenny boy slide like a princess with his dainty little fag hands,
and you come in here and talk about crouch? crouch hits defensive players square on, while little kenny just slides like a middle school girl,
which brings me to the next topic at hand,
YA GOT NO BALLS, just like your pussy canes, and after va tech dry fucks you, YET AGAIN, I will take a shit on your pussy face,
ya dumb south florida pussy,
I guess you were too stupid to realize that eric crouch played football like a corn fed stud, smashmouth style, hitting defenders squarely,
WHILE your pencil neck queen ken dorsey ran scared shitless, sliding to avoid contact at all costs, NOW thats what you would call a pussy, you can say that ken dorsey was a pocket passer, BUT, he avoided contact at all costs, because he was a dainty little pussy ass bitch, AND, its funny how you called eric crouch a girl, when eric crouch played football smashmouth style, like a stud with huge BALLS,
always hitting, never sliding like faggott kenny dorsey,
it seems that you dont know what a stud is, I guess you and your buddies giving blow jobs for crack on the street, qualifies you as BUTCH, makes ya TOUGH, your nothing but an aids infected queer,
the canes are laughed at nowadays,
learn to embrace that fact,

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:03 pm
by Hurrigangstah
man you the biggest dumb bitch ever. crouch had no skills as a qb so the dumbass tried to run the ball. guess what slut when they go head to head dorsey hung 360 on little pink while crouch only get 60. an if that ain't enough the U smoked your slow ass whitey team by 23 points to win the national champeonship. so who you say is better? dont answer that trick the scoreboard says it all.


Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:13 pm
by bradhusker
hey stupid motherfuckin pussy bitch, NEBRASKA beat the fuck out of your pussy canes, IN THEIR HOUSE! its one thing to beat a team out in california, big fuckin deal, its another thing to march into someone's CRIB, and PHYSICALLY run the rock down their throats, especially warren sapp and ray lewis' throats,
dis-respect ya right in front of your pussy fans, IN YOUR CRIB no less,
choke on it,
gay boy,

I was there by the way, I personally got to beat up some of your crack friends, with my bare hands, it felt good,
you crack boys got some skinny tooth pick legs by the way,
why is that?
didnt your mom make sure you drank enough milk as kids,
or did you just grow up smoking crack?
huh? tooth picks for legs boy,
swear to god, you got some skinny princess legs, punk,
as for me?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:24 pm
by Hurrigangstah
i see how you roll. you would rather win a game ten years ago in the 19th century than win one only a few years ago. this typical nebraska logic cause they haven't done anything since that time. man it is like you listening to nwa all this time and never even heard of 50cent cause you such a stupid fat whitey.

face it ho the U would role to lincon on a days notice and hang a half hundred on those fat slow whitey student athletes you got up there. be throwing bombs deep and shit all day like perl harbor and shit. our secondary so tight we play man up on your slow white receivers and let the boys up front push your ass back into your own endzone for 2 all day long.

in the end it just simple math cause nebraska hasnt done shit since the 19th century and the U ROLED them in 02 by 23 to embarass them on national tv to win the national title.

when people say nebraska they think slow, white, dumb and washed up. if i was you i would put a 9 to my head and pull the trigger cause it aint ever gonna get better. nebraska is a dead program in a dead conference.,


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:30 am
by bradhusker
hey hurrigangsta,
is that who you listen to? NWA, tupac, 50 cent? thats pussy fag music,
I listen to the KING, elvis presley, even in death, he makes those scared ass punks quiver, NONE of those rappers, or should I say crappers , is worth a turd, before they made money selling their crap to their crack fans, they were giving handjobs for crack on the side of the street,
sorry to have to break this to you, but rap is pussy fag music, it has no heart or soul,
elvis presley, THE KING, had more soul in a sample of his ear wax, than every single rapper alive or dead,
IN FACT, in just a microscopic sample of elvis' ROYAL CUM, you will find more pure soul, than ten million rappers,
just get a copy of the memphis sessions at american studios circa 1969, and the soul in elvis' voice is AWE INSPIRING!
as for the shit music you listen to? its for losers,

BACK TO BIG TIME POWER FOOTBALL, the canes are a pussy program now, hows it feel to know that the va tech hokies are laughing at your pussy canes? HUH? va tech beats you fruits on a regular basis,
just mention to a va tech player, that they have an upcoming game against miami, and they get an immediate "hard-on",
actually, nc state gets a "hard-on" at the thought of lining up against you wussies,
FACE REALITY, your program is a laughingstock now,
OH, by the way, you wanted to know why it took me so long to respond to your post? what was it you said? it took me 3 days?
its called, "HAVING A LIFE", you should try it some time, ya dumb fucker, see, I am not like you, you sit at your sugar daddy's computer,
type in a bunch of nonsense, and wait for a response, in the meantime, you probably jack off a couple hundred times to pics of 50 cent and eminem having anal sex, all the time, wishing you were pitching or catching,
I work full time, when I'm not at work, I'm at the gym, lifting like an animal, then, I'm downing 40 ounce porterhouse steaks, THEN, its time for some serious off-road mountain biking, followed by hard-core sex with girls who look like jessica alba, AND GUESS WHAT? they fix me a pancake breakfast in the morning,
meanwhile, hurrigangsta is on his sugar daddy's computer, waiting to hear back from the ALL TIME POWERHOUSE CORN FED STUD, named, you guessed it, BRADHUSKER!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you, thank you very much,
so gangsta, the next time you dont hear from me right away, its because jessica alba is sitting on my face, while I'm cumming in hers,
with gallons of grade A corn fed certified prime mid-west cum,
by the way, if I were you, I wouldnt make the trip up to blacksburg this year, just saying,

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:23 pm
by Nebraska Pimpin' 4 Life
wats goin on hare?