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Right to die

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:12 am
by Mister Bushice
Big SC issue right now. Hard to say which way it will go.

It could become a very influential matter on appointing the next justice. Roberts is taking a hard federal line on the subject.

Personally, I wouldn't choose to off myself, assisted or otherwise unless I ran out of every option there was and life was a living hell of constant pain with no recourse.

But medical marijuana should be legal, and state controlled, not federal.
Any pain medication that is used to ease the suffering of a person who has no other way should be allowed.

Trying to lump crack whores in with an 80 year old person who has a neurological disorder that can only be controlled with what are now labeled illegal drugs by the feds is wrong. There is a clear difference between abuse and use.

If that shits happens to me, I'm off to Denmark, or thereabouts.

Re: Right to die

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:54 pm
by Risa
Mister Bushice wrote:Trying to lump crack whores in with an 80 year old person who has a neurological disorder that can only be controlled with what are now labeled illegal drugs by the feds is wrong. There is a clear difference between abuse and use.
there is no difference between abuses, however.

so why do some drug abuse offenses net a tougher prison sentence than for an equivalent drug abuse offense?

and yes, people should have the right to die. i reckon it's a slippery slope from 'right to die' to 'our right to tell you to die'. the elderly do need to be protected, so that they don't end up schiavo'd by uncaring family members who put their needs before the terminally ill person.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:33 pm
by Tom In VA
Nice take Bushice.

Personally, I'd want to go when it's my time to go. "Assisting" my going vs. "Assisting" my staying is tough to call. What good will I be ? What use to society will I be ? If none, then, why waste the money on Docs green fees and real estate empire.

Weed should be legal. End of story. Some people abuse booze, some don't. I'm sure there are people who can indulge in weed and lead a normal productive, useful life. Just as there are people who can drink booze and lead a useful life. I wish I was one, but I am not.

Of course when I'm 80, who knows, :lol: Lean back on a rocking chair, take a toke out of a corn cob pipe ..... I just hope my hands aren't so arthritic I can't strum a bit on a geetar a bit.