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by RadioFan
Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:18 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

battery chucka' one wrote:Sad. Surely you can do better than that, son.
Ease off, with this "son" shit.

If I recall, you got your head kicked off, and handed to you, in here, years ago, and didn't come back.
by RadioFan
Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:14 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

battery chucka' one wrote:It's Biblical.
Speaking of potato chips ...

Anyone have the Dixie plates?
by RadioFan
Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:41 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

The Bible and the Quran do not mesh, they cannot both be right. If you believe one is holy, you cannot believe the other is. Denotation vs. connotation . Way too much of "holy" going on with both books and not nearly enough "message." The message is what makes them "holy,&q...
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:34 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

It seems you have some feeling that there is salvation apart from Jesus Christ? Huh? No, I don't have "some feeling" about that, at all. Nor am I "offended" by the president trying to reach out, in the spirit of peacemaker. Hold on pop, I think within a blink of an eye, in betwe...
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:20 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

I'm not in favor of a U.S. president using vitriol while speaking to muslims overseas. How can it possibly be vitriol when he's reaching out? As I said, I think he should have simply said, "As the Quran tells us ..." Fair enough. But he went the extra mile. I'll ask you again -- do you ho...
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:38 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

RF, I'm not against peace with muslims. I'm just not in favor of saying that their book is holy. To them is is. He was speaking to them. Would you be offended if Iran's or (Iraq's for that matter) Ayatollah, made a speech about the "holy" Bible? "As Jesus tells us ... " Would it...
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:55 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: What if God was black?
Replies: 5
Views: 1500

Re: What if God was black?

Was trying to find a youtube clip of Archie Bunker vs. George Jefferson on whether Jesus was black or white. Classic stuff. :lol:
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:09 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

He was referring to the existing generation that witnessed the reformation of Israel. AKA, the times we're living in right now. According to whom? You must be referring to William Miller . "The current time IS the end times -- their is NO doubt about it" has been going on for centuries. I...
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:07 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

He spoke twice about "truth" in those two sentences that I noted, and there is NO truth apart from Christ. And Christ never mentioned Islam, obviously. But I do remember something about "love thine enemies." I'm fairly certain there's something else in the Bible about "bles...
by RadioFan
Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:48 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: The ONE is saving you money
Replies: 11
Views: 2213

Re: The ONE is saving you money
by RadioFan
Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:11 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

From B.O.'s speech to the muslim world -- "As the Holy Quran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth. That is what I will try to do today, to speak the truth as best I can." Btw, pop, wtf is wrong with what he said, outside of the word "holy?" Would you rather ...
by RadioFan
Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:07 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

I was born and raised Roman Catholic Same here. Thankfully, my parents didn't force me to go to Catholic schools, but there was utterly worthless hours of CCD, by inept, judgemental fucktards when I was young. Ah yes, such pleasant memories of organized religion as a kid. :meds: I stopped attending...
by RadioFan
Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:04 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

The Bible and the Quran can't both be God's Word because they contradict each other completely, and at the most fundamental level. Jesus came as the One promised from the very beginning -- the seed of the woman, Genesis 3:15 -- not a decendant of Adam, Who would destroy the work of failure that sat...
by RadioFan
Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:42 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Holy Quran
Replies: 217
Views: 20767

Re: Holy Quran

God is Holy. God's Word is Holy. Connotation vs. denotation. You're way caught up in denotation, bro. The Quran and the Bible can not both be God's Word. According to whom? But then again, that is the problem with organized religion ... way too many "do-gooders" caught up in the "rul...
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:54 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Top 5 Victories Which are Tainted
Replies: 21
Views: 4379

Re: Top 5 Victories Which are Tainted

Jim Jones over Catholic Church lawyers over alter boys. Preachers who survived being bitten by rattlesnakes (try a sea snake, a krait or a tiger snake, pussies). Benjamin Netanyahu Creed reuniting, at the expense of AlterBridge. Clear Chann...
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:28 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Top 5 Victories Which are Tainted
Replies: 21
Views: 4379

Re: Top 5 Victories Which are Tainted

Q, West Coast Style wrote:The ultimate tainted victory,

How has this not been RACKED yet?
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:00 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Top 5 Victories Which are Tainted
Replies: 21
Views: 4379

Re: Top 5 Victories Which are Tainted

NBA Full regular season, over Spurs, in '99. Sin, *Phil Jackson. College football, over USC. Sin, ESPN, 2005 (sorry Van) Any team that has beaten the New England Patriots in the last 9 years. (sup, ucunt?) Jim Nance being forced to interview anyone but Tiger Woods. Any baseball team that didn't have...
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:48 pm
Topic: Fucking time zones suck ass
Replies: 23
Views: 2612

Re: Fucking time zones suck ass

MuchoBulls wrote:Rack Van and King!! :lol:
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:39 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Replies: 322
Views: 21217

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....

For one of many examples, a lot of KKK members identify themself as Christian. I seriously doubt if many of them are written in the Book of Life. Exactly. But who am I to judge? Hey, let's leave the mvscals and the Diegos out of this. The only thing worse than a "Christian" KKK is an athe...
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:13 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Replies: 322
Views: 21217

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....

You're calling me an idiot? Ya, I got it, you're implying that the shooter is as bad as the Islamic fanatics. You're an idiot in the sense that you don't understand true religion from the left, just as much as the nutjobs of ALL religions don't understand it, from the right. Fanatics on the right o...
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:58 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Replies: 322
Views: 21217

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....

poptart wrote:76% of Americans identity themselves as ... Christian.

And we know that percentage is a total crock of shit.
That would depend on one's personal definition now, wouldn't it?
by RadioFan
Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:55 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Replies: 322
Views: 21217

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....

Yeah, about the other thread. Sorry it left you bitter. Your response about the Brothers Karamazov was funny and didn't really inspire a retort, in fact it was kind of intriguing in a fight fire with fire kind of way. They knock on your door questioning YOUR way of life and spiritual status so you ...
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:00 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Replies: 322
Views: 21217

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....

poptart wrote:Now if you want to claim that no murder has taken place because ... mommy ... is the one who has assaulted the helpless and innocent child ...
And the daddy?

Pop, you and I have spiritual business to discuss. We haven't done this in a while, bro. And no, I'm not talking about your Korean kids.
by RadioFan
Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:54 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....
Replies: 322
Views: 21217

Re: Religion Of Peace & Love Does It Again....

Abortion is not murder. It is killing a human being, typically out of fear, while NOT in the commission of some other crime. Plenty of people who wouldn't think about killing their children voted for Obama. I have worked with a multitude of women, impregnated young and their belief in God, Christ, ...
by RadioFan
Sun May 31, 2009 10:32 pm
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!
Replies: 40
Views: 5390

Re: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!

Tom In VA wrote:Put your bunny slippers on, grab a good Harlequin or watch a Lifetime Network movie marathon with a cup of cocoa or herbal tea and it will all be better in the morning.
Actually, directing the nutjobs to read "The Grand Inquistor" in The Brothers Karamazov, before returning works.
by RadioFan
Sat May 30, 2009 5:57 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!
Replies: 40
Views: 5390

Re: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!

Btw, Dio, if you are referring to "Red" as in states, I'm up to my eyeballs in people knocking on my door, wanting "Jesus" to "save" me. Not to mention not being able to buy real domestic beer, only 3.2 swill. If these people had their way, DANCING would be outlawed in ...
by RadioFan
Sat May 30, 2009 5:45 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!
Replies: 40
Views: 5390

Re: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!

Diogenes wrote:It's the Red that I find relevant.
PM her, bro.
by RadioFan
Sat May 30, 2009 5:34 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!
Replies: 40
Views: 5390

Re: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!

MuchoBulls wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Image
The chick looks pretty hot.

WTF is wrong with you people?
by RadioFan
Sat May 30, 2009 5:32 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!
Replies: 40
Views: 5390

Re: Onogga visited the Five Guys in my neighborhood today!

Onogga! A) STFU, racist bitch. Rack. "Onogga" was slightly humorous the very first time I saw it, like a fucking YEAR ago. The next 15,127 times ... HILARIOUS. No, really. :meds: The really sad thing is those who were calling Bush "chimpy" are probably offended. Gotta hand it to...
by RadioFan
Thu May 28, 2009 2:18 am
Topic: Coaches' votes to be secret again
Replies: 12
Views: 2615

Re: Coaches' votes to be secret again

Van wrote:That wouldn't be good.
by RadioFan
Thu May 28, 2009 2:17 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: .net Radio Show.
Replies: 10
Views: 2207

Re: .net Radio Show.

Van, 'spray was playing some Guthrie Govan the other night. Freaking amazing.

I downloaded "Erotic Cakes" and will be playing some on Friday night, 9-11 p.m. CT.
by RadioFan
Wed May 27, 2009 10:56 pm
Topic: Coaches' votes to be secret again
Replies: 12
Views: 2615

Re: Coaches' votes to be secret again

Van wrote:Why is it better that their votes remain anonymous? How is a lack of accountability a positive?
Because it's BTPCF. There can't be anything approaching logical or commendable, especially when it comes to determining a champion.
by RadioFan
Wed May 27, 2009 10:07 pm
Topic: Coaches' votes to be secret again
Replies: 12
Views: 2615

Coaches' votes to be secret again

College football coaches poll to become anonymous again College football’s process for choosing a national champion is getting murkier. Voting in the coaches’ poll – which is one-third of the formula used for selecting national-title game participants – will be anonymous beginning in the 2010 seaso...
by RadioFan
Tue May 26, 2009 10:02 pm
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: .net Radio Show.
Replies: 10
Views: 2207

Re: .net Radio Show.

Diogenes wrote:Who's on the radio this evening?
The schedule hasn't been set Monday-Thursday, although more folks are coming on board and will soon have regularly scheduled shows. Currently, it's whomever is around and wants to go on.
by RadioFan
Tue May 26, 2009 7:37 pm
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: RF (and fellow Okies), your thoughts?
Replies: 5
Views: 1398

Re: RF (and fellow Okies), your thoughts?

She's apparently "Miss Bricktown." How appropriate. Bricktown is the entertainment district in downtown OKC. Lots of bars, restaurants and clubs. Not a bad place to hang out if your looking for a crowd on the the weekends. I had no idea an entertainment district would have its own candida...
by RadioFan
Mon May 25, 2009 2:24 am
Topic: The Truth... makes the call
Replies: 51
Views: 3901

Re: The Truth... makes the call

It's going to be fun bumping this thread about 7 months from now when Cal gets beat again.

by RadioFan
Sun May 24, 2009 9:12 pm
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: new Secretary of Defense ?
Replies: 28
Views: 2300

Re: new Secretary of Defense ?

Terry in Crapchester wrote:How many lefties are there on this board?
2:1 ratio, at least :meds:
by RadioFan
Fri May 22, 2009 6:52 pm
Topic: The Truth... makes the call
Replies: 51
Views: 3901

Re: The Truth... makes the call

Mr T wrote:That been playing the hell of that on AMC
One of my all-time favs. :)
by RadioFan
Fri May 22, 2009 10:06 am
Topic: The Truth... makes the call
Replies: 51
Views: 3901

Re: The Truth... makes the call

Blueblood wrote:I'm surrounded by idiots.
On speaker phone again?
by RadioFan
Fri May 22, 2009 8:18 am
Forum: Cul de Smack
Topic: When is this year's Smackoff??
Replies: 254
Views: 15081

Re: When is this year's Smackoff??

Ana Ng wrote:Good grief.

Either that, or shitcan it.

And since KN wants it archived .... um ...

On the other hand, SN has a pussified way of deleting these types of threads.

Decisions, decisions, Ang.