Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:42 am
Jsc810 wrote: ↑Thu Oct 24, 2019 1:12 am
A question for the T1B attorneys:
Do you agree with trump's position that a sitting President cannot be convicted, prosecuted, or even subject to a criminal investigation?
Evidently that issue will be determined soon. I disagree with trump's position, and can't imagine that the Founders or any subsequent Congress actually passed a law providing for such immunity. I'll also note that there is somewhat of a historical precedent with President Grant being arrested for speeding and paying a bond.
88braincells is gone so I'll speak for him. Yes, of course he agrees with Trump's position that a sitting president cannot be convicted, prosecuted, or even subject to a criminal investigation because 88braincells despises democracy and hates liberal so much that he prioritizes destroying liberalism by any means necessary even if that means consistently wiping his ass with the Constitution.
88 loves our constitutional republic. Loves liberty and holds it sacrosanct.
Do you understand that it's the left that spits on our liberty.
The left wipes it's ass with our constitution.
The left wants to tear up our constitution and start over.
Just last week Beto O'Rourke completely assaulted our Bill of rights.
Direct quote from Beto.
"The American people can't fight a tyrannical government, NOR do they have the right to". end quote.
That quote is a direct assault on our constitution and our liberty.
And he's not a schmuck left wing poster on some random board.
He's running for president!!
Beto's quote is authoritarian and fascist.
He's a textbook left wing socialist pig. He's for centralized government control, just like Bernie, pocahontas, Kamala, petey bootyfudge, etc...
By definition, left wing centralized government control socialism is authoritarian and fascist.
AND, it's incompatible with our constitution and our liberty.
Now either you're ignorant, brainwashed or BOTH.
BUT EITHER WAY, no Reagan conservative or libertarian worth his or her salt, will sit by idly while you spew biased propaganda and fake bullshit news.