Impeachment begins

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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:56 pm Trust the process.
Lie as much as you can.

They said you were 5'1 and look like a typical munchkin in the "wizard of oz".

I'm guessing that if it's a lie, you probably look like a cross between Jeff Goldblum and David Hasselhoff, both in their prime.
If that is indeed true, then there's no way I can compete with you at all.
You win.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Trust the process.
Bringing up decades old smack is fresh and should be encouraged.

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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:But Barr and Durham have the REAL goods.
Donald engaged in a quid pro quo.
Donald committed multiple acts of obstruction of justice.
R. Mueller testified under oath that Donald lied multiple times when answering Mueller's written questions.
Donald is "individual #1" (the un-indicted co-conspirator) in the case that sent M. Cohen to the slam.
Donald lied multiple times about the "transcript" of the call that he chose to release a few weeks ago. Why?
And on and on...

You ignore all of this and instead want us to look at Barr and Durham, because they "have the real goods."


You are a major fucking 'tard.


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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:29 am
EAD wrote:But Barr and Durham have the REAL goods.
Donald engaged in a quid pro quo.
Donald committed multiple acts of obstruction of justice.
R. Mueller testified under oath that Donald lied multiple times when answering Mueller's written questions.
Donald is "individual #1" (the un-indicted co-conspirator) in the case that sent M. Cohen to the slam.
Donald lied multiple times about the "transcript" of the call that he chose to release a few weeks ago. Why?
And on and on...

You ignore all of this and instead want us to look at Barr and Durham, because they "have the real goods."


You are a major fucking 'tard.


Everything you've said is false.
Why'd you leave out the SDNY?
I'LL tell you why.
Because you are a low IQ brainwashed cocksucker who thinks the Washington post is real news.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:29 am
EAD wrote:But Barr and Durham have the REAL goods.
Donald engaged in a quid pro quo.
Donald committed multiple acts of obstruction of justice.
R. Mueller testified under oath that Donald lied multiple times when answering Mueller's written questions.
Donald is "individual #1" (the un-indicted co-conspirator) in the case that sent M. Cohen to the slam.
Donald lied multiple times about the "transcript" of the call that he chose to release a few weeks ago. Why?
And on and on...

You ignore all of this and instead want us to look at Barr and Durham, because they "have the real goods."


You are a major fucking 'tard.


If you think that Durham has nothing and it's all BS?
You are mentally ill and completely detached from reality.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Trust the process.
Lie lie lie.
Herman will be proud.

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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Ban Kierfag »

Softball Bat thinks the earth is flat.

You can't get anymore retarded than that!!!!
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:Everything you've said is false.
You are a worthless lying sack of shit.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Screw_Michigan »

EAP wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:33 am Everything you've said is false.
Why'd you leave out the SDNY?
I'LL tell you why.
Because you are a low IQ brainwashed cocksucker who thinks the Washington post is real news.
Lol, get real. Everything he said is a fact.

You are a brain washed koolaid drinking orange kneepad wearing tard. Don't cry too hard when your president's organized crime syndicate family goes to prison.

Now fuck yourself.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Ban Kierfag »

Everything EAP said is TRUE!

Stop watching FAKE NEWS, RETARDS!
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:54 am
EAP wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:33 am Everything you've said is false.
Why'd you leave out the SDNY?
I'LL tell you why.
Because you are a low IQ brainwashed cocksucker who thinks the Washington post is real news.
Lol, get real. Everything he said is a fact.

You are a brain washed koolaid drinking orange kneepad wearing tard. Don't cry too hard when your president's organized crime syndicate family goes to prison.

Now fuck yourself.
Organized crime syndicate family

Stop there. You can be held for observation by making batshit crazy statements like that.

The sources you read for your daily dose of information, called the founder of ISIS and worst mass murdering rapist of the past 50 years, an austere scholar.

So you have been marginalized.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

Just pause for a moment...

What we see in this thread is a true representation of the defenses put forth by the fraud conservatives.


Talk about being up shit creek.

Too frightening.
Too funny.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:16 am Just pause for a moment...

What we see in this thread is a true representation of the defenses put forth by the fraud conservatives.


Talk about being up shit creek.

Too frightening.
Too funny.
When you left wing cocksuckers say something is a FACT, we should take you at face value?

Every single day on CNN, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, the Washington post, the NY times, Bloomberg,
Mother Jones, etc...lies distortions, spin, and false narratives are observed.

These so called journalists use the word "FACT", every single day.
Yet they are caught lying spinning, running false narratives, etc....

So when you low IQ cocksuckers tell me what's FACT and what's bullshit, excuse me for laughing in your fucking idiot faces.

Durham is a conspiracy theorist?
Barr is a criminal?
Loretta lynch was perfect.
Obama was perfect.
Republicans are criminals.
Democrats are perfect.

Every single day you low IQ cocksuckers think you've got the facts.
And we are just tards.

Guess what? That works with your weak minded friends and family.
But with me, you'll get called out hard.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Ban Kierfag »


Coming Soon!

"The truth that destroys the Dumbokunt Party Forever"

Dumbokunts going the way of the dodo bird
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:And we are just tards.

I am a conservative, you pitiful, melting @ssclown

poptart wrote:Donald engaged in a quid pro quo.
Donald committed multiple acts of obstruction of justice.
R. Mueller testified under oath that Donald lied multiple times when answering Mueller's written questions.
Donald is "individual #1" (the un-indicted co-conspirator) in the case that sent M. Cohen to the slam.
Donald lied multiple times about the "transcript" of the call that he chose to release a few weeks ago. Why?
These are fact, dummy,

Suck that dick.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Ban Kierfag wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:24 am

Trust the process.
More noise is good.

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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:As a libertarian...
A libertarian?
And you're pimping Donald?


No, you are a stupid sack of shit.

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

Dumbspray wrote:I sometimes see what they drool in quotes from others, and it tells me that they haven’t improved at all.

You always see our posts.
You're too f@t and stupid to engage, so you pretend that you've kunted out by putting people on ignore.

You're good for posting trots-worthy threads and being used as a fucking kickball.

Toothless yokel hack.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

So last week we had this INCREDIBLE courtroom exchange...

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:44 pm
poptart wrote:Back in May the House requested Don's tax returns from the Treasury Department.
The returns "shall" be handed over upon request, the law plainly states.

S. Mnuchin blatantly defied the legal request and it is now a matter a judge will have to rule on. ... ument.html

JUDGE DENNY CHIN: Is it your view that they are not seeking the tax returns for a legitimate investigatory purpose and they are doing it just to embarrass the president? IS that the argument?

WILLIAM CONSOVOY, TRUMP ATTORNEY: Yeah, we believe there is evidence of that. And certainly in their brief, when we pushed on this point, their response was impeachment isn't going the way we want, the president said he was going to disclose them during the election and he hasn't, other presidents have. These are arguments sound like a policy disagreement with the president, not in the basis of an investigation.

JUDGE CHIN: Your position is that district attorneys from all around the country, U.S. attorneys from all around the country, are going to act in bad faith? That's the concern?

WILLIAM CONSOVOY: I think there is an incentive. I would not say everyone is going to act in bad faith, even in Clinton v. Jones when the court said this case is going to proceed, but it is important to explain that it is a federal court, the court said local pressures may apply differently in a state forum than a federal. The court may agree or disagree, but it was the unanimous judgment of the Supreme Court in Clinton v. Jones--

JUDGE CHIN: What's your view on the [shooting someone on] Fifth Avenue example? Local authorities couldn’t investigate? They couldn’t do anything about it?

WILLIAM CONSOVOY: I think once a president is removed from office, any local authority, this is not a permanent immunity.

JUDGE CHIN: I'm talking about while in office, that is the [hypothetical]. Nothing could be done? That’s your position?

WILLIAM CONSOVOY: That is correct. That is correct.


Put your ADD on pause and read that, people.
To which Jsc asked (to .088, no doubt) and got no reply...

Jsc wrote:A question for the T1B attorneys:

Do you agree with trump's position that a sitting President cannot be convicted, prosecuted, or even subject to a criminal investigation?

And now today we have this...

The White House is objecting to a House of Representatives lawsuit seeking to allow for Don McGahn to testify.
McGahn of course was blocked from testifying by the WH.

Judge Jackson asked the WH counsel,“So what does checks and balances mean?”

James Burnham, arguing for the Justice Department, replied that the dispute between the House Judiciary
Committee and McGahn should not be resolved through litigation. He argued that the Constitution and more
than two centuries of interactions between the White House and Congress hadn’t required courts to weigh
in. And Jackson shouldn’t now, he said.

So the House can never go to court?” Jackson asked.

As a general proposition, that’s correct,” replied Burnham, a former White House aide under McGahn who
is now serving in a senior position in the Justice Department’s civil division... ... ess-063150


Read it.
Let it sink in.




88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 8:35 am
EAD wrote:As a libertarian...
A libertarian?
And you're pimping Donald?


No, you are a stupid sack of shit.

You worthless stupid low IQ cocksucker.

YES as a libertarian and a Reagan conservative, ANY REASONABLE INTELLIGENT PERSON would support trump OVER ANY LEFT WING SOCIALIST!


You just called yourself a conservative?


Are you clinically insane???

Today we have a binary CRYSTAL CLEAR CHOICE!

Donald J. Trump, Who is reshaping the judiciary exactly how true conservatives and libertarians require.
ANY left wing government control socialist who will appoint left wing socialist judges who will legislate from the bench and violate our liberty and our constitution.

You call yourself a conservative you sick vile fuck?

You crazy mixed up confused low IQ vermin.
You are a fraud. A never trumper like george will and mitt Romney.

You lack the intellectual chops to understand the times we are living in. It's a time where the left has taken control of the Democrat socialist party and made that hard turn left,
Do you understand that?
The EXACT opposite of liberty and our constitution.
The exact opposite of libertarians and conservatives.

And these leftists have your pea brain so duped and manipulated,
That you are incapable of seeing the bigger picture. You are so clueless and gullible that you don't understand the basic Tennants of liberty and our founding principles.
Your hatred of all things trump has you completely fooled and as a result, you've become a useful idiot for the left.

Do you know what a binary choice is you filthy gullible sheep?

It's when you have a crystal clear choice right in front of you.

At the point in history where the left has taken control and is ready to transform the country,
That choice is a no brainer.

It's as if you are presented with the binary crystal clear choice of a big fat cock "the left"
OR a beautiful pussy, "conservative".
Without flinching you swallow that cock whole, completely abandoning every principle of liberty you've ever known.

You were NEVER a reagan conservative or a libertarian.
The left loves confused people like you. In fact, THEY NEED trans voters like you to turn the USA into a full blown socialist state.

You are a trans-voter who was shown an aids infested socialist cock, and that's all it took.

But don't insult this board by ever calling yourself a libertarian or conservative ever again.

Yes, I can support Donald and be a libertarian and a Reagan conservative.
Do you understand what a libertarian is you sick low IQ cocksucker?
Or a Reagan conservative you dumb ignorant faggot?

They ARE BOTH the antithesis of the Democrat socialist government control party.

We Reagan conservatives and libertarians despise big government control socialism and the left.

LIBERTY is incompatible with the Democrat socialist party of today.

That's why trump was elected
To put a halt to Barry Obama's fundamental transformation towards government control and the socialist state.

You are the gullible clueless voter who has missed all this.

Basic facts and logic are completely foreign to you now.

Your blind hatred of trump has made you a danger to liberty.
You're no different than crazy unhinged and unstable Beto O'Rourke.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:YES as a libertarian and a Reagan conservative, ANY REASONABLE INTELLIGENT PERSON would support trump OVER ANY LEFT WING SOCIALIST!
Link us up to where I have ever supported any left wing socialist, or any left wing socialist policies.

You have attempted to create a false choice and you have failed miserably once again.

I am a conservative.

Slam it through your skull.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:05 am
EAD wrote:YES as a libertarian and a Reagan conservative, ANY REASONABLE INTELLIGENT PERSON would support trump OVER ANY LEFT WING SOCIALIST!
Link us up to where I have ever supported any left wing socialist, or any left wing socialist policies.

You have attempted to create a false choice and you have failed miserably once again.

I am a conservative.

Slam it through your skull.


As A libertarian and Reagan conservative, YOU MUST side with president trump at this point in history.

Whether you like it or not, you are faced with a binary choice.

The last election was a crystal clear choice.

Hillary Clinton would've continued barry boy's fundamental transformation towards government control socialism by appointing leftist socialist judges to the judiciary.

Trump is reshaping the judiciary with conservatives in the mold of Scalia, thus PRESERVING our liberty and our constitution.


That's not a false choice you low IQ cocksucker.
That's a crystal clear choice.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Trust the process.
Fallback “raygun” tards are part of the process.

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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:15 pm Trust the process.
Fallback “raygun” tards are part of the process.

Where did he find these mouthbreathers?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:36 pm
Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:15 pm Trust the process.
Fallback “raygun” tards are part of the process.

Where did he find these mouthbreathers?
88nazis was getting his ass kicked so he opened the floodgates for right wing tards to make noise to try and drowned out the opposition.
It part of the process.
Trust the process.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Papa Willie wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:52 pm
EAP wrote:
Softball Bat wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:05 am
Link us up to where I have ever supported any left wing socialist, or any left wing socialist policies.

You have attempted to create a false choice and you have failed miserably once again.

I am a conservative.

Slam it through your skull.


As A libertarian and Reagan conservative, YOU MUST side with president trump at this point in history.

Whether you like it or not, you are faced with a binary choice.

The last election was a crystal clear choice.

Hillary Clinton would've continued barry boy's fundamental transformation towards government control socialism by appointing leftist socialist judges to the judiciary.

Trump is reshaping the judiciary with conservatives in the mold of Scalia, thus PRESERVING our liberty and our constitution.


That's not a false choice you low IQ cocksucker.
That's a crystal clear choice.
He’s not going to understand that. He’s too set in his fucked up ways and is too absorbed in the grips of dementia to process it...
You are 100% correct.
Dementia Alzheimer's the only logical conclusion.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:59 pm
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:36 pm
Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:15 pm Trust the process.
Fallback “raygun” tards are part of the process.

Where did he find these mouthbreathers?
88nazis was getting his ass kicked so he opened the floodgates for right wing tards to make noise to try and drowned out the opposition.
It part of the process.
Trust the process.
Your "process" lacks substance.
And therefore cannot be trusted.
Got it punk?

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

It’s not my process you flaming pile of shit.
Learn to read.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:25 pm It’s not my process you flaming pile of shit.
Learn to read.
I understand who's process it is.
But in this forum, you are touting the process.
Therefore, you own it.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Idiots are part of the process.
Trust the process.

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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:17 pm :xxxl: :xxxl: :xxxl: :xxxl: :xxxl: :xxxl:
Good lord Sale, get a new line for fucks sake. Your tediousness is beyond measure. If you have something to add or say, please do so, otherwise, stop spamming you hack.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

I get that you are just a stupid fuck, but I’m responding to posts. That’s not spam. Why don’t you call them out for spamming.

The period at the end is to emphasize the rhetorical nature of my question.
We all know why. Because you love you some right wing Bullshit.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:33 pm I get that you are just a stupid fuck, but I’m responding to posts. That’s not spam. Why don’t you call them out for spamming.

The period at the end is to emphasize the rhetorical nature of my question.
We all know why. Because you love you some right wing Bullshit.
I hate to make this obvious comparison, BUT,
Are you wearing a thin beige jacket rocking back and forth as you type "trust the process" over and over and over?

Why not just type "Judge Joseph Wapner at 4pm
The people's court. Judge Wapner.
Judge Wapner.
Trust Judge Wapner.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:33 pm I get that you are just a stupid fuck, but I’m responding to posts. That’s not spam. Why don’t you call them out for spamming.

The period at the end is to emphasize the rhetorical nature of my question.
We all know why. Because you love you some right wing Bullshit.
Wrong. Dead-fucking-wrong. I'm more apolitical than right or left. But that aside, I came after you because you are spamming you tedious bore. I don't really care about what EAP and Pikkle are saying, but at least they are saying something different with each post. You've used the "Trust the process" and 88fill in the Nazi blank" line into perpetuity, like some addle-brained Tourette's sufferer.

Yip, yip, yip!!!

Grow up and seek help. Seriously.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Ok I’ll mix it up you pathetic nazi tard licking toady.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

EAP wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:46 pm
Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:33 pm I get that you are just a stupid fuck, but I’m responding to posts. That’s not spam. Why don’t you call them out for spamming.

The period at the end is to emphasize the rhetorical nature of my question.
We all know why. Because you love you some right wing Bullshit.
I hate to make this obvious comparison, BUT,
Are you wearing a thin beige jacket rocking back and forth as you type "trust the process" over and over and over?

Why not just type "Judge Joseph Wapner at 4pm
The people's court. Judge Wapner.
Judge Wapner.
Trust Judge Wapner.
You are an idiot.

Happy now Jayne?

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Notice how nobody, not even 88nazis, has shown why TheCall is not a violation of 58USC30121? I have posted many time how it is a violation.

See Jayne you deformed lesbian, that is the process. It’s a process of adding noise and not debating actual facts.

I only sound repetitive because all their noise might have different words but it is all just noise if it’s not rationally debating the actual issue.

That’s the nazi playbook to a tee.
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Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 8:01 pm Notice how nobody, not even 88nazis, has shown why TheCall is not a violation of 58USC30121? I have posted many time how it is a violation.

See Jayne you deformed lesbian, that is the process. It’s a process of adding noise and not debating actual facts.

I only sound repetitive because all their noise might have different words but it is all just noise if it’s not rationally debating the actual issue.

That’s the nazi playbook to a tee.
Yet, said Nazi still allows you to post here, you bald. midget, black cock chugging poofter.

Can you see your own hypocrisy? Don't answer, THAT was rhetorical. Period.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

So he violated the statute or not?
Your answer wasn’t clear.

Re: Impeachment begins

Post by Kierland »

Jay in Phoenix wrote: Fri Nov 01, 2019 8:12 pm
Can you see your own hypocrisy? Don't answer, THAT was rhetorical. Period.
You don’t know anything about nazis, or bullies in general, do you?
You would think they would have taught you such things in lesbian school.
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