Kierland wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2020 6:35 pm
What part of the Constitution are you lying.... err I mean what part are you talking about?
The president promised to go after corruption with his counterpart the ukranian president, in fact, they both were charged with this task. The corruption in Ukraine is massive, and was so during the Obama administration, including his then vice president Biden, and biden's son hunter, who actually got a position on the board of a corrupt oligarch in Ukraine. We know that then president Obama and his vice president Biden were fully aware that Hunter Biden had absolutely zero experience for such a job, and that he'd be working for a corrupt oligarch.
The president was operating within his constitutional authority to STOP all funding, due to the massive amounts of corruption, should he deem it necessary.
Anyone saying anything to the contrary, is lying.
One way or another, the previous administration, biden and his boss, have serious problems about to explode in their face.
President Trump on the other hand, is completely within his constitutional authority.
Legal scholars have already weighed in on this matter ad nauseam.
BTW, the fact that I had to explain this to you, speaks volumes about your cognitive dissonance.
Not to mention your low IQ.