After a 4th place finish in Iowa, a 5th place finish in New Hampshire, and a distant 2nd place finish in Nevada...
A Poll out today has Joe Biden up 20-points in South Carolina...with just 2 days before that Primary.
He's opened up a big lead in South Carolina thanks to strong support from Black voters. The key was the James Clyburn endorsement. Black voters have flocked to him in the polls ever since Clyburn endorsed. This State was rough to Bernie in '16. He got drowned by 50-points.
If Biden wins South Carolina...this is basically a 3-scenario race.
* Scenario #1: It's too little too late. Bernie runs away with it on Super Tuesday and can't be stopped.
* Scenario #2: The Establishment rallies to Biden's corner and carries him home. This would probably involve Obama coming out an publicly endorsing Joe. It would also include candidates with no black support like CIA Pete and The Klob dropping out and endorsing Biden.
* Scenario #3: Bernie leads going into the convention, but doesn't have the 1,991 Delegates needed. The Nomination goes to someone else on the 2nd or 3rd ballot. If there is a Brokered Convention...four names to watch: Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Michelle Obama, and Mitt Romney. They won't give the Nomination away to some no-name with the General Election about 3-months hence.