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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Big, fat, ugly bubble.

Which, once assuming office, he chose to blow exponentially biggger.

In fact, he has chosen to advocate for the very OPPOSITE of what he said here when he was seeking your vote.

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Donald will address the coronavirus situation at 6pm today. ... 54721?s=20
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:02 am Big, fat, ugly bubble.

Which, once assuming office, he chose to blow exponentially biggger.

In fact, he has chosen to advocate for the very OPPOSITE of what he said here when he was seeking your vote.


That best describes YOU softball bat.
The opposite?
Like when he said he'd appoint Scalia clone judges to the court?
Judges who fully understand and support the constitution.
He has done exactly that.
But since you are a cocksucking pathological liar, you say opposite.
Fuck you and your seed.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:06 am
Lefty wrote:Ok well how much is at risk in your brokerage account?
I'm a billionaire.
You are a pathological lying hypocrite.
EVERY single president lies.
But trump has so far made good on his campaign promises.
Scalia clone judges who actually interpret the constitution, not spit on it like Obama's judges.

The judges trump appoints love the founding principles of liberty.
Obama's judges want to wipe their left wing dirty asses with it.

You are a serial liar who is a leftist partisan stooge.
Don't breed.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:49 pm Donald will address the coronavirus situation at 6pm today. ... 54721?s=20
People who study politics and history understand that every single president lies.
But a fuckin partisan cocksucker like softball only attacks trump.
Trump actually made good on more campaign promises than barry the Chicago community street pimp.
But don't let that fact stop you.
You cock socket
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 1:49 pm Donald will address the coronavirus situation at 6pm today. ... 54721?s=20
That's my main concern with you softball.
Go ahead and bash trump.
BUT, at least have the intellectual honesty to point out the numerous lies of every single democrat socialist.
That way, you at least appear to be somewhat fair.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Georgia ports expect 30-40% drop in imports from coronavirus impact

Georgia’s economy will likely take its first hit from the coronavirus very soon, with shipments into the state’s ports dropping up to 40% in March and April, according to projections by the agency that manages that traffic.

Cuts and closures in Chinese production since the outbreak of the virus about six weeks ago has not yet been felt here, but that is about to change, according to Griffith Lynch, executive director of the Georgia Ports Authority.“We do see quite an impact,” he said. “We’ve been shut down by hurricanes for six days or a week. But this is really unprecedented.”

Virtually all of that anticipated drop is linked to China, Georgia’s largest trading partner... ... 0rxpewd2H/

It will be a pity if Lard @ss' feed does not arrive.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Toronto stock exchange halts trading due to technical issue

Trading abruptly ended Thursday afternoon on the Toronto Stock Exchange and several other TMX Group Ltd. markets after the company suspended the exchanges due to what it says were technical issues.

The trading halts, which came more than two hours before the scheduled close of markets, came amid another day of volatility and sharp losses on fears of the novel coronavirus’s effect on global economic growth.

The TSX fell as much as 585 points and was down 325 points, or 1.9 per cent, when it was halted, while the Dow Jones industrial average and the S&P 500 index both closed down 4.42 per cent after a late-day plunge... ... cal-issue/


Technical difficulties.

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

When all is said and done, Donald will go down as a greater buffoon than Jimmy Carter.

Think of it.

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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Apparently a dog tested positive for the virus in Hong Kong.
The Chinese government will test the animal again just to be absolutely sure.

Nothing suprises me considering their treatment of dogs and cats.

It's been known that they widely consume these animals.

The fake news media loves this virus, especially in an election year, where they can use it against trump.

Only a stark raving idiot still denies the protection the media afforded Obama, and the constant attacks they throw at trump.

That's why there's gonna be a big backlash against the left wing socialists and the press they control, this November.

Mark it down and take it to the bank.
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:23 pm People who study politics and history understand that every single president lies.
Then there's no point in putting one above another.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 3:27 am
EAP wrote: Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:23 pm People who study politics and history understand that every single president lies.
Then there's no point in putting one above another.
However, that being said?
I will vote, and you should vote for the president who'll protect your liberty and the bill of rights.
Left wing socialist presidents DO NOT do that.

They may say they do to get elected. But leftists have contempt for liberty and the bill of rights.

I'm stunned that you don't know that.
Trump will protect the bedrock principles of liberty and our Bill of rights.

Bernie Sanders will not.
Pete bootyfudge will not.
Liz horse face pocahontas will not.
Biden will not.
Bloomberg will not.

The left despises liberty.
They are top down government control.

The sooner you get that, the better you'll sleep at night.
I sleep real good.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat » ... -19-2020-2

Amazon tells all 798,000 employees to halt travel, in US and internationally, over coronavirus fears

Amazon told all 798,000 of its employees on Friday to avoid "non-essential travel" domestically and internationally because of concerns about COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, a spokesperson for the company confirmed to Business Insider.

Earlier on Friday, The New York Times reported that employees on Amazon's worldwide operations team, which oversees much of the company's technology and logistics globally, received a separate email from the senior vice president in charge of the team, Dave Clark, telling them not to plan any meetings requiring travel until at least April, when the company hoped to have a better sense of the outbreak's impact...

Don't paln any travel until at least April.

At least.

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Re: Doom

Post by atmdad »

Is this thing really an apocalyptic threat or is there a large dose of over sensationalizing going on?

I agree that for the people getting sick it appears to be a pretty nasty bug, morseo than the common flu. As with the flu, deaths typical occur in the very young, old or others with under-laying conditions. Is this the case here? Are normally healthy people getting sick and dying? There seems to be a lack of factual information coming forth from most sources.

It seems to me there are a 2 common factors where the outbreaks and deaths appear to be concentrated;
1) Areas where sanitation and personal hygiene, i.e. washing your hands after you use the shitter, is not regarded as a high priority.
2) Areas where cigarette smoking is still the norm.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

atmdad wrote:Is this thing really an apocalyptic threat or is there a large dose of over sensationalizing going on?
Well, whatever the level of threat is, the reality is that it has effected China in a major way.
Because of that, the rest of the world is affected.

Coronavirus: China’s factory activity plunges to all-time low, worse than global financial crisis, February data show

Chinese manufacturing activity plunged to an all-time low in February, with the first official data published amid the coronavirus outbreak confirming fears over the impact on the Chinese economy.
The official manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) slowed to 35.7, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Saturday, having slipped to 50.0 in January when the full impact of the coronavirus was not yet evident.
Analysts polled by Bloomberg had expected the February reading to come in at 45.0. A reading below 50 indicates a contraction in sector activity... ... l-time-low

The economic impact of this is going to be major, and what happened with the markets this week speaks to that.
The fed's games cannot overcome major supply chain disruption.

You may have heard that Japan'a Abe has requested that all schools be closed.
Similar things are happening here in S. Korea.
90% of people are walking around in masks.
All workers in public establishments are wearing masks.

I will guaranteed you that things will be closed down in some/many areas in America, also, when more virus cases are exposed.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:07 am When all is said and done, Donald will go down as a greater buffoon than Jimmy Carter.

Think of it.

Well, we gave some thought to your take about the all time buffoons, ie..Jimmy Carter,
ie...Joe Biden...
Then, looked hard and long at you trying to put trump in the same sentence as those two ALL TIME BUFFOONS.........

Carefully gave it some thought, and came to the solid firm conclusion, that you're the buffoon.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Mind boggling.

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Let me tell you straight up, folks...

If someone is claiming that coronavirus is a hoax, they are very ignorant.

It has exploded here in S. Korea, with over 3,500 known cases.
However, there is a long incubation period, so an infected person is going around infecting other people before he even knows he has it.
And it is HIGHLY contagious.

A number of Korean cult members traveled back here from Wuhan, and they were infected.
From there, it has spread out in Korea.
It will spread more, and people here are strongly encouraged not to go out into public places unless it is really necessary.

As was posted by me earlier in this thread, flights from Wuhan were coming in to America.
WITHOUT A DOUBT, infected folks were on those planes.
They have spread out in America and Americans are infected.
Long incubation period.

Folks are going to begin getting ill in America in MUCH larger numbers than have up until now been reported.
A lot of crazy shit is going to go down, beginning with public events being cancelled.
Schools, events, business operations, etc.

It is going to be a major issue.
A major health and economic issue.

Hoax, my ass.

Donald and his butt-kissing squids are a damn disgrace.

Know what is going on, people.

This thing is HIGHLY contagious and it will fuck you up in ways you DO NOT want to be fucked up.

You are in for a very bumpy ride.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:06 am Let me tell you straight up, folks...

If someone is claiming that coronavirus is a hoax, they are very ignorant.

It has exploded here in S. Korea, with over 3,500 known cases.
However, there is a long incubation period, so an infected person is going around infecting other people before he even knows he has it.
And it is HIGHLY contagious.

A number of Korean cult members traveled back here from Wuhan, and they were infected.
From there, it has spread out in Korea.
It will spread more, and people here are strongly encouraged not to go out into public places unless it is really necessary.

As was posted by me earlier in this thread, flights from Wuhan were coming in to America.
WITHOUT A DOUBT, infected folks were on those planes.
They have spread out in America and Americans are infected.
Long incubation period.

Folks are going to begin getting ill in America in MUCH larger numbers than have up until now been reported.
A lot of crazy shit is going to go down, beginning with public events being cancelled.
Schools, events, business operations, etc.

It is going to be a major issue.
A major health and economic issue.

Hoax, my ass.

Donald and his butt-kissing squids are a damn disgrace.

Know what is going on, people.

This thing is HIGHLY contagious and it will fuck you up in ways you DO NOT want to be fucked up.

You are in for a very bumpy ride.
Normally your takes are very thought provoking and intelligent.
But on the bashing of the trump administration on this virus,

The administration is doing just fine.
Stop with your doom bullshit.
You sound like rachel maddow and Lawrence o'Donnell over on the propaganda network msdnc.

You sound like chris FREDO cuomo. The skinny runt brother, CNN propagandist, from "the godfather".

"I'm smaaaaaart"
"I want respecttttt"

You're dead to me fredo.

Stop attacking the greatest president in your lifetime.

Two surgical strikes of bagdaddy and the Iranian general "back to back" Striking fear into the supreme leader of Iran.
The fake news media largely ignored this historic achievement.
Now, making the deal of all deals to end the nearly 20 year war in Afghanistan and bring our troops home. Again, ignored by the fake corrupt propaganda press.

Had Obama done this?
They'd be chiseling his howdy doody face into Mt Rushmore.

Get your head back into reality.
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

atmdad wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:27 am Is this thing really an apocalyptic threat or is there a large dose of over sensationalizing going on?

I agree that for the people getting sick it appears to be a pretty nasty bug, morseo than the common flu. As with the flu, deaths typical occur in the very young, old or others with under-laying conditions. Is this the case here? Are normally healthy people getting sick and dying? There seems to be a lack of factual information coming forth from most sources.
Does that anger you, or do you understand?

Italy is the only one telling the truth, while Hawaii throws away tests before they can be given to the CDC. Meanwhile fake grocery panic runs are being reported in the same way that single dumpster fire was reported in the early evening of April 29, 1992 -- but not the real news.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:25 pm
atmdad wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:27 am Is this thing really an apocalyptic threat or is there a large dose of over sensationalizing going on?

I agree that for the people getting sick it appears to be a pretty nasty bug, morseo than the common flu. As with the flu, deaths typical occur in the very young, old or others with under-laying conditions. Is this the case here? Are normally healthy people getting sick and dying? There seems to be a lack of factual information coming forth from most sources.
Does that anger you, or do you understand?

Italy is the only one telling the truth, while Hawaii throws away tests before they can be given to the CDC. Meanwhile fake grocery panic runs are being reported in the same way that single dumpster fire was reported in the early evening of April 29, 1992 -- but not the real news.
Does that suprise you? Look at the leadership from Hawaii.
Mazie Hirono? She's batshit crazy. And I typically love Asian women. But that bitch is ready for a padded cell.
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:14 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:06 am
Normally your takes are very thought provoking and intelligent.
But on the bashing of the trump administration on this virus,

The administration is doing just fine.
Stop with your doom bullshit.
You sound like rachel maddow and Lawrence o'Donnell over on the propaganda network msdnc.
- Korea is fucked.
- The Pope has it.
- Iran is fucked.
- the CIA puppet terrorist group ISIS is claiming responsibility for spreading it through Europe...
- which couples nicely with the Turkish refugee response situation.
- The USPS had its first case in the Federal Way distribution plant, per KIRO 7 in Seattle.
- It's in the water, per Wuhan leaks.
- it affects male fertility, in survivors, their testicles.
- it's jumped to canines.
- you keep getting it, recovering it, getting it, recovering, until you die... in bats, it's like herpes, on humans, it's like AIDS.
- asymptomatics shed it like tears.
- some claims the Pope is proof of a three month period.
- China is wasting electricity faking plant productivity, but observers are paying more attention to air pollutants (and lacks thereof).
- Trump is petty towards Mike Pence, who I don't even like.
- all virus cures are lies.
- Bill Gates knew what was going to go down, and prepared accordingly.

Softball is Diogenes, since the real clone is MIA.

What's Dinsdale have to add? or is he already inna woods?
Last edited by Innocent Bystander on Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:37 pm
EAP wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:14 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:06 am
Normally your takes are very thought provoking and intelligent.
But on the bashing of the trump administration on this virus,

The administration is doing just fine.
Stop with your doom bullshit.
You sound like rachel maddow and Lawrence o'Donnell over on the propaganda network msdnc.
- Korea is fucked.
- The Pope has it.
- Iran is fucked.
- the CIA puppet terrorist group ISIS is claiming responsibility for spreading it through Europe...
- which couples nicely with the Turkish refugee response situation.
- The USPS had its first case in the Federal Way distribution plant, per KIRO 7 in Seattle.
- It's in the water, per Wuhan leaks.
- China is wasting electricity faking plant productivity, but observers are paying more attention to air pollutants (and lacks thereof).
- Trump is petty towards Mike Pence, who I don't even like.

- Bill Gates knew what was going to go down, and prepared accordingly.

Softball is Diogenes, since the real clone is MIA.

What's Dinsdale have to add? or is he already inna woods?
nice to see the board back up to speed, and you as well.

I never thought about the terrorist angle here, but you may be onto something.

I just assumed that the chinese eating bats etc....was the cause.
Looks like the Tokyo Olympics is scrapped.
Do you have any good quality protective masks? They're flying off the shelves.
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:43 pm
Innocent Bystander wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:37 pm
EAP wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:14 pm
- Korea is fucked.
- The Pope has it.
- Iran is fucked.
- the CIA puppet terrorist group ISIS is claiming responsibility for spreading it through Europe...
- which couples nicely with the Turkish refugee response situation.
- The USPS had its first case in the Federal Way distribution plant, per KIRO 7 in Seattle.
- It's in the water, per Wuhan leaks.
- China is wasting electricity faking plant productivity, but observers are paying more attention to air pollutants (and lacks thereof).
- Trump is petty towards Mike Pence, who I don't even like.

- Bill Gates knew what was going to go down, and prepared accordingly.

Softball is Diogenes, since the real clone is MIA.

What's Dinsdale have to add? or is he already inna woods?
nice to see the board back up to speed, and you as well.

I never thought about the terrorist angle here, but you may be onto something.

I just assumed that the chinese eating bats etc....was the cause.
Looks like the Tokyo Olympics is scrapped.
Do you have any good quality protective masks? They're flying off the shelves.
Sup, EAP. Nice to see you, too, bruh.

The terrorist angle was already played by that Chinese Christian cult which believes Christ was resurrected as a Chinese woman. The US gave the Chinese Messiah-ess and her fuck buddy/Svengali asylum 20 years ago after China banished them and banned the cult. But haven't heard anything since the video claiming responsibility was removed from Youtube.

The real terrorists are the people who supervised Charles Leiber supervising the Chinese, who stole death from Winnipeg to play around with -- in their Chinese quality bio weapons lab.

It may or may not be illegal to say anything about them.

It wasn't bat soup -- though that strain is from bats.

It's the water, and it's hygiene.

Be on the lookout for cropdusters. They may only be trying to help.

Masks keep you from coughing on people; but they don't prevent the spread. Hardly anyone uses masks correctly, anyway. The latest official number is that it stays alive on surfaces for 7 days, but who actually knows, and can tell us without losing everything personally?

We'll see if there really is a miracle 'cure', in time to stop economic apocalypse and the Olympics.

Would you risk it?
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:The administration is doing just fine.
I can't imagine a president less suited to handle an event like this than Donald Trump.

We are now in the midst of a real major event, and it will become more and more painfully obvious that lard @ss is in way over his head.

It would have high potential for comedy if it wasn't such a serious situation.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:23 am
EAD wrote:The administration is doing just fine.
I can't imagine a president less suited to handle an event like this than Donald Trump.

We are now in the midst of a real major event, and it will become more and more painfully obvious that lard @ss is in way over his head.

It would have high potential for comedy if it wasn't such a serious situation.
Yes, it is indeed a major WORLDWIDE event.
The key word there is WORLDWIDE.
This may indeed be worse than H1N1 which killed hundreds of thousands globally.
This may yet be a global pandemic.
We're already seeing trump getting blamed, from the word GO. And it looks like you're a part of that "mob mentality".
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

EAD wrote:Yes, it is indeed a major WORLDWIDE event.
The key word there is WORLDWIDE.
This may indeed be worse than H1N1 which killed hundreds of thousands globally.
This may yet be a global pandemic.
We're already seeing trump getting blamed, from the word GO. And it looks like you're a part of that "mob mentality".
The president has been out talking of the virus in terms of it being a hoax.

Probably THE most fucked up thing this asshole has said, and that is saying a lot.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

In an interview with Germany's Der Speigel, Dr.Doom - who correctly predicted the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble in addition to the 2008 financial crisis along with the ramifications of austerity measures for debt-laden Greece - believes that coronavirus will lead to a global economic disaster and that U.S. President Donald Trump will not be re-elected as a result.

DER SPIEGEL: How severe is the coronavirus outbreak for China and for the global economy?

Roubini: This crisis is much more severe for China and the rest of the world than investors have expected for four reasons: First, it is not an epidemic limited to China, but a global pandemic. Second, it is far from being over. This has massive consequences, but politicians don’t realize it.

DER SPIEGEL: What do you mean?

Roubini: Just look at your continent. Europe is afraid of closing its borders, which is a huge mistake. In 2016, in response to the refugee crisis, Schengen was effectively suspended, but this is even worse. The Italian borders should be closed as soon as possible. The situation is much worse than 1 million refugees coming to Europe.

DER SPIEGEL: What are your other two reasons?

Roubini: Everyone believes it’s going to be a V-shaped recession, but people don’t know what they are talking about. They prefer to believe in miracles. It’s simple math: If the Chinese economy were to shrink by 2 percent in the first quarter, it would require growth of 8 percent in the final three quarters to reach the 6 percent annual growth rate that everyone had expected before the virus broke out. If growth is only 6 percent from the second quarter onwards, which is a more realistic scenario, we would see the Chinese economy only growing by 2.5 to 4 percent for the entire year. This rate would essentially mean a recession for China and a shock to the world.

DER SPIEGEL: And your last point?

Roubini: Everyone thinks that policymakers will react swiftly but that’s also wrong. The markets are completely delusional. Look at fiscal policy: You can do fiscal stuff only in some countries like Germany, because others like Italy don’t have any leeway. But even if you do something, the political process requires a great deal of talking and negotiating. It takes six to nine months, which is way too long. The truth is: Europe would have needed fiscal stimulus even without the corona crisis. Italy was already on the verge of a recession, as was Germany. But German politicians aren’t even thinking about stimulus, despite the country being so exposed to China. The political response is a joke - politicians are often behind the curve. This crisis will spill over and result in a disaster.

DER SPIEGEL: What role do the central banks have to play?

Roubini: The European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan are already in negative territory. Of course, they could lower rates on deposits even further to stimulate borrowing but that wouldn’t help the markets for more than a week. This crisis is a supply shock that you can’t fight with monetary or fiscal policy.

DER SPIEGEL: What will help?

Roubini: The solution needs to be a medical one. Monetary and fiscal measures do not help when you have no food and water safety. If the shock leads to a global recession, then you have a financial crisis, because debt levels have gone up and the U.S. housing market is experiencing a bubble just like in 2007. It hasn’t been a time bomb so far because we have been experiencing growth. That is over now.

DER SPIEGEL: Will this crisis change the way the Chinese people think of their government?

Roubini: Businesspeople tell me that things in China are much worse than the government is officially reporting. A friend of mine in Shanghai has been locked in his home for weeks now. I don’t expect a revolution, but the government will need a scapegoat.


Roubini: Already, there were conspiracy theories going around about foreign interference when it comes to swine flu, bird flu and the Hong Kong uprising. I assume that China will start trouble in Taiwan, Hong Kong or even Vietnam. They’ll crack down on protesters in Hong Kong or send fighters over Taiwanese air space to provoke the U.S. military. It would only take one accident in the Strait of Formosa and you would see military action. Not a hot war between China and the U.S., but some form of action. This is what people in the U.S. government like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo or Vice President Mike Pence want. It’s the mentality of many people in D.C.

DER SPIEGEL: This crisis is obviously a setback for globalization. Do you think politicians like Trump, who want their companies to abandon production abroad, will benefit?

Roubini: He will try to reap benefits from this crisis, that’s for sure. But everything will change when coronavirus reaches the U.S. You can’t build a wall in the sky. Look, I live in New York City and people there are hardly going to restaurants, cinemas or theaters, even though nobody there has been infected by the virus thus far. If it comes, we are totally fucked.

DER SPIEGEL: A perfect scare-scenario for Trump?

Roubini: Not at all. He will lose the election, that’s for sure.

DER SPIEGEL: A bold prediction. What makes you so sure?

Roubini: Because there is a significant risk of a war between the U.S. and Iran. The U.S. government wants regime change, and they will bomb the hell out of the Iranians. But Iranians are used to suffering, believe me, I am an Iranian Jew, and I know them! And the Iranians also want regime change in the U.S. The tensions will drive up oil prices and lead inevitably to Trumps defeat in the elections.

DER SPIEGEL: What makes you so sure?

Roubini: This has always the case in history. Ford lost to Carter after the 1973 oil shock, Carter lost to Reagan due to the second oil crisis in 1979, and Bush lost to Clinton after the Kuwait invasion. The Democratic field is poor, but Trump is dead. Quote me on that!

DER SPIEGEL: A war against Iran is needed to beat Trump?

Roubini: Absolutely, and it’s worth it. Four more years of Trump means economic war!

DER SPIEGEL: What should investors do to brace for the impact?

Roubini: I expect global equities to tank by 30 to 40 percent this year. My advice is: Put your money into cash and safe government bonds, like German bunds. They have negative rates, but so what? That just means that prices will rise and rise - you can make a lot of money that way. And if I am wrong and equities go up by 10 percent instead, that’s also OK. You have to hedge your money against a crash, that is more important. That’s my motto: "Better safe than sorry!"

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:48 am

Roubini: Everyone thinks that policymakers will react swiftly but that’s also wrong. The markets are completely delusional. Look at fiscal policy: You can do fiscal stuff only in some countries like Germany, because others like Italy don’t have any leeway. But even if you do something, the political process requires a great deal of talking and negotiating. It takes six to nine months, which is way too long. The truth is: Europe would have needed fiscal stimulus even without the corona crisis. Italy was already on the verge of a recession, as was Germany. But German politicians aren’t even thinking about stimulus, despite the country being so exposed to China. The political response is a joke - politicians are often behind the curve. This crisis will spill over and result in a disaster.

DER SPIEGEL: What role do the central banks have to play?

Roubini: The European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan are already in negative territory. Of course, they could lower rates on deposits even further to stimulate borrowing but that wouldn’t help the markets for more than a week. This crisis is a supply shock that you can’t fight with monetary or fiscal policy.

DER SPIEGEL: What will help?

Roubini: The solution needs to be a medical one. Monetary and fiscal measures do not help when you have no food and water safety. If the shock leads to a global recession, then you have a financial crisis, because debt levels have gone up and the U.S. housing market is experiencing a bubble just like in 2007. It hasn’t been a time bomb so far because we have been experiencing growth. That is over now.

DER SPIEGEL: Will this crisis change the way the Chinese people think of their government?

Roubini: ...I assume that China will start trouble in Taiwan, Hong Kong or even Vietnam. They’ll crack down on protesters in Hong Kong or send fighters over Taiwanese air space to provoke the U.S. military. It would only take one accident in the Strait of Formosa and you would see military action. Not a hot war between China and the U.S., but some form of action. This is what people in the U.S. government like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo or Vice President Mike Pence want. It’s the mentality of many people in D.C.

....everything will change when coronavirus reaches the U.S. You can’t build a wall in the sky. Look, I live in New York City and people there are hardly going to restaurants, cinemas or theaters, even though nobody there has been infected by the virus thus far. If it comes, we are totally fucked.

(Trump) will lose the election, that’s for sure.

The U.S. government wants regime change, and they will bomb the hell out of the Iranians...The tensions will drive up oil prices and lead inevitably to Trumps defeat in the elections.

DER SPIEGEL: What makes you so sure?

Roubini: This has always the case in history. Ford lost to Carter after the 1973 oil shock, Carter lost to Reagan due to the second oil crisis in 1979, and Bush lost to Clinton after the Kuwait invasion. The Democratic field is poor, but Trump is dead. Quote me on that!

DER SPIEGEL: A war against Iran is needed to beat Trump?

Roubini: Absolutely, and it’s worth it. Four more years of Trump means economic war!

DER SPIEGEL: What should investors do to brace for the impact?

Roubini: I expect global equities to tank by 30 to 40 percent this year. My advice is: Put your money into cash and safe government bonds, like German bunds. They have negative rates, but so what? That just means that prices will rise and rise - you can make a lot of money that way. And if I am wrong and equities go up by 10 percent instead, that’s also OK. You have to hedge your money against a crash, that is more important. That’s my motto: "Better safe than sorry!"

So which mother fuckers planned this out years ago?
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:48 am In an interview with Germany's Der Speigel, Dr.Doom - who correctly predicted the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble in addition to the 2008 financial crisis along with the ramifications of austerity measures for debt-laden Greece - believes that coronavirus will lead to a global economic disaster and that U.S. President Donald Trump will not be re-elected as a result.

DER SPIEGEL: How severe is the coronavirus outbreak for China and for the global economy?

Roubini: This crisis is much more severe for China and the rest of the world than investors have expected for four reasons: First, it is not an epidemic limited to China, but a global pandemic. Second, it is far from being over. This has massive consequences, but politicians don’t realize it.

DER SPIEGEL: What do you mean?

Roubini: Just look at your continent. Europe is afraid of closing its borders, which is a huge mistake. In 2016, in response to the refugee crisis, Schengen was effectively suspended, but this is even worse. The Italian borders should be closed as soon as possible. The situation is much worse than 1 million refugees coming to Europe.

DER SPIEGEL: What are your other two reasons?

Roubini: Everyone believes it’s going to be a V-shaped recession, but people don’t know what they are talking about. They prefer to believe in miracles. It’s simple math: If the Chinese economy were to shrink by 2 percent in the first quarter, it would require growth of 8 percent in the final three quarters to reach the 6 percent annual growth rate that everyone had expected before the virus broke out. If growth is only 6 percent from the second quarter onwards, which is a more realistic scenario, we would see the Chinese economy only growing by 2.5 to 4 percent for the entire year. This rate would essentially mean a recession for China and a shock to the world.

DER SPIEGEL: And your last point?

Roubini: Everyone thinks that policymakers will react swiftly but that’s also wrong. The markets are completely delusional. Look at fiscal policy: You can do fiscal stuff only in some countries like Germany, because others like Italy don’t have any leeway. But even if you do something, the political process requires a great deal of talking and negotiating. It takes six to nine months, which is way too long. The truth is: Europe would have needed fiscal stimulus even without the corona crisis. Italy was already on the verge of a recession, as was Germany. But German politicians aren’t even thinking about stimulus, despite the country being so exposed to China. The political response is a joke - politicians are often behind the curve. This crisis will spill over and result in a disaster.

DER SPIEGEL: What role do the central banks have to play?

Roubini: The European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan are already in negative territory. Of course, they could lower rates on deposits even further to stimulate borrowing but that wouldn’t help the markets for more than a week. This crisis is a supply shock that you can’t fight with monetary or fiscal policy.

DER SPIEGEL: What will help?

Roubini: The solution needs to be a medical one. Monetary and fiscal measures do not help when you have no food and water safety. If the shock leads to a global recession, then you have a financial crisis, because debt levels have gone up and the U.S. housing market is experiencing a bubble just like in 2007. It hasn’t been a time bomb so far because we have been experiencing growth. That is over now.

DER SPIEGEL: Will this crisis change the way the Chinese people think of their government?

Roubini: Businesspeople tell me that things in China are much worse than the government is officially reporting. A friend of mine in Shanghai has been locked in his home for weeks now. I don’t expect a revolution, but the government will need a scapegoat.


Roubini: Already, there were conspiracy theories going around about foreign interference when it comes to swine flu, bird flu and the Hong Kong uprising. I assume that China will start trouble in Taiwan, Hong Kong or even Vietnam. They’ll crack down on protesters in Hong Kong or send fighters over Taiwanese air space to provoke the U.S. military. It would only take one accident in the Strait of Formosa and you would see military action. Not a hot war between China and the U.S., but some form of action. This is what people in the U.S. government like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo or Vice President Mike Pence want. It’s the mentality of many people in D.C.

DER SPIEGEL: This crisis is obviously a setback for globalization. Do you think politicians like Trump, who want their companies to abandon production abroad, will benefit?

Roubini: He will try to reap benefits from this crisis, that’s for sure. But everything will change when coronavirus reaches the U.S. You can’t build a wall in the sky. Look, I live in New York City and people there are hardly going to restaurants, cinemas or theaters, even though nobody there has been infected by the virus thus far. If it comes, we are totally fucked.

DER SPIEGEL: A perfect scare-scenario for Trump?

Roubini: Not at all. He will lose the election, that’s for sure.

DER SPIEGEL: A bold prediction. What makes you so sure?

Roubini: Because there is a significant risk of a war between the U.S. and Iran. The U.S. government wants regime change, and they will bomb the hell out of the Iranians. But Iranians are used to suffering, believe me, I am an Iranian Jew, and I know them! And the Iranians also want regime change in the U.S. The tensions will drive up oil prices and lead inevitably to Trumps defeat in the elections.

DER SPIEGEL: What makes you so sure?

Roubini: This has always the case in history. Ford lost to Carter after the 1973 oil shock, Carter lost to Reagan due to the second oil crisis in 1979, and Bush lost to Clinton after the Kuwait invasion. The Democratic field is poor, but Trump is dead. Quote me on that!

DER SPIEGEL: A war against Iran is needed to beat Trump?

Roubini: Absolutely, and it’s worth it. Four more years of Trump means economic war!

DER SPIEGEL: What should investors do to brace for the impact?

Roubini: I expect global equities to tank by 30 to 40 percent this year. My advice is: Put your money into cash and safe government bonds, like German bunds. They have negative rates, but so what? That just means that prices will rise and rise - you can make a lot of money that way. And if I am wrong and equities go up by 10 percent instead, that’s also OK. You have to hedge your money against a crash, that is more important. That’s my motto: "Better safe than sorry!"

You do understand that Der Speigel is a left wing socialist rag, correct?

You realize that when you link to left wing bullshit, you lose credibility, correct?

The whole point of a "LINK', is to give your take credibility.
However, when a link is decidedly "left wing", any credibility you may have had,
Flies right out the window.
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:51 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:48 am
The whole point of a "LINK', is to give your take credibility.
However, when a link is decidedly "left wing", any credibility you may have had,
Flies right out the window.
So post a right wing rebuttal. It's not brain science to say Trump is not re-elected if his response to Coronavirus is by viewed poorly by the nation up through election night.

Poptart, this greentext is for you (EAP, you'll hate it, it's rumor, hearsay and not sourced at all except for the asides):
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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP, now this is for you -- the Event 201 'highlight reel' (posted November):

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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:07 pm
EAP wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:51 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:48 am
The whole point of a "LINK', is to give your take credibility.
However, when a link is decidedly "left wing", any credibility you may have had,
Flies right out the window.
So post a right wing rebuttal. It's not brain science to say Trump is not re-elected if his response to Coronavirus is by viewed poorly by the nation up through election night.

Poptart, this greentext is for you (EAP, you'll hate it, it's rumor, hearsay and not sourced at all except for the asides):
Question for you.
Did you forget about the H1N1 "SWINE FLU" virus?
Hundreds of thousands died as a result.

I say that trump gets re-elected either way.
That's my position and I'm gonna double down on it.

Whether this goes away, or becomes a MASS WORLDWIDE pandemic, trump will be re-elected.
Take it to the bank and cash it.
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Re: Doom

Post by The Big Pickle »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:07 am When all is said and done, Donald will go down as a greater buffoon than Jimmy Carter.

Think of it.


Poptard Softball Faggot has been wrong about everything....everytime....including this one.

Trump will go down as the GREATEST PREZ OF ALL TIME!



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Re: Doom

Post by Innocent Bystander »

No, BP. Poptart is correct.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:57 pm No, BP. Poptart is correct.
No IB. Poptart is dead wrong.

His hatred and jealousy of trump, has severely clouded his judgment and reality. As such, he's currently living in an alternate universe.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

IB wrote:Poptart, this greentext is for you (EAP, you'll hate it, it's rumor, hearsay and not sourced at all except for the asides):

The severity of the situation has been evident for a few weeks now.

Some choose to wish it away.

Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

The Federal Reserve is cutting but must further ease and, most importantly, come into line with other countries/competitors. We are not playing on a level field. Not fair to USA. It is finally time for the Federal Reserve to LEAD. More easing and cutting

- Donald


A truly desperate idiot.

The fed pulled off an emergency cut of a half-a-friggin'-percent today and the market still tanked by 3%


The writing is on the wall.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:32 pm The fed pulled off an emergency cut of a half-a-friggin'-percent today and the market still tanked by 3%


The writing is on the wall.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:47 pm
Softball Bat wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:32 pm The fed pulled off an emergency cut of a half-a-friggin'-percent today and the market still tanked by 3%


The writing is on the wall.

Just so you two understand, this is a perfect storm for trump.
If Biden somehow wins the nomination, millions of Bernie supporters will sit out, or vote for trump
Game over.

If Bernie wins, trump will get roughly 35% of the black vote.
Game over.

A perfect storm
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