Perhaps this will be the Andrew Luck of viruses...and fizzle the fuck out before it's prime hits.
However, it's finally causing mass hysteria...

Paper Towels?...

Whatever the fuck was in here...

Cereal?...I hope you like one measly box of fucking Raisin Bran...

Even some of the low-information nogs at Wal Mart are ready for the Apocalypse that's coming....

As of last night...Canada is still letting anyone come into their country. They're even using touch-screen. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has already had his own wife test positive for the virus. He doesn't give a fuck.

Meanwhile, in Iran...mass graves that can be seen from outer space...

Also, in Iran...nine days ago, this dude said the virus was a US Bioweapon and he claimed it's going to get 'Return to Sender'

This is the Ayatollah...

This is the Ayatollah's Son and Grandson...

Notice anything about their skin color?...
They're white. This is because Persians are White.
Iran literally means 'Land of the Aryans' ...
Most Iranians now have olive colored skin after all of the mixed breeding...but quite a few are still pretty damn white.
There are over 80 Million people in Iran. 60% of them are under the age of 30. Virtually all Iranians under the age of 30 have been taught to speak English. A lot of them speak extremely good English.
Iran and the USA have extremely hostile relations. We almost went to War 2-months ago, but they pussy'd out and tipped off their missile strike on a couple of our military bases.
Where am I going with this? What's to stop Iran from spreading this virus in America?
If they really wanted to be bastards...all they'd need to do is to get a few white skinned dudes who speak English into Canada. They have millions of white people who speak great English.
They would have no problem crossing the Canadian border into the USA. From there, they could just go around and cough away.
I'm not saying Iran will try to weaponize this virus. But, if they wanted to...they absolutely could. They VERY easily could.
Anyone who thinks this virus is overhyped is probably wrong. This thing isn't a US Media creation. All we need is for a bunch of coughing Iranians to come here and throw in the apples.