Some were discussing what to do during a shelter in place. For us it has been get outside and enjoy nature. Lots of hikes, evening walks, visiting old churches and cycling.
But just before this pandemic really kicked off in the US we were out in Vail/Beaver Creek and purchased a lot. Building a home there should begin in the next 3 years. Plan is to split our time between San Antonio and the Vail Valley once the house is built.
Here is the new lot.

Shortly after arriving back in SA the decision was made to head to Nee Mexico. We stopped for the night in Amarillo and early the next morning visited the Cadillac Ranch.

Later in the drive we stopped at the intersection of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Shocker it was in the middle of a cattle ranch.

Then it was onto New Mexico. This is Mom Seater’s view of the front yard.

When we arrived we decided to eat out every night u til restaurants closed for eat in. This was the margs on the last night at the Taos Inn.
Since Mama Seater’s place doesn’t have a fenced yard we take the hounds on a couple of long walks each day. Here Cooper is looking sadly at the early closure of Angel Fire Resort.

Hannah wanted in on the action as well. Oh and that was the start of my playoff beard which is now the ‘Rona beard until I fly again. (Fly as pilot not as a pax.)

The end of the first week we were here we decided to do a 9 mile hike in the Rio Grande Gorge. Lots less snow to worry about.

The next Sunday we went on a church driving tour to see some of the oldest churches in New Mexico.

After another week of working remotely we went up to the Taos Ski Valley for a snowshoe hike. This one was only a few miles as the dogs were struggling. Here are a few post hike photos.

The day after (Sunday) we decided to hike along the flat scrub near the Rio Grande Gorge. This was a nice 7 mile hike that the dogs loved.

Last Wednesday neither of us had much work to do so we knocked off at 2 and went to Red River. The plan was to do a 4 mile hike but the snow turned us back. We snapped a few photos anywho.

Yesterday we hiked Guadalupe Peak in BLM lands and it was awesome. 4.4 miles with 1890 elevation gain.

Today we hiked 6 miles along the west rim of the Rio Grande Gorge near the “high bridge”

During the work week we have had a few visitors to the compound. The pointer and this deer had a long stand off thru glass. Notice hi tail. You also can’t see his front leg but that is up pointing.

Early view of turkeys. Most of the snow is now gone.

Repainting Mama Seater’s welcome sign before re-staining.

Who knew wood is now produce in this ‘Rona times.

I will update this as we explore more of Northern Nee Mexico over the next 6 weeks or so.
What y’all been doing?
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