78 fwy closed down

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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by smackaholic »

All of socal has had a half foot of rain this week. If they're too stupid to figure out how to catch it, too bad for 'em.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by atmdad »

I captured enough to fill the crawl space under my house.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Left Seater »

Why isn’t SoCal almost all on desalination?
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Kierland »

“We cant even catch the water from our rain gutters to use on our fruit trees on our own property.”


And the Resnicks’ own more CA water than all the “leftist scum” put together and they most certainly are not leftist themselves. In fact they are klepto scum like you, only they are better at it.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by atmdad »

Left Seater wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:56 pm Why isn’t SoCal almost all on desalination?
There are multiple reasons. One is that the Sierra Club, Green Peace, Surfrider Foundation and several other nature conservancy groups believe that pumping concentrated brine a mile or so out through an outfall pipe will make the ocean too salty at the outlet, thus destroying all sealife (their claim) in the general vicinity.

Trucking the brine to the desert is cost prohibitive and would likely piss off people concerned about turtles and lizards.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Left Seater »

There are a ton of ways to mix the brine with sea water so as to not have a super salinated sink area.

You could also drill wells and inject it deep underground.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Kierland »

The real reason is money, but yes there are environmental issues with intake and outflow.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Left Seater »

Kierland wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:24 am The real reason is money, but yes there are environmental issues with intake and outflow.
There are apparently environmental issues with everything. This is why we can’t get projects done without a decade of review.

As for money, California is a nation state and has a full 15% degree of the US GDP or so we keep hearing. Plus they throw money around on high speed rail and benefits for illegal criminals. There should be plenty of cash for desal.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by smackaholic »

Isn't salt a marketable commodity?

There are places in the world where they purposely mine and sell it.

Cali won't do it because they can't throw it away in an ecologic and economic way? :meds:
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.

Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Kierland »

You really are an idiot. It’s brine not salt and it is toxic and won’t mix well with regular sea water. Have you ever read a book, ever?
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by smackaholic »

Brine is sea water that has had a good bit of the water removed. There are parts of the world where they use this method to harvest salt.

Ever here of Sea Salt?

I would think that so long as the intake is off shore where there is relatively clean sea water, they ought to have reasonably pure salt. Maybe not table salt grade, but good enough for road salting and other industrial uses.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by smackaholic »

Kierland wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:42 pm You really are an idiot. It’s brine not salt and it is toxic and won’t mix well with regular sea water. Have you ever read a book, ever?
Have you ever comprehended a book you've read?

I talked about doing something with the brine other than dump it back into the sea.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Innocent Bystander »

smackaholic wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 9:07 pm
Kierland wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:42 pm You really are an idiot. It’s brine not salt and it is toxic and won’t mix well with regular sea water. Have you ever read a book, ever?
Have you ever comprehended a book you've read?

I talked about doing something with the brine other than dump it back into the sea.
I guess those means aren't cost effective....
- what is dissolved oxygen, and can it be added back in before dumping?
- what are chemosynthetic organisms, and can they be used to eat the methane contained in the waste brine? how useless/useful is the output created?
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Left Seater »

Kierland wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:42 pm It’s brine not salt and it is toxic and won’t mix well with regular sea water.
Yes it is heavier than regular seawater and as such tends to sink. However there are ways to vastly increase the mixing of brine back into normal ocean water. Having multiple outlets in natural current areas with pressurized nozzle discharge, mixes it back rather quickly.

This cost more money than just running a pipe into the ocean, but for a nation state like CA that wants to save the planet from global warming...Hell just divert the high speed rail money to this and it will be a huge win for CA.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Kierland »

Or the Resnicks’ could install water saving devices for their trees.
We have enough water it’s just that kleptos hoard it.
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Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by smackaholic »

Care to tell us about these water saving devices?

It would seem to me that if they actually were a thing, it would have made sense to install them years ago.

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mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.

Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Kierland »

That’s a lie. I broke down for you why your link sucked so you are just a fucking POS.

Re: 78 fwy closed down

Post by Kierland »

Trying too hard
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