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Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

I put half into Moderna, I'll be fine thanks.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Stan wrote:The market had the best month since 1987....
As the country is in the midst of its worst meltdown since the great depression.

The fact that the market has gone up day after day over the last month is more disturbing than if it had totally cratered, as it would have if the Fed hadn't been buying everything.

We are in a total meltdown.
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:21 am
Stan wrote:The market had the best month since 1987....
As the country is in the midst of its worst meltdown since the great depression.

The fact that the market has gone up day after day over the last month is more disturbing than if it had totally cratered, as it would have if the Fed hadn't been buying everything.

We are in a total meltdown.
Getting warrants isn’t buying everything. But then you have proven you don’t know much about anything.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Keep telling yourself that.

I warned you last fall what was going on.
The situation has escalated now in 2020. ... po-market/

The coronavirus crisis has caused the Federal Reserve to radically up its involvement in what’s basically one of the world’s most important pawn shops: “the repo market.”

Short for repurchase agreements, the repo market is a complicated, yet important, area of the U.S. financial system where firms trade trillions of dollars’ worth of debt for cash each day. The activities on this market keep the wheels turning on Wall Street and the broader economy.

To further illustrate just how important it is, the repo market has demanded Fed action for more than seven months now. It first caught the Fed’s attention last fall, after a technical glitch caused short-term interest rates to surge well above the Fed’s target range. Then, in response to the economic threat from the coronavirus, it led U.S. central bankers to drop a bazooka in March — a series of short-term loans totaling $1.5 trillion.

But the Fed’s involvement is complicated. Experts say it’s an important part of ensuring things don’t go from bad to worse, but it’s still managed to raise some prominent peoples’ eyebrows, including those of Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders...

The U.S. economic system was collapsing last fall.

It is now broken beyond repair -- and each Fed action jams that dick another inch up your @ss.

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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

We get it you want it to fail. It won’t.

Hopefully we the citizens get some cash back out of these warrants.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Left Seater wrote: Fri May 01, 2020 12:25 am
Getting warrants isn’t buying everything.
I'm confused as to your position. Do you think the Cantillon Effect is in play here or not and if yes, to what degree?
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

I am only vaguely familiar with the Cantillon Effect. But that is not what I am talking about.

Airlines that took more than $100 million were required to offer the government warrants. The warrants are equal to 10% of the loan value. So if an airline took 1 billion worth of aid, (70% is a grant and 30% is a loan) they would be regained to offer $30 Million worth of warrants. The warrant allows the government to purchase the airlines stock at some future point up to 3 years from the day of the loan at the share price on the day of the loan.

There isn’t any risk to the government with the warrant. If the airline stock falls the government tosses the warrant. However, if the stock price were to rise over the next three years the government can exercise the warrants to but the stock at the lower price and resell them at the higher price or hold them and allow the price to continue to climb before selling them.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

No I get the Socialism aspect. I would like to know about the other 70%. Do you get the destructive nature of the Cantillon Effect of that 70%?
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

The other 70% is your money and mine being redirected to airline employees.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Now that is just a lie to make yourself feel better. There is no mandate for that it all goes to employees.
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

There are plenty of mandates in the bailout. First off airlines “qualified” for an amount of money equal to their payrolls for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2019. This is the most money they could claim as part of the bail out. Of course they could also request an amount less than this as well.

For my airline taking over $100 million the money was 70% a grant and 30% a low interest loan. Warrants were also required as discussed previously. Further the following conditions were attached to the money:

No involuntary furloughs or reductions in pay rates through September 30
No share buybacks or dividends until September 30, 2021
Limits on executive pay until March 24, 2022
Continue service to existing cities, with certain exemptions

So if airlines can’t furlough or reduce pay thru the end of the 3rd quarter, their payroll expenses could be fully covered by this bailout. No you can argue that it doesn’t stipulate that they have to track that each dollar was only used for payroll, but that would be an accounting nightmare. The intention was for the bailout funds to be used to cover payroll.

All that said, I still don’t think the airlines should have been bailed out. They have multiple lines of unsecured credit. They also have tremendous value in their frequent flier programs that they could have used to secure loans or sold for cash.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

Your airline took 100$mil.?
Did I read that right?
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

Nope, that should have read for any airline, not my airline.

I am not an airline and wasn't able to access these funds. I could have applied under the small business program, but we are in good shape, as our burn rate is just salaries for the office staff and lease on the building.

But those bailout funds for airlines were to be used for payroll.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

But as you said, we do not know that. We would if the money was send to them though wouldn't we?
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

The money was sent to the airlines, what are you talking about? If you don't like the way the bailout was written you can start with Nancy since she is from your state.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

U.S. Treasury To Borrow $3 Trillion In 3 Months To Pay For Pandemic

The U.S. Treasury Department plans to borrow nearly $3 trillion between April and June to bankroll the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.

It's an unprecedented level of deficit financing to match the historic economic hit caused by the virus. In a single quarter, the government will borrow more than twice as much as it did all of last year... ... r-pandemic

3 trillion in 3 months.


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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 2:55 am U.S. Treasury To Borrow $3 Trillion In 3 Months To Pay For Pandemic

The U.S. Treasury Department plans to borrow nearly $3 trillion between April and June to bankroll the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.

It's an unprecedented level of deficit financing to match the historic economic hit caused by the virus. In a single quarter, the government will borrow more than twice as much as it did all of last year... ... r-pandemic

3 trillion in 3 months.


Face reality.
Understand that in order to prevent a great depression, greater than the "great depression", we did exactly what we needed to do.

You're understandably disappointed that your "doom" thread will be obsolete in a few more months because of this.

Well, too bad.
I think we'd all rather have the world's largest economy up at full speed once again, than to have your "doom" thread be visionary.

We'd all rather see this great American comeback and trump re-elected, than a total economical collapse, mass suicides, despair, drugs, abuse, etc. AND Alzheimer's Joe in the white house presiding over burning embers.

The way I see it is that the communist government of China 🇨🇳, unleashed untold amounts of despair and death on the entire planet, and must pay dearly for it.
Anyone who doesn't agree with me on this, is seriously detached from reality.
Thinking that they could actually get away with this without any repercussions whatsoever?
You're out of your GOT DAMN MIND!

Your "monopoly" money reference is bullshit as a result.
The tab goes to the communists.
They are responsible.
You don't get to cause worldwide death and claim the high ground.

No more political correctness, the gloves are off.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Fake pandemic.

You motherfuckers are gonna get fucking mass arrested and fucking executed

- FL resident

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Shit is gettin' very real for folks.

Gonna be seeing a lot more of this kind of anguish in the coming weeks and months...

Anguish, destitution, suffering, chaos, death...

Coming soon to a theatre near you!

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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 1:32 am Shit is gettin' very real for folks.

Gonna be seeing a lot more of this kind of anguish in the coming weeks and months...

Anguish, destitution, suffering, chaos, death...

Coming soon to a theatre near you!

you're spreading fear.
Which is a sure sign that you are fearful.
Relax bro.
Don't worry, bout' a thing. Every little thing, is gonna be alright.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

poptart wrote:Well, I might as well add another item to the list of fun things that I have told you will/already have come...

Negative interest rates
Oh yeah, they are coming.

As long as other countries are receiving the benefits of Negative Rates, the USA should also accept the “GIFT”. Big numbers!

- Donald (today)

Negative interest rates would be a ... gift for you.


Gift-wrapped right up your arse.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

The market is rolling over and I anticipate it will continue to generally push down now.

It could go sideways for a while, but we are not going to get back up to the 24,600 mark (Dow) that we saw on 4/29.

The retracement that took place after the market meltdown is -----> over.

Grease up.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Nutsy Pelosi is pimping her 3 trillion dollar coronavirus response bill hard. ... index.html

Yeah, what's another 3 trillion dollars?

The bill will be full of political wish money, like they always are, that should not be there.

The federal government took in 3.5 trillion dollars in tax revenue in 2019.

So instead of a bill like this, why not free all taxpayers of their tax burden this year and print up 3+ trillion dollars and give it to the treasury to pay for federal spending?

Give everyone a full tax refund.

Who is dumb enough to pay their taxes this year, when the federal reserve is just printing up hundreds of billions of dollars like it is nothing?

Pay my taxes?
Just print it up, dude.

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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Delta is brought to its knees.

CEO Employee Memo -----> ... our-future
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

All airlines have sent similar memos to employees. United is the airline really being brought to their knees. Their employees are suing them, they are ignoring DOT rules on refunds, are ignoring rules for accepting stimulus money, and angering customers at every turn.

Delta and American will be fine. United is the airline you should be focused on in a “doom” thread.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Okay, thanks.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

poptart wrote:There is going to be massive destitution, pain, suffering, chaos, and death.

There will be desperation, disbelief, and chaos.

Desperation. Chaos. Rage at "the man" for fvkking them this way. Total disrespect and disregard for the established institutions and law. Jungle time.


Just gettin' warmed up.

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

If you read through the thread you'll see that they have been excellent.

Numerous things I called have already occurred, or are currently occurring.

Watch and see that some of the future events I have called for will also be occurring.

The Dow has not started its next big leg down yet, so that is not shaping up.
However, who is buying the market now?

The 30 million unemployed?

So yeah, the entire economic system is trashed -- and we have completely fake markets.

A fantasy economy and a fantasy president.

Folks have been caged up, their livelihoods have been erased, they are in a world of hurt, they are sick of their owners, and now a fuse has been lit.

It is all unraveling.
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Re: Doom

Post by Left Seater »

You didn’t predict BLM/Antifa riots.

You thought the Rona flu would be the reason for riots. But sure take an unearned victory lap.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

And if he had he would have been wrong. These are cop riots you fat “let them eat cake” fuck.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:14 pm And if he had he would have been wrong. These are cop riots you fat “let them eat cake” fuck.
you sick fuck
The American people understand that criminals are threatening the people now

On social media, criminals are threatening to invade suburban neighborhoods and homes.

Male and female officers are being shot.

Under the constitution, the president has the legal authority to invoke the insurrection act


And, let me add, a very sick and disturbed individual as well.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

88nazis loves projection and lying and probably fucking his kids in the ass.
What a sick fuck.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:10 pm 88nazis loves projection and lying and probably fucking his kids in the ass.
What a sick fuck.
The sick fuck Kierland LIES AGAIN! no surprise there.

Keep lying you sick fascist fuck.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

Left Seater wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:45 pm You didn’t predict BLM/Antifa riots.

You thought the Rona flu would be the reason for riots. But sure take an unearned victory lap.
The riots are about more than the death of Mr. Floyd (not pink).

The market is going up, up, up -- while 40 million are unemployed and folks are in serious distress.

A rich man can get richer and a poor man can... suck his cock?

As I posted previously in this thread, a grotesque version of socialism is being ushered in on Donald's watch.
One where the rich can get richer, the middle class can be smacked the hell down, and the poor can... eat dirt and die.

"They need to be dominated," and pepper spraying peaceful protesters isn't helping matters[/Marcus].

Shit is just gettin' wound up, dude.

The real impact of the economic depression hasn't set in yet.

Jackboot tactics are not going to stand and we are going to witness a whole lot of ugliness.
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Re: Doom

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:42 am
Left Seater wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:45 pm You didn’t predict BLM/Antifa riots.

You thought the Rona flu would be the reason for riots. But sure take an unearned victory lap.
The riots are about more than the death of Mr. Floyd (not pink).

The market is going up, up, up -- while 40 million are unemployed and folks are in serious distress.

A rich man can get richer and a poor man can... suck his cock?

As I posted previously in this thread, a grotesque version of socialism is being ushered in on Donald's watch.
One where the rich can get richer, the middle class can be smacked the hell down, and the poor can... eat dirt and die.

"They need to be dominated," and pepper spraying peaceful protesters isn't helping matters[/Marcus].

Shit is just gettin' wound up, dude.

The real impact of the economic depression hasn't set in yet.

Jackboot tactics are not going to stand and we are going to witness a whole lot of ugliness.
top down government control socialism isn't the answer.

Everything the mainstream media and social media says about the president, is a GOT DAMN LIE.

THE American people understand that now. Just in time for November.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

EAP wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:50 am
Softball Bat wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:42 am
Left Seater wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:45 pm You didn’t predict BLM/Antifa riots.

You thought the Rona flu would be the reason for riots. But sure take an unearned victory lap.
The riots are about more than the death of Mr. Floyd (not pink).

The market is going up, up, up -- while 40 million are unemployed and folks are in serious distress.

A rich man can get richer and a poor man can... suck his cock?

As I posted previously in this thread, a grotesque version of socialism is being ushered in on Donald's watch.
One where the rich can get richer, the middle class can be smacked the hell down, and the poor can... eat dirt and die.

"They need to be dominated," and pepper spraying peaceful protesters isn't helping matters[/Marcus].

Shit is just gettin' wound up, dude.

The real impact of the economic depression hasn't set in yet.

Jackboot tactics are not going to stand and we are going to witness a whole lot of ugliness.
top down government control socialism isn't the answer.

Everything the mainstream media and social media says about the president, is a GOT DAMN LIE.

THE American people understand that now. Just in time for November.
You are the Yellowest POS on the planet 88, you nazi fuck.
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Re: Doom

Post by Softball Bat »

GDP Update: -52.8%



Ok, this is now getting a little scary:

The real time GDP running estimate of US economic activity is half of what it was 3 months ago. As of June 1, the Atlanta Fed is nowcasting that economic activity in the United States, as measured in GDP, is minus 52.8%.

Given the extent of the collapse in demand that has accompanied quarantines and shelter-in-place orders, this is not a surprise. Still, when you see the number in print, it still has the capacity to shock.

Understand, this is a snapshot of GDP on any given day. This is not GDP for the year, not even for the quarter — it reflects the moment, and not a longer time period.

Still, I never expected to see anything like this in my lifetime . . .

88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

There really is so much winning.
Wall built.
Economy humming.
Not a Muslim in sight.
And he is doing it FULLY transparently with no slip ups or gaffs.

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Re: Doom

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Left Seater wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:45 pm You didn’t predict BLM/Antifa riots.

You thought the Rona flu would be the reason for riots. But sure take an unearned victory lap.
Covid 19 destroying the balck community and the Trump administration's refusal to lift a single fucking finger to do anything about it was absolutely the powder keg for these protests across America. 40 million people out of work, 25% unemployment, who else's ass do you think that is predominately kicking? Blacks and latinos.

You are one uniquely clueless tool.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.

Re: Doom

Post by Kierland »

He is not uniquely clueless, look around the board.
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