FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Derron »

Not matter why you bitches argue about this, putting that first stage booster down on the ship was pretty amazing.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by EAP »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:33 am Image
is that your wife or your daughter?
And who watches the Jetsons anymore?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:10 am In contrast, the Bible overwhelmingly presents the Earth as flat, stationary, and enclosed.
It presents it no other way.
Only those who chose to be ignorant would debate it.

The first chapter of the Bible informs humans of where they are living.

Genesis 1:6-7
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

Genesis 1:16-17
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

Psalm 148:4-6
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.
He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

God created a firmament and placed the sun, moon, and stars IN the firmament.
God placed waters above the firmament (above the sun, moon, and stars) -- which are established for ever and ever, by a decree of God that shall never pass.

This ain't your globe.
That ain't your flat erf either. Not one word of what you just quoted even remotely suggests a plane, a globe or any other shape.

Not one word of what you just quoted can be established as actual, provable fact.

Not one word of what you just quoted can be stablished as anything more than utter nonsense.

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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:Not one word of what you just quoted can be stablished as anything more than utter nonsense.
It is the Bible.

Then I will ask you what I have asked before...

The waters above the sun, moon, and stars.

Where are these waters located?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Slap »

Softball Bat wrote:And there is other Scripture that talks about "slapping something very important in your forehead."
One time I slapped my dick across this chick's forehead a bunch of times. Does that qualify as important?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Left Seater wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:24 pm Screwy, since you missed most of this discussion here are some high points you need to know.

NASA fakes photos
World governments are complicit in the fake space cover up
There is no explanation for why we haven’t had a death bed confession
Softball claims not to know the answer to most questions posed to him, but knows definitively that space travel and a globe earth are false
The firmament is not able to be penetrated
The moon and sun are always “above” us, but they get so far away their light doesn’t reach us
Softball doesn’t know the difference between a sphere and ellipsis
Softball believes in faith when it comes to religion, but demands physical proof for space

kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Left Seater »

Nothing in those three passages mentions a flat earth. You and others have interpreted that to somehow believe the earth is flat.

I get that the Bible mentions a firmament, but maybe that firmament goes millions of miles from earth.

However, continuously using the Bible to support your ridiculous claim of flat earth is sad at best.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:17 am
I don't doubt that they have something flying around up there.
So there is something flying around up there, but you definitely know it isn’t in space, nor do you know how high it is. How do you claim to know such absolutes, yet don’t know the details of said absolutes?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

LS wrote:I get that the Bible mentions a firmament, but maybe that firmament goes millions of miles from earth.

Is this what you think?

You think the Genesis 1 is speaking about waters being out beyond the sun, over 93 million miles away?
In what direction?

You really are a loon.


The Bible presents the Earth as being something like this.

And it is not only in Genesis.
I could pull up a dozen other verses/passages that fall in line with this, generally.

Nobody with intellectual integrity can read the Bible and think it presents the globe to us.

Btw, for the great majority of human history, folks understood the Earth to be flat and stationary.

Idiocy is a relatively recent phenomenon.

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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Left Seater »

So you still have nothing from the Bible that says the Earth is flat? So noted. You can keep claiming it says what it doesn’t, but that just says more about you.

If there is a firmament, it is likely billions of miles away.

And yes people used to think the earth was flat and stationary. However, that changed. The Church has changed over the years. For example slavery was once fine with the church, so was capital punishment, so was limbo for unbaptized infants who died. So your example is pretty stupid, but hey...
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:05 pm Image
Did you get this from the Heaven's Gate website?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

LS wrote:So you still have nothing from the Bible that says the Earth is flat?
Are you retarded?

God created a firmament and placed the sun, moon, and stars IN the firmament. Genesis 1:6-7, 1:16-17
God placed waters above the firmament (above the sun, moon, and stars) -- which are established for ever and ever, by a decree of God that shall never pass. Psalm 148:4-6

If it is not a flat earth, where are the waters currently located?

In Genesis 1, God is describing waters that he placed billions of miles away from the Earth?

This is your serious answer?


Daniel 4:10-11
there was a tree in the midst of the earth and its height was great.
The tree grew large and became strong And its height reached to the sky, And it was visible to the end of the whole earth.

Matthew 4:8
Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;

Psalm 75:3
The earth and all who dwell in it melt; It is I who have firmly set its pillars.

Job 9:6
Who shakes the earth out of its place, And its pillars tremble;

The imagery is that of a flat, stationary Earth.
There is no debating it, and are in fact directly told that in the first chapter of the Bible.

I’m a Christian and biblical scholar who has a grasp of the fact that ancient Israelite cosmology describes a flat earth.

- Dr. Michael Heiser (Hebrew Bible scholar)
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:50 am
Jayne wrote:Not one word of what you just quoted can be stablished as anything more than utter nonsense.
It is the Bible.

Then I will ask you what I have asked before...

The waters above the sun, moon, and stars.

Where are these waters located?
Once again, it is incumbent upon you to prove there is a firmament, waters above the Earth, Sun and Moon and stars. Show us the picture of this so-called "firmament". Show us these "waters". Stop quoting Biblical fallacy and present actual evidence that you can back up with facts. Faith is all well and good, but unless you can prove your position with something tangible, viewable and intellectually without question as truth as all can see it, your "faith" remains tainted and poisoned by ignorance.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by atmdad »

Wow, that is some horrible misinterpretation of those verses there Pete.

You know, for all intents and purposes, David Koresh was a biblical scholar as well.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:Once again, it is incumbent upon you to prove there is a firmament, waters above the Earth, Sun and Moon and stars.
I don't buy into your bogus cosmology.
It is that simple.

Prove a rocket goes from land to space, ding dong.
It has never been seen.

See how that works?

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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:Show us
I've shown you 7 laser tests.

No curvature.

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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Left Seater »


Why can’t the firmament surround a globe?

Nothing in your verses says the earth is flat.

Think. Use your brain for once as something other than a hat rack.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

The imagery is always that of a flat, stationary Earth, Lefty.
As I have shown in the passages already posted.

The Earth is not moving...

I Chronicles 16:30
Tremble before Him, all the earth; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.

At the 2nd coming of Christ (in the clouds) -- every eye shall see him.
Matthew 24:30, Revelation 1:7

This is flat earth imagery.

In Joshua 10 God stopped the sun in the sky and it did not go down for a whole day.
This does not lend itself to the globe, but instead to the flat, stationary Earth where the sun is merely stopped.

It goes on and on...
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:38 am The imagery is always that of a flat, stationary Earth, Lefty.
As I have shown in the passages already posted.

The Earth is not moving...
What absolute garbage.

Which particular "imagery" are you talking about pops? You can't possibly be ignorant enough to mean all of the "drawings" you have posted? Show us one actual photograph of a Flat Earth. Just one.

But of course you can't. Your precious laser tests are nothing more than a distraction to avoid answering the real, more difficult questions you always deflect away from. Meanwhile, it has been shown over and over again, on tape after tape, film upon film, that rockets go into space. You yourself were quoted as admitting that "there is something up there". One thing it ain't is a firmament. Period.

I realize you don't buy into my "cosmology". That is because you don't buy into the truth. You don't buy into what can be seen with the naked eye. Instead, you rely only on conspiracy, fringe fantasy and the unprovable quotes from the Bible.

But hey, go ahead and keep your pin-head buried in the sands of ignorance.
I Chronicles 16:30
Tremble before Him, all the earth; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.

At the 2nd coming of Christ (in the clouds) -- every eye shall see him.
Matthew 24:30, Revelation 1:7

This is flat earth imagery.
No, this is more delusion. More nonsense, written by an ignorant people who know nothing of science.

In Joshua 10 God stopped the sun in the sky and it did not go down for a whole day.
This does not lend itself to the globe, but instead to the flat, stationary Earth where the sun is merely stopped.

It goes on and on...
More misinterpretations and backward thinking. But let's play your silly game for one moment. If God stopped the Sun in the sky, meaning it was moving, by the way (and shooting your own theory right in the foot), how does that imply the Earth to be flat? Simply put, it doesn't.

Go back to school and clean the erasers little boy. You've much to learn.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:Which particular "imagery" are you talking about pops?
That imagery that comes into your mind when you read the Bible verses I have posted.

Maybe you haven't paused to let it sink in.
For just one of the examples...

Matthew 4:8
Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory

The imagery only works if the Earth is a flat plane.
If the Earth is a globe you could not go to a hypothetical "high mountain" and see what is under the Earth.

Likewise for Daniel 4:10-11, Revelation 1:7, Matthew 24:30, etc.

Look, whether the Earth is flat or not, the people who wrote these things CLEARLY had a flat, stationary Earth in mind when they wrote them.

It speaks volumes that you and Lefty continue to debate this point.

Jayne wrote:If God stopped the Sun in the sky, meaning it was moving, by the way (and shooting your own theory right in the foot), how does that imply the Earth to be flat? Simply put, it doesn't.
For Joshua 10 to happen on your globe, the Earth would have to stop spinning completely.


And what would happen then? lol
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:40 am Matthew 4:8
Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory

The imagery only works if the Earth is a flat plane.
If the Earth is a globe you could not go to a hypothetical "high mountain" and see what is under the Earth.

Likewise for Daniel 4:10-11, Revelation 1:7, Matthew 24:30, etc.
Wait you just told us Revelations is full of creative imagery. Now you want to quote it as something to be taken literally?
Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:09 am is Revelation, which is of course a writing that is full of creative imagery.

So they are not literally putting things on their forehead.

Lots going on here and none of it helps your cause. First off you want to take the Matthew passage literally. Yet you said earlier that not all of it is to be taken literally, see the mark on their foreheads quotes. So when should it be taken literally, and when it is figuratively? Why do you take passage about the earth literally and not others? Why do you get to decide what is literal and what isn’t?

Second, you are saying that from a high mountain the entire earth was visible or at least all the land. Yet, you also claim that the sun stays above us but gets so far away that the light doesn’t reach us. How the hell can those two statements coexist? Either the light is reaching all the land at once or it isn’t. And we know for a fact it isn’t. So do you still want to interpret this passage literally?
Softball Bat wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:40 am
Look, whether the Earth is flat or not, the people who wrote these things CLEARLY had a flat, stationary Earth in mind when they wrote them.

It speaks volumes that you and Lefty continue to debate this point.
And I will give you that the authors of the Bible believed they were on a flat earth. They didn’t know any better so they wrote with that belief in mind. It turns out they were wrong, but again the Bible does not definitely say the earth is flat.

Yes, I continue to debate this with you because you are bastardizing things. Get your shit straight and don’t speak out of both sides of your mouth.

JSC, just because humans like Softball falsely claim the Bible says something it does not, doesn’t make the Bible wrong. It just says something about those humans.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Kierland »

Jsc810 wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:48 am

Likewise with the shape of the earth, we have modern science to provide answers, but even 2000 years ago they knew the shape of the earth.
All of the modern science I have used shows me it’s flat. And as far as I know you have not done any science that proves otherwise. This means your position forces you to believe and have faith too. You have to believe people are not lying to you and have faith in mathematical formulas and assumptions that may or may not be true. The Theory of Gravity being one of those.

As I have said before, there are very few humans that know if the earth is roundish using anything but faith and belief. You are not one of them.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:40 amFor Joshua 10 to happen on your globe, the Earth would have to stop spinning completely.


And what would happen then? lol
LOL all you want, it's only yourself you're laughing at, along with everyone else. You deflected again, how surprising.

Let's do this once more, and slow it down for you. Using your own Biblical quote, "In Joshua 10 God stopped the sun in the sky and it did not go down for a whole day." If God stopped the Sun, this implies it is moving. You can't stop something that is stationary. So in effect, if you truly believe these words as gospel, then your entire argument gets hoist on its' own Biblical petard. You have metaphorically cut your own throat.

If the Sun moves, everything moves. And the universe and all that is contained within is constantly moving. This has been proven.

One final reminder. This is a film photo taken from Apollo 8 as it circled the moon. It is the very first filmed Earthrise. This was back in December of 1968, before any kind digital manipulation or trickery.

Earth looks kind of round to me.


Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Kierland »

Depends on what you believe and have faith in, I mean, unless you took that pic.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by EAP »

Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:20 pm Depends on what you believe and have faith in, I mean, unless you took that pic.
how can a low IQ troll like you function on a daily basis?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Derron »

Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:38 pm
Jsc810 wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:48 am

Likewise with the shape of the earth, we have modern science to provide answers, but even 2000 years ago they knew the shape of the earth.
All of the modern science I have used shows me it’s flat. And as far as I know you have not done any science that proves otherwise. This means your position forces you to believe and have faith too. You have to believe people are not lying to you and have faith in mathematical formulas and assumptions that may or may not be true. The Theory of Gravity being one of those.

As I have said before, there are very few humans that know if the earth is roundish using anything but faith and belief. You are not one of them.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?

Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Kierland »

Not an actual white flag, but close enough.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:20 pm Depends on what you believe and have faith in, I mean, unless you took that pic.
Just when I believe you can't possibly get any stupider, you say something like that. Amazing.

You know nothing of my faith, but it is great and it is good. That said, faith...not religion...but faith and science can go hand in hand.

Let me ask you a question Sale, since you and pops are walking down the same road. Are there satellites in space around this planet? Yes or no.

Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Kierland »

How is it dumb to point out that you didn’t take the pic and that that means you have to have faith that it is what they say it is? Are you saying that is not a true statement on my part?

As for your question, it just proves you have no idea what I’m even talking about. My belief is not proof of anything and is therefor not relevant, so I would object on those grounds.

Have I designed a sat? No.
Shot one up? No.
Have you?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Jay in Phoenix »

Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:43 pm How is it dumb to point out that you didn’t take the pic and that that means you have to have faith that it is what they say it is? Are you saying that is not a true statement on my part?

As for your question, it just proves you have no idea what I’m even talking about. My belief is not proof of anything and is therefor not relevant, so I would object on those grounds.

Have I designed a sat? No.
Shot one up? No.
Have you?
I didn't have to take the pic to prove it is real. Even if I had you would dispute it, so it's a moot point, at least on your part. You very much misconstrue my words. You said it depends on what you have faith in. I answered that my faith is great. That is from a standpoint of spirituality, not religion. Two very different things. As well, I have faith in science, because science requires multiple scenarios and tests before a theory is proven or dis-proven. Religion and spiritual faith don't do that. I'ts all blind belief. There is no middle ground or discussion.

So your statement isn't untrue, it is just off point.

As to your questions, since you deflected on mine, no I have not shot one up but have seen them launched. I have not designed them, of course, but know how to control them. I have explained this before. So once again, I ask you, yes or no, are there satellites in space?

The question is pertinent as it settles the flat Earth argument.

Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Kierland »

I was talking faith in the person who took the pic. Which I said more than once. I don’t give a fuck about your religion.... or your sexuality. That means my statement was on point, you like pop, have to have faith for your argument to be true. You are just willing to have faith in different things than him.

And once again I will object, now usually I would now drop some smack, but I am willing, once again, to be nice to you and help you out.
You asked the wrong question: the right one would be something like- do you know if there are sats in space; do you believe there are sats in space. Something along those lines.
I do not know if there are sats in space but I believe there is something because I can’t explain how those signals get to me other than a sat. Now I have not researched it so, as I said, my belief is meaningless.
Your belief in sats appears to be less meaningless because you work with the tech but since I really don’t know a lot about your involvement I don’t know what that level is. I do know you have not been to space.

So to recap: what I said was true, just like it almost always is.

Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Kierland »

Jsc810 wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:44 pm
Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:38 pm As I have said before, there are very few humans that know if the earth is roundish using anything but faith and belief. You are not one of them.
Wait, Kierland also is trolling is a flat earther?

In any event, yes I am someone who knows that earth is not flat thru simple observation. You can watch a boat disappear on the horizon as well.

But being in Louisiana, I can look at Lake Ponchatrian.


Have a nice day.
Have you ever watched a boat disappear and then pulled out some binoculars? Why don’t you try that and get back to me. If you are not afraid of science.

As for your Lake, please explain the physics and math of how this works. Where was the pic taken? How far is that big tower that is diff from the other towers away? How far away is the last tower you can see? I mean if you are not afraid of science.

And don’t think I didn’t catch your little fallacy to start your post.
Poisoning the Well? Really? That tired piece of nonlogic? I expect it from 88, you sir are SUPPOSED to be a lawyer.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

LS wrote:Wait you just told us Revelations is full of creative imagery. Now you want to quote it as something to be taken literally?
Revelation 1:7 is describing the very same event as Matthew 24:30.
The 2nd coming of Christ.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

LS wrote:Why do you take passage about the earth literally and not others?
What you are doing is trying to muddy the waters, since there is really nothing else you can do.

The passages I have posted are consistent with a flat, stationary Earth.

Feel free to explore them further, and read the text surrounding those verses -- to get context.

The globe is simply not something the writers of the Bible described.

They thought, whether rightly or wrongly, that they were living on a flat, stationary plane.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

LS wrote:Second, you are saying that from a high mountain the entire earth was visible or at least all the land.
No, I am not saying that.

I am saying that the imagery of Matthew 4:8 is consistent with a flat earth.

Matthew 4:8 is the writing of someone who believes he is living on a flat plane and not a globe.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jayne wrote:Let's do this once more, and slow it down for you. Using your own Biblical quote, "In Joshua 10 God stopped the sun in the sky and it did not go down for a whole day." If God stopped the Sun, this implies it is moving. You can't stop something that is stationary. So in effect, if you truly believe these words as gospel, then your entire argument gets hoist on its' own Biblical petard. You have metaphorically cut your own throat.

If the Sun moves, everything moves.


Joshua 10 - God stopped the sun.

What is the problem supposed to be?
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jsc810 wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:44 pm
Kierland wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:38 pm As I have said before, there are very few humans that know if the earth is roundish using anything but faith and belief. You are not one of them.
Wait, Kierland also is trolling is a flat earther?

In any event, yes I am someone who knows that earth is not flat thru simple observation. You can watch a boat disappear on the horizon as well.

But being in Louisiana, I can look at Lake Ponchatrian.


Have a nice day.
We previously had a very long discussion about this pic.

I am not interested in speaking about it again, but I certainly hope you are not dull enough to think that is the actual curvature of the Earth there.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by Softball Bat »

Jsc wrote:So a question about this ongoing troll job your religious beliefs: let's assume that we actually send you into space, and then you see with your own eyes as you orbit the planet, and then you realize that the Bible is wrong, then what?

Will you then wonder what else is not accurate in that book? Talking snakes, people living hundreds of years, people instantly being cured of blindness, people coming back to life after they have died, and so on.

Will you finally then actually use the brain that God gave you? Or will you just conclude that the Devil was making you see things from your spaceship, and then continue on being willfully ignorant?
There is a thing you may know about, called the apostles creed.

The essentials (things agreed upon by Christians of all denominations) are contained in the creed.

Christians debate a lot of things, but they do not debate these essentials.

The shape of the Earth is not included in the apostles creed.

The shape of the Earth is not a matter of any importance as far as salvation is concerned.

As a Christian, I assumed the globe to be true for over 40 years.

I could accept it as truth again if it was proven to me that it is true.

It would not change what Christ did on the cross.

That said, the globe is a completely ridiculous fantasy.

Is someone sincerely looks into it, and sincerely gives thought to what is required for it, and still thinks it is right -- there is something wrong with them.

Most people just shut off their brain and refuse to consider that the globe might be wrong.

I credit MS for having the ability to open his mind up and look at things without bias.
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Re: FakeX is sending men to space on Wednesday

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Softball Bat wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:05 pmImage
Well this looks pretty legit to me. I'm IN. Send me all your introductory pamphlets.

BTW are there megaladons in the Great Deep?
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