* Arteriosclerotic and Hypertensive Heart Disease
* Covid19. He tested positive in April and was still Covid19 Positive at the time of his Death.
* He had a potentially lethal dose of Fentanyl in him. Not to mention he also tested positive for Meth and several other drugs. He had more shit in him than a hopped-up race horse.

Here's the George Floyd Challenge:
Nevermind the Arteriosclerotic and Hypertensive Heart Disease...
First, you must get yourself Covid19 Positive. Then you must go do Meth and Fentanyl. Then go to a Mom and Pop Deli and try to pass a fake $20 Bill.
Go sit on your car and wait for the Cops to come. When the Cops come...try to jostle with them until you sneak a couple dime bags out of your pocket and slide them on the ground.
Once you do this...you will have passed the George Flody Challenge.