Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

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Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Left Seater »

Racist is racist right? Or isn’t it? Where is the outrage, the comments from teammates, opponents saying they can’t wait to play him, etc.

Is it because liberals really don’t care about actual racism? Is it that liberals only do what their heroes tell them? Is it that liberals put politics over actual racism?

Just let me know so I can update my spreadsheet.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by atmdad »

Don't hold your breathe.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »

https://mobile.twitter.com/SmokeyWo/sta ... 3363678209. -- looks like the brother got deleted after quoting the Talmud and going 'wtf is this shit?' because I saw the original post and video.

Not banworthy.

https://mobile.twitter.com/nashababi/st ... 98?lang=en -- I'm surprised Nashababy's post is still up, after Smokeywo's was deleted. Then again, Nashababy (sounds like Naijababy, but whatever) has tits and can be used for a two minute hate. She isn't directly quoting Hitler or the Talmud. The difference is there, maybe after all.

Desean, having said all that, is in trouble for a fake quote.

If the quote had been real, there would be a different response. Find the original source, that's the real news story. In the meantime, I'm reposting this ... only like three Anglos in the comments got what actually happens in it.

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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »



Are you really asking the opinion of liberals? Which liberals?

Because the fake quote he posted is more important for why it was posted, versus its historical accuracy/falsification -- especially in this year of our Lord 2020.

See also: both Elon Musk's and Ice Cube's posts.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

Thank you.
I've been saying that the mainstream press and media is the propaganda arm of the democrat socialist party for years now.
And so are the elite institutions who indoctrinate our children.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Left Seater »


I am asking the liberals that post here. Why the double standard?
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Left Seater wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:46 pm IB,

I am asking the liberals that post here. Why the double standard?
There is a double standard, but it's not the one you're fishing for.

Desean has been widely condemned except by one (black) teammate who said he was telling the truth.

Desean was so widely condemned he published an immediate apology for anti-semitism.

If Desean had kept it to the generic 'white people' and substituted any white leader except Hitler (like, say, Johnson), it would not have made a global splash.

So.... what's your point, for the 'liberals', here?
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:26 pm
Left Seater wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:46 pm IB,

I am asking the liberals that post here. Why the double standard?
There is a double standard, but it's not the one you're fishing for.

Desean has been widely condemned except by one (black) teammate who said he was telling the truth.

Desean was so widely condemned he published an immediate apology for anti-semitism.

If Desean had kept it to the generic 'white people' and substituted any white leader except Hitler (like, say, Johnson), it would not have made a global splash.

So.... what's your point, for the 'liberals', here?
His point is that thru the years, Louis farrakhan, Al Sharpton, etc.
Who hold places of honor, distinction and respect in the democrat party, have repeatedly been known for the most vile racist statements. Farrakhan has spoken before the congressional black caucus at least 20 times.
Was seated next to former president Clinton at Aretha's funeral.
Al Sharpton is a close friend and advisor to president Obama.
Yet the mainstream media wouldn't dare question either of these race baiting pimps.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Left Seater »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:26 pm
Left Seater wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:46 pm IB,

I am asking the liberals that post here. Why the double standard?
There is a double standard, but it's not the one you're fishing for.

Desean has been widely condemned except by one (black) teammate who said he was telling the truth.

Desean was so widely condemned he published an immediate apology for anti-semitism.

If Desean had kept it to the generic 'white people' and substituted any white leader except Hitler (like, say, Johnson), it would not have made a global splash.

So.... what's your point, for the 'liberals', here?
So DeSean gets to say oops my bad, but Drew Brees can’t? See double standard.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:37 pm
His point is that thru the years, Louis farrakhan, Al Sharpton, etc.
Farrakhan is a Black Muslim.
Al Sharpton is a Protestant race hustler.
There is a difference.

Who hold places of honor, distinction and respect in the democrat party,
Sharpton does, Farrakhan doesn't -- in spite of Farrakan's cult consistently changing the lives of black men for the better for nearly a century, while Sharpton just accepts race groveling bribes from major white players. Take three guesses why.

have repeatedly been known for the most vile racist statements.
Cut to the chase.

Farrakhan has spoken before the congressional black caucus at least 20 times.
Why shouldn't he?

Was seated next to former president Clinton at Aretha's funeral.
Clinton was the token white boy..... when there were better choices. Farrakhan is seated at the opposite end of Clinton, not beside him.

Al Sharpton is a close friend and advisor to president Obama.
Sharpton is a scumbag with mafia connections.

Yet the mainstream media wouldn't dare question either of these race baiting pimps.
Sharpton is the MSM's pet monkey. Farrakhan is not.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Left Seater wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:43 pm
Innocent Bystander wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 7:26 pm
Left Seater wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 6:46 pm IB,

I am asking the liberals that post here. Why the double standard?
There is a double standard, but it's not the one you're fishing for.

Desean has been widely condemned except by one (black) teammate who said he was telling the truth.

Desean was so widely condemned he published an immediate apology for anti-semitism.

If Desean had kept it to the generic 'white people' and substituted any white leader except Hitler (like, say, Johnson), it would not have made a global splash.

So.... what's your point, for the 'liberals', here?
So DeSean gets to say oops my bad, but Drew Brees can’t? See double standard.
Drew Brees is a White Jesus-TheFlag-and Apple Pie cultist. Drew Brees was appalled that anyone would kneel instead of salute while the national anthem played. Drew Brees is a fake Christian cac, nothing more, nothing less, he represents most cac christians in the US. Blacks kneeling instead of saluting is akin to spitting on whites, threatening whites, emotionally assaulting whites, being ungrateful towards whites. It is what it is.

DeSean named the Jew, the Event 201 players, and the Georgia Guidestone true believers.
"The white Jews knows that the Negroes are the real Children of Israel and to keep Americas secret the Jews will blackmail America,” the post said. Jackson pulled the quotation from “Jerusalem,” a book by Dennine Barnett.


Jackson also shared a clip of a speech featuring Louis Farrakhan accusing Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates of contriving to "depopulate the Earth" with a vaccine for the coronavirus. Said Jackson in response to Farrakhan’s conspiracy theory: "This man powerful. I hope everyone got a chance to watch this! Don’t be blinded. Know what’s going on!"
Those players who are silent either agree with Desean, or are trying to navigate PR in the best way to hold on to their money without losing the street.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Softball Bat »

IB wrote:Drew Brees is a White Jesus-TheFlag-and Apple Pie cultist. Drew Brees was appalled that anyone would kneel instead of salute while the national anthem played. Drew Brees is a fake Christian cac, nothing more, nothing less, he represents most cac christians in the US. Blacks kneeling instead of saluting is akin to spitting on whites, threatening whites, emotionally assaulting whites, being ungrateful towards whites. It is what it is.
What in the world are you talking about?

You are dreaming things up and making things up.

Drew Brees said nothing at all about race.

Interviewer: (00:00)
Everyone is looking back now at Kaepernick’s protest from a few years ago and obviously they were always about police brutality and now it’s coming back to the for and a lot of people expect that we will see players kneeling again if and when the NFL season starts. I’m curious how you think the NFL will and should respond to that and of course, you’re such a leader in the league, what is your responsibility as a leader in times like this for the rest of your teammates and players in the league?

Drew Brees: (00:27)
Well, I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country. Let me just tell you what I see or what I feel when the National Anthem is played and when I look at the flag of the United States. I envision my two grandfathers who fought for this country during World War II, one in the Army, and one of the Marine Corps, both risking their lives to protect our country and to try to make our country and this world a better place.
So every time I stand with my hand over my heart, looking at that flag and singing the National Anthem, that’s what I think about. And in many cases, it brings me to tears thinking about all that has been sacrificed, not just those in the military, but for that matter, those throughout the civil rights movements of the ’60s and everyone, and all that has been endured by so many people up until this point. And is everything right with our country right now? No, it’s not, we still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart is it shows unity, it shows that we are all in this together, we can all do better and then we are all part of the solution.

Shit, he is right.

Employees on company time should stand up for the anthem.

It is basic respect and it is a no-brainer.

Do your kneeling on your own time, assholes.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

Softball is 100% CORRECT.

IF THE NFL doesn't get politics out of their game, they will lose money. Not sure how much, but it will be substantial.

We look to entertainment and sports to "escape" for a couple hours.
All professional sports had better stop with the politics, REAL FAST.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Softball Bat »

Pro sports were much more in perspective pre-Twitter.

Now you've got hordes of dumb jocks like DuhSean Jackson out in cyberspace trying to "create their brand."



DuhSean, you are a dummy.

You run fast and can catch a football.

That, and paying your taxes, is the extent of your value to society.

Nobody is interested in your social commentary, other than in cases like this past week, when they can point and laff at your stupid ass.

So okay, thanks for reminding the entire world once again, that you are -----> a MORON.

Log off.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Bill in Houston »

Softball Bat wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:12 am Pro sports were much more in perspective pre-Twitter.

Now you've got hordes of dumb jocks like DuhSean Jackson out in cyberspace trying to "create their brand."



DuhSean, you are a dummy.

You run fast and can catch a football.

That, and paying your taxes, is the extent of your value to society.

Nobody is interested in your social commentary, other than in cases like this past week, when they can point and laff at your stupid ass.

So okay, thanks for reminding the entire world once again, that you are -----> a MORON.

Log off.
DJ is a celebrity. You are not.

Go ahead and ruminate for a while.

Because he is a celebrity he has a platform. If he is motivated he can choose to use that platform. Just like Drew Brees.

Just like anyone else.

And how does a celebrity make the greatest impact? Whenever and wherever the message is broadcast the greatest.

If they kneel during the anthem, or wave a flag during the championship parade, that is the time to exercise their first amendment right.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Left Seater »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:17 am
Lots of words.
Where in that rambling did you dispute what I posted? Racist comments by DeSean can be forgiving by saying oops, my bad. But not for Drew.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Softball Bat »

Drew didn't even say anything racist.

He never should have apologized for what he said.

He lost his gonads on that one.

Bill wrote:DJ is a celebrity. You are not.
Do you know who the hell I am?

Bill wrote:If they kneel during the anthem, or wave a flag during the championship parade, that is the time to exercise their first amendment right.
What if a player says he isn't going to follow a team's traveling dress code, or any of the other rule on a pretty lengthy list of rules EMPLOYEES are required to follow?

Because... my rights and stuff.

These clowns are out of line.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

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Do athletes have a right to exercise 1st A? Of course they do. At the same time owners have the ability to hire and fire. All pro sports contracts have language about termination of the contract if the signee does harm to the brand.

All these Colin apologists keep forgetting half of the equation. Of course athletes have high visibility. They also have a responsibility to the brand. If they choose to use their voice they need to be prepared to face the consequences. The best idea for them is to wait until their playing days are done to start using their voice. That way they have made their money and are free from contractual restrictions.

See also the Dixie Chicks. They used their 1st A rights to comment on a US President. Then the fans decided they didn’t want to purchase their music, radio program directors decided they didn’t want to play their music, radio DJs lambasted them.

Don’t pick sides, make political stands, protest, etc if you aren’t ready for others to have a take on you.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

Bill in Houston wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:34 am
Softball Bat wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:12 am Pro sports were much more in perspective pre-Twitter.

Now you've got hordes of dumb jocks like DuhSean Jackson out in cyberspace trying to "create their brand."



DuhSean, you are a dummy.

You run fast and can catch a football.

That, and paying your taxes, is the extent of your value to society.

Nobody is interested in your social commentary, other than in cases like this past week, when they can point and laff at your stupid ass.

So okay, thanks for reminding the entire world once again, that you are -----> a MORON.

Log off.
DJ is a celebrity. You are not.

Go ahead and ruminate for a while.

Because he is a celebrity he has a platform. If he is motivated he can choose to use that platform. Just like Drew Brees.

Just like anyone else.

And how does a celebrity make the greatest impact? Whenever and wherever the message is broadcast the greatest.

If they kneel during the anthem, or wave a flag during the championship parade, that is the time to exercise their first amendment right.
There is NO first ammendment right at your place of employment. That's settled law.
If your boss let's you kneel at work, then you can
If it pisses off customers, then the boss may lose millions in revenue
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Slap »

EAP wrote:If your boss let's you kneel at work, then you can
Monica Lewinsky's boss let her kneel at work.

That's a productive workplace.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Bill in Houston »

EAP wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 12:40 pm
If your boss let's you kneel at work, then you can
I will defer to your knowledge as the expert when kneeling at work.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Mikey »

Left Seater wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 4:41 pm Racist is racist right? Or isn’t it? Where is the outrage, the comments from teammates, opponents saying they can’t wait to play him, etc.

Is it because liberals really don’t care about actual racism? Is it that liberals only do what their heroes tell them? Is it that liberals put politics over actual racism?

Just let me know so I can update my spreadsheet.
When did Judaism become a race?
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Left Seater »

If you use the word Judaism it is misleading. Of course a religion isn't a race.

The DNA tracing companies have been tracking Jewish identifying DNA since their start.

Judaism isn't a race, but Jewish sure seems to be.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Mikey »

Left Seater wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:15 pm
Judaism isn't a race, but Jewish sure seems to be.


It's no more of a race than "Hispanic" is, and your team never hesitates to point out that Hispanic is not a race, so it's impossible to be racist against Hispanics. Even if they're black or brown.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Left Seater »

Sorry take it up with the DNA folks.

They say you are wrong.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Mikey »

Left Seater wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:43 pm Sorry take it up with the DNA folks.

They say you are wrong.

Just a quick question for you.

Are Sephardic Jews the same race as Ashkenazi?
Do you even know the difference?

How about Beta Israel (also known as Ethiopian Jews)?

Or...maybe they're not "real" Jews?
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

I think you may be onto something here.
This whole "race" thing is meant to divide us.

If we go on the premise that there are no races, only the human race, mankind will be far better off.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by FiatLux »

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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

let me further elaborate.

The jews are God's chosen people. In other words, the chosen people of God.

There is no stereotype. Jeff goldblum is proof of this.
He's 6'7 with a finely sculpted muscular build and has an extremely large cack.

They do tend to be very successful doctors, lawyers, bankers , top athletes etc...etc..
As a percentage of their population.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »


just google who owns the major genetic testing sites, and who sits on the boards. This crap is insiduous, insiduous enough for other Jews to be appalled but not really do anything about it. They want confirmation they belong, not to tear down.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Innocent Bystander »

EAP wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:52 pm let me further elaborate.

The jews are God's chosen people.
Define 'Jew'.

You need to reread your New Testament. The Whore of Babylon is Israel. The Synagogue of Satan are the money chasers who put cash and status before the glory of God, who pervert the Laws.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by FiatLux »

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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

Innocent Bystander wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:00 pm
EAP wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:52 pm let me further elaborate.

The jews are God's chosen people.
Define 'Jew'.

You need to reread your New Testament. The Whore of Babylon is Israel. The Synagogue of Satan are the money chasers who put cash and status before the glory of God, who pervert the Laws.
I've forgotten more about it than you'll ever dream of knowing.

The Jewish people walked away from God, time and time again.
They fell prey to false Gods and idolatry.
Just like your muslims.

When they raided Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, they found hundreds of pornographic videos and paraphernalia.
Even kiddie porn.
The dirty Islamic militants are just like every other group on earth.

But the jews repent and always come back to God.

Those who don't? They will be apart from God.

Always remember that God wants his children to come back to him on bended knee.
Like slap does every night before bedtime.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by EAP »

FiatLux wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:34 pm I think we found annie's dad.

https://www.israelhayom.com/2020/07/08/ ... an-of-god/

Louis farrakhan is as vile a racist as has ever walked the 🌎 earth.

According to this racist pile of feces, the jews are evil sick money grubbing whore mongers, who put guns and drugs in black neighborhoods.
According to this racist fuck, Blacks are pure as the driven snow. The white man is evil and wicked.

No one can touch this pig for straight up unadulterated racist hate and vitriol. He's legendary in that regard.

And the best part?

Barack Obama loves, admires, deeply respects, and calls him friend.

So do 50 plus members of congress. And millions of their constituents.
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Re: Where is the liberal outrage at DeSean...

Post by Softball Bat »

Mikey wrote:Are Sephardic Jews the same race as Ashkenazi?
Prayers going out to both.
88 wrote:I have no idea who Weaselberg is
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