Tom In VA wrote:BSmack wrote:Tom In VA wrote:
It's not. You're pole vaulting over mouse turds here. Bushice is correct, it's up to each state.
The belly aching going on has little to do with whether or not felons can vote or not and much more to do with DNC's ability to "round" felons up on election day when it looks like their losing and ship them to the polls.
When a felon is elgible, does the proper paperwork, and his or her right to vote is once again acknowledged, then he or she can vote again.
What the fuck are you talking about? As someone who has worked on Democratic campaigns for a number of years, I can categorically tell you that there is no pipeline of felons waiting in reserve. To start, GOTV efforts are an all out affair. There is no "reserve" component. Everybody pushes every resource, friend, and relative they have until there is nothing left to give.
Second, anybody who knows jack shit about election demographics knows that the prime voter blocks for Democratic campaigns are senior citizens, working class ethic votes and voters who have voted in primaries. Sure, there are targeted efforts made to enroll African American, Latino and college age voters. But, even those efforts are put aside come the final week of the election. At that time, the effort switches to getting so called "prime" voters out. And that list does not include felons.
Bullshit. The DNC is a whore for votes, by any means necessary. "A Chicken in Every Pot if you vote for us" is a promise made and never kept. It's simply a ploy for power.
The DNC has no principles. They rely on charismatic appeals to emotion. They rarely deliver. Quite frankly, in their attempt to appeal to all, they fall short and are beginning to appeal to none.
"Divide and Conquor". The DNC motto.
I beg to differ. Honest truth, this is what has been going on for two weeks with me.
Phone rings. Caller ID shows "unavailable". 2 times a day when we're not home, totalling 4 days a week.
When I'm home, I answer. There's a delay on the line, then a voice asking for my wife, who NEVER registered republican. I answered 4 times in 2 days that she was not there, and I asked who was calling. It was a rep from the republican party. They hung up.
2 days ago, they got more aggressive. They asked for me, then began expounding the virtues of the republican victories in the last year, at which point I told them I did not vote republican in the last election. CUT OFF with no goodbye.
Yesterday, they called asking for Mrs. B. This time is was not a black dude, it was a black chick. It went like this:
THEM: Hello. Can I speak with Mrs. Bushharsh?
ME: It's Bushice. Who is this?
THEM: I am Shondra Holloway. Is Mrs. BushHarsh there?
ME: It's Bushice, not bushharsh, and who ARE you calling from?
THEM: I'm Shondra Holloway. May I speak with Mrs. Bush, Bu-Bushice?
ME: She's not here. Who are you and what are you calling about?
THEM: I have
TOLD you
MY name
TWICE already. I am Shondra Holloway, this is a political call and I am calling from the Republican National Committee.
ME: You know, I don't like your attitude. You're rude and ...
~CLICK!! she hung up.
So Tom, it goes both ways. BOTH parties are trying hard to garner votes and voters. The shocker is that the Repubs would hire blacks to cold call here in whitey land so cal. Blacks who obviously have no training on phone skills.
So when it comes to whoring for votes, I'd have to say so far this year the repubs get my vote for crack whore vote seeker.
But to be fair, I'm sure I'll get the same exact bullshit call from the dems soon, but they'll use a polite white southern accent voiced chick with good phone skills.
Not that it would matter. I will bend over nekkid in front of DIT before I vote for one of these shit parties again.
Posted just so you know I'm serious.