Mr. Mister?

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Mr. Mister?

Post by Softball Bat »


Mr. Potato Head

Hasbro says after 70 years, Mr. Potato Head needs a modern update. It will be named simply Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head is no longer a mister.

Hasbro, the company that makes the potato-shaped plastic toy, is giving the spud a modern makeover and a gender neutral
new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year.

Many toymakers have been updating their classic brands in recent years, hoping to relate to today's kids and reflect more
modern families.

"Hasbro is helping kids to simply see toys as toys, which encourages them to be their authentic selves outside of the
pressures of traditional gender norms," said Rich Ferraro, GLAAD's chief communications officer, in a statement... ... -1.5927997

"Mr." is too much pressure for kids to deal with?


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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by BSmack »

Potatoes are hermaphrodites. Yes potatoes can fuck themselves. Something more than a few posters here are still trying to do.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Wolfman »

It's just a kid's toy. Can't "they" leave it alone? What next ? Transgender Barbie ?
I'm living in a nut house.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Softball Bat »

Didn't they come out with "Obese" Barbie?

I think.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

I'd like to see SNL redo their "It's Pat" skits.

As for Potatohead, what's wrong with calling it Mr, so long as you have the ability to pop off a part or two, add new ones and viola, Mrs Potatohead.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by L45B »

It should be called ______ Head.

Because we shouldn’t dare offend the potatoes like Queerland and Screwy who really identify as kumquats.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Slap »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:01 am Didn't they come out with "Obese" Barbie?

I think.
If she has large cans I can still get into it.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Softball Bat »

Like the new Potato Head they envisioned, Hasbro has -----> no balls.

Evidently feeling some backlash, they put out the following tweet...

Hold that Tot – your main spud, MR. POTATO HEAD isn’t going anywhere! While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD
brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and
will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD

- Hasbro ... r%5Eauthor

Kimberly Boyd, a senior vice president at Hasbro, said the intention of the brand name change was to be more inclusive and to have the characters still live within the Potato Head universe.

“It created a lot of excitement,” she said about the reaction.

GLAAD, an LGBTQ advocacy group, applauded the more inclusive Potato playset. ... 57be41a9d8

GLAAD is presumably no longer -----> GLAD.


Hasbro is a fag company!
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

You just know they have to be working on a tranny Barbie.

New for 2021, "Kendra". It comes as a rather effeminate Ken. You can simply dress, uhhh, her, up in Barbie gear or order all the anatomical accessories. I'm sure little girls and fags have been cross dressing Ken for years. May as well make it official.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.

Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Kierland »

Much more important than taking the traitors to task I’m sure.

Fuck off traitors.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Mikey »

L45B wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:07 am It should be called ______ Head
So you want to give your kids Head for Christmas?
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Mikey »

smackaholic wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:18 pm You just know they have to be working on a tranny Barbie.

New for 2021, "Kendra". It comes as a rather effeminate Ken. You can simply dress, uhhh, her, up in Barbie gear or order all the anatomical accessories. I'm sure little girls and fags have been cross dressing Ken for years. May as well make it official.
So you’re into dolls?
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by L45B »

Mikey wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:49 pm
L45B wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:07 am It should be called ______ Head
So you want to give your kids Head for Christmas?
How insensitive, it’s for Hanukkah.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Dinsdale »

Softball Bat wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:16 pm

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again

Lord have mercy.

Props to anyone who deciphers that super-vague reference.

Broken Wings hit #1 on the Billboard chart, for a couple of weeks. During that span, I saw them in concert (they were the opener, and much better than I expected).
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

Softball Bat wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:02 am Like the new Potato Head they envisioned, Hasbro has -----> no balls.

Evidently feeling some backlash, they put out the following tweet...

Hold that Tot – your main spud, MR. POTATO HEAD isn’t going anywhere! While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD
brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and
will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD

- Hasbro ... r%5Eauthor

Kimberly Boyd, a senior vice president at Hasbro, said the intention of the brand name change was to be more inclusive and to have the characters still live within the Potato Head universe.

“It created a lot of excitement,” she said about the reaction.

GLAAD, an LGBTQ advocacy group, applauded the more inclusive Potato playset. ... 57be41a9d8

GLAAD is presumably no longer -----> GLAD.


Hasbro is a fag company!

That's a tone-deaf response put into the mouth of a white woman. So it had to be put into the mouth of a white woman. (Shout-out to Jen Psaki.)

- Mr and Mrs Potato Head is not inclusive of gay couples or of the growing non-Mormon poly-coupling demographic.
- Keep the old school Potato Head and introduce a mega-playset called the Potato Head International Spy playset, and kids can mix and match traditional gender features until their heart is content.... in a setting with a plausible reason why it would be necessary to get your M. Butterfly on.
- Shit, call it M. Potato Head precisely because of that, and get brownie points from China at the same time.

The end.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Softball Bat »

Hasbro can do whatever it wishes, so whatever.
And people such as myself can laff at them.

We probably have a few left handed folks on this board (10% of the population).
These people have endured many subtle life inconveniences due to the reality that the world is designed for right handed people.

Try using a tape measure as a lefty.
Cameras have most of the needed buttons on the right side.
Door entrances are generally set up for right handed folks.
Credit card swipe slots are on the right.

And what about desks such as these...


Try that out as a lefty.

There are many examples.

We've got less than 10% of the population who want to be something that reality says they are not.
The "I identify as..." group.
And apparently some of these people, according to Hasbro,feel pressure or burden when confronted with a dreadful -----> Mr. or Mrs.

How awful!

The rest of the world does not need to fall in line with the psychosis of the less than 10%.
Some pockets of the world will fall in line, but in the end the snowflakes will have to suck it up once again.
Absolutely so.
Just like the left handers of the world have to deal with it.

So is Hasbro going to create a potato freak land because some folks are burdened by Mr. and Mrs?

Good luck.

The world is not designed for freaks.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Mikey »

Abraham and Isaac sitting on a fence
You'd get right to work if you had any sense
You know the one thing we need is a left-hand monkey wrench.

I think it’s cute how lefties have to curl their hand around the top of a page to write.
How does QWERTY work out for you all?
Are left handed pianists better at playing the low notes?

In Paris, at least, you might be on the more artistic side...
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by FiatLux »

This topic is about a 3 year olds toy that's a plastic potato?

I now see why this has riled up the Trumpers.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

Mikey wrote:
smackaholic wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:18 pm You just know they have to be working on a tranny Barbie.

New for 2021, "Kendra". It comes as a rather effeminate Ken. You can simply dress, uhhh, her, up in Barbie gear or order all the anatomical accessories. I'm sure little girls and fags have been cross dressing Ken for years. May as well make it official.
So you’re into dolls?
No, but I do have 2 sisters. Also, the kid next door, who was my youngest sister’s age played with them all the time.

We had that kid pegged as gay, by the time he was in kindergarten.

Tried to get him to play football with us, but he wasn’t having it.

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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Softball Bat »

The beloved Dr. Seuss is on the chopping block now...

6 Dr. Seuss books won’t be published for racist images

BOSTON (AP) — Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the
business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy said Tuesday.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The
Associated Press in a statement
... ... 594c174513

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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by L45B »

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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

smackaholic wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 7:11 pm We had that kid pegged as gay, by the time he was in kindergarten.

Tried to get him to play football with us, but he wasn’t having it.
Gay is different from body/gender dysphoria.

Looks like a new term has already been sliced off of LGBTQ... ... ives/91423

Ezak Perez, executive director of Gender Justice LA, said in the statement that the "research design unapologetically aims to cause mental health distress to trigger 'dysphoria' to an already marginalized and vulnerable community."

The advocacy groups said that researchers from the Semel Institute reached out to members of the TGI (transgender, gender non-conforming, and intersex) community of Southern California to take part in a meeting that would help the researchers further develop the study's design. When community members expressed concerns during this meeting and realized the study was already underway with approval from the IRB, leaders from Gender Justice LA and the California LGBTQ Health and Human Services Network wrote a letter to UCLA's Office of the Human Research Protection Program.
If a kid wants to play with dolls, let him. Don't cut his dick off as punishment, though. And don't insist he's a woman.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

I agree.

If a kid’s gay, he’s gay. I wish him well.

But anyone that thinks it’s a good idea to allow him to “be a woman” ain’t doing him any favors.

If he still wants to pull his dock inside out at 25, let him.

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mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

smackaholic wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:43 pm
If he still wants to pull his dock inside out at 25, let him.

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Have you seen the photos..... ?

Medical malpractice doesn't begin to describe what's happening.

Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Kierland »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:33 pm The beloved Dr. Seuss is on the chopping block now...

6 Dr. Seuss books won’t be published for racist images

BOSTON (AP) — Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the
business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy said Tuesday.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The
Associated Press in a statement
... ... 594c174513

One of Capitalism’s worst traits.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

Innocent Bystander wrote:
smackaholic wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:43 pm
If he still wants to pull his dock inside out at 25, let him.

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Have you seen the photos..... ?

Medical malpractice doesn't begin to describe what's happening.

Don’t need to see any pics.

Allowing a child to do anything that interferes with their normal sexual development is the absolute worst form of child abuse imaginable.

Did you watch any of the “I am jazz” series?

The parents should be shot. The mother wanted a daughter and dammit, she got one. And the feckless father sat back and let it happen.

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mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

Kierland wrote:
Softball Bat wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:33 pm The beloved Dr. Seuss is on the chopping block now...

6 Dr. Seuss books won’t be published for racist images

BOSTON (AP) — Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the
business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy said Tuesday.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The
Associated Press in a statement
... ... 594c174513

One of Capitalism’s worst traits.
What in the wide world of sports does this hyper-woke nuttery have to do with capitalism?

If the books were so terrible that sales dropped and they discontinued it, you could blame capitalism.

That didn’t happen.

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mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Innocent Bystander »

smackaholic wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:25 pm
Innocent Bystander wrote:
smackaholic wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 7:43 pm
If he still wants to pull his dock inside out at 25, let him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have you seen the photos..... ?

Medical malpractice doesn't begin to describe what's happening.

Don’t need to see any pics.

Allowing a child to do anything that interferes with their normal sexual development is the absolute worst form of child abuse imaginable.

Did you watch any of the “I am jazz” series?

The parents should be shot. The mother wanted a daughter and dammit, she got one. And the feckless father sat back and let it happen.

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Jazz got bottom surgery, and things went to hell.

Yes, both his parents should be taken out back and shot. Same goes for the parents of his best friend, Skylar, he little white boy forced to be transgender with him.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Mikey »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:33 pm The beloved Dr. Seuss is on the chopping block now...

6 Dr. Seuss books won’t be published for racist images

BOSTON (AP) — Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street”
and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the
business that preserves and protects the author’s legacy said Tuesday.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The
Associated Press in a statement
... ... 594c174513

The Central Library at UCSD (Disclaimer: UCSD is my alma mater) was re-named for Theodor Geisel in 1993.

The San Diego Union Tribune is running an on-line poll to see if they should remove his name. ... b-ZV3PQ8DD

Results so far:
8% yes
92% no
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by smackaholic »

Innocent Bystander wrote:
smackaholic wrote: Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:25 pm
Innocent Bystander wrote: Have you seen the photos..... ?

Medical malpractice doesn't begin to describe what's happening.

Don’t need to see any pics.

Allowing a child to do anything that interferes with their normal sexual development is the absolute worst form of child abuse imaginable.

Did you watch any of the “I am jazz” series?

The parents should be shot. The mother wanted a daughter and dammit, she got one. And the feckless father sat back and let it happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Jazz got bottom surgery, and things went to hell.

Yes, both his parents should be taken out back and shot. Same goes for the parents of his best friend, Skylar, he little white boy forced to be transgender with him.
The people that want to pretend that the solution to tranny’s problems is in people playing along with their delusion, sicken me.

They are mentally ill. They should receive treatment.

Medical science is no where close to solving their issues. Should we just sit back and watch more of these unfortunate souls be sacrificed as surgeons work out the bugs, or should society grow some balls and say stop it?

I’m hoping for the latter, but not holding my breath.

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mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by FiatLux »

smackaholic wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:30 pm The people that want to pretend that the solution to tranny’s problems is in people playing along with their delusion, sicken me.

They are mentally ill. They should receive treatment.

Pot meets kettle.
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Diego in Seattle »

smackaholic wrote: Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:30 pm
They are mentally ill. They should receive treatment.
The very same thing was said about homosexuality in the 50's & 60's.

Your IQ is showing.
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Softball Bat »

Dumbo and Peter Pan have been -----> cut. ... tereotypes

Negative stereotypes.
Harmful to children.

“Peter Pan” (1953): “The film portrays Native people in a stereotypical manner that reflects
neither the diversity of Native peoples nor their authentic cultural traditions. It shows them
speaking in an unintelligible language...

Cancel history!
Cancel the world!
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Re: Mr. Mister?

Post by Bill in Houston »

Poptart, you can be a nut job without being a hysterical nut job.
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