A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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Happy 39th, Jsc!
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Happy Birthday, Jsc!
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?

Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Kierland »

So you are bad a math. Shocker!
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

poptart wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:21 am This is what would happen if Dinsdale was a reporter.

Reporter + Jimmy Butler + Coalescing =

What the hell does that mean?

You said a big word.

More Jimmy Butler fun...

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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I came across this short video and it made me laff.

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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GoFundMe for Pop to space.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

This balloon company says they will take you 20 miles high.

Felix Baumgartner supposedly went up 24 miles and made his "Red Bull" jump.

But according to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the curvature of the earth is not visible at 24 miles high.

See 2:10 to 3:15...

So needless to say, expert Neil determines that at 20 miles up, "That stuff is FLAT!!!"

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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Hahahaha. That is funny.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

I have not seen any "flat earther" promote the theory that they sun and all of the planets are spheres, and only the earth is flat.

But enjoy your cartoons, fliends.

I know your level.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

You are missing the point, or ignoring it.

We can all see that the other planets are round or even a dinner plate if you will. You can see this yourself with binoculars.

Given that why are all the other planets (dinner plates) angled perfectly towards earth so that we always see the flat side? And if we aren’t falling off of this dinner plate but there is clearly an up and down, why aren’t rocks and dust and other items falling off of these other planets that are angled differently than earth compared to our up and down?
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Lefty wrote:We can all see that the other planets are round or even a dinner plate if you will. You can see this yourself with binoculars.

No, you cannot.
You can see... lights.

Post your pics of these spherical planets.

Stop making things up.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

Never mind. I shouldn't have pointed it out. We should have just kept laughing AT you.

If you won't even admit you can look at an object similar to the moon called Mars, then there is no point in going any further.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

You are the clowns that almost always start these conversations, not me.
Like in this thread.

If it is so obvious that Mars is a sphere, like the moon is a sphere, then post the pic of Mars the sphere.

And while you're at it, post the pic of the sphere moon.


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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 2:38 pm You are the clowns that almost always start these conversations, not me.
Like in this thread.

If it is so obvious that Mars is a sphere, like the moon is a sphere, then post the pic of Mars the sphere.

And while you're at it, post the pic of the sphere moon.

I never used the word sphere. You brought that term into the discussion. I used dinner plate. And now you are attacking words I didn't use.

But let's try this again. You brought up the moon. We can clearly see that with the naked eye it is round. If it is indeed flat like the earth, why is it tilted on a different plain than the earth? Same for the other points of light that we can see, some with the naked eye, others with binoculars or a telescope? Why are those on a different plain than we are? Why are all of these things always perfectly pointed at us so as we see the full round flat side and never the cross section view?
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Lefty wrote:You brought up the moon. We can clearly see that with the naked eye it is round.
One sentence earlier you were chiding me for "attacking words I did not use," when I told you to post a pic(s) of these round objects.
And now here you are admitting (obviously) that you believe the moon and planets to be round.

Drug test?

No, we cannot clearly see that the moon is round.

What we know is that the moon and planets give off light.

You are the one assigning shapes to them.

I do not know if they are tangible objects -- and I do not know what their shapes are.

They are, as the Bible says, lights (Genesis 1:14-15).
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:00 am No, we cannot clearly see that the moon is round.

and I do not know what their shapes are.
Ok, this is why we laugh AT you. You can’t even admit the moon is round (not necessarily a sphere) despite seeing it thousands of times with your own eyes. You have faith in stories in the Bible and take them literally when no of it can be proved, yet you deny what your own eyes see.

Whatever, you do you in denying your own eyes.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Lefty wrote:You can’t even admit the moon is round (not necessarily a sphere) despite seeing it thousands of times with your own eyes.
It is "round" like Moon in My Room is round.

Lefty wrote:I never used the word sphere. You brought that term into the discussion. I used dinner plate.
I brought sphere into the discussion because that is what you declare the moon and planets to be.

We all know you insist this.

You can post the pics of these spherical objects any day now.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Lefty wrote:But let's try this again. You brought up the moon. We can clearly see that with the naked eye it is round. If it is indeed flat like the earth, why is it tilted on a different plain than the earth?
Why is it a necessity that a "flat" moon be on the same plane as the earth?

Lefty wrote:Same for the other points of light that we can see, some with the naked eye, others with binoculars or a telescope? Why are those on a different plain than we are?
Again, why do they need to be on the same plane as the earth?

Lefty wrote:Why are all of these things always perfectly pointed at us so as we see the full round flat side and never the cross section view?
Because this is how the Creator designed it?
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Btw, I've grown very accustomed to garbage performances from you fellas in these fl@t earth discussions, but you've sunk to a new low with this one.

A recap...

1. Jsc posts a link to an outfit claiming they that if you give them $125,000 they will take you up to the "edge of space," where you can see the curvature of the earth.
Are they Nigerian? :)

I respond by posting a video where one of THE go-to guys (NdGT) for space exploration and expertise BLATANTLY and DIRECTLY contradicts what Jsc's link presents.

Rather than address this -----> BIG PROBLEM, Jsc diverts and posts a goofball cartoon.

2. The problem is, no flat earther I know of pimps the cosmology presented in the cartoon.
I certainly do not.
The cartoon is a complete waste of time to comment on.
It means absolutely NOTHING.
It is the creation of a reprobate mind.

3. Yet Lefty wants to double (and triple) down on the silly cartoon.
He wants me to imagine that instead of what the cartoon presents, imagine the planets are all flat (as I assume the earth is).
He wants me to assume they are "dinner plates," even though he does not think they are, nor do I.
And with this bizarre premise, he wants me to explain how it could possibly be so.

I mean this in all sincerity, guys.
Get a grip.
Do some genuine research and begin to understand WHY what you assume to be true is complete nonsense.

These discussions will never work out well for you.

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

Softball Bat wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:31 am
Lefty wrote:You can’t even admit the moon is round (not necessarily a sphere) despite seeing it thousands of times with your own eyes.
It is "round" like Moon in My Room is round.
I don’t know what moon in my room is. But I do know what I saw last night in the sky.

You on the other hand can’t admit to what you see with your own eyes. Your refusal to admit this means there is no point in discussing further because you deny basic observations.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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First off, he denied the existence of non-stop flights between cities in the Southern Hemisphere. It was shown to him that they exist and he pivoted to the airlines were flying at different speeds to keep up the facade.

I offered along withJSC to pay for him to take that flight. Of course he had some excuse as to why he couldn’t find time over a few years to take it for himself.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Instead of posting about what I have supposedly said, why don't you pull up the actual quotes -- and the threads these alleged quotes were in.

Your credibility is at stake here.

Buttsy wrote:Do the airlines purposely fly thousands of extra miles just to prove that the earth is round?
I doubt it.

What steadily escapes your Crisco-soaked brain is that flights, or what we assume to be flights, do not prove that your globe model is true.

It is a bit stunning that after a couple of years of letting this marinate in your head, you still haven't figured that out.

Lefty wrote:I offered along withJSC to pay for him to take that flight. Of course he had some excuse as to why he couldn’t find time over a few years to take it for himself.
You fly all the time, dude.
Why don't you take it?

Fully document it, video, links, pics of you and your lovely little lady, and entertain us here.

I have no interest in it.
It will not prove the globe to be true.
It might prove that the flight is consistent with the model you pimp.

Water not clinging to the outside of a flying, spinning ball is consistent with the model I assume to be true.

You guys must be on heavy meds.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

Our credibility is fine. Yours on the other hand..

But look at you moving the goalposts. I am focused on what you and the rest of the seeing world can observe with their own eyes. You want to deny that what you see is round.


From KATL to KLAX may not be your best example. However, if you set your initial heading of 270 after leaving KATL, you might come close to KLAX, but you would fly a bit further than you might need to. But who knows what winds would be like or the weather along the way. Further compass headings really only matter in this discussion when passing over a pole. But we can't discuss that since flat earth guy denies the shape he sees with his own eyes when looking at the moon.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Lefty wrote:But look at you moving the goalposts.
Oh really?
Pants on fire.

And you and Jsc commented on the NdGT video I posted in response to Jsc's loony "space hotel?"

Or did you fellas immediately divert to -----> a crank cartoon?


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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Lefty wrote:I am focused on what you and the rest of the seeing world can observe with their own eyes. You want to deny that what you see is round.
Why must you lie?

poptart wrote:It (the moon) is "round" like Moon in My Room is round.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Jsc wrote:Do you deny gravity as well?
Gravity is one of your gods.

I deny that water clings to the outside of a flying, spinning ball.

I know, I know...

NASA's cartoons.

Turn on your brain.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

The question is not that simple.

There is a sense in which "gravity" is true.

From NASA...

Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center.


Where is the center of the earth, and assuming you've given an answer, how is it that you claim to know this?
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Papa Willie wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 2:27 pmLefty - you’ve probably flown from Atlanta to LA before. Tell Pillow Head where you would end up if you were to fly your plane at a compass heading of say 270 for the duration of the trip.
Take a stake (not steak) and tie a 20 ft rope to it.
Go up to the North Pole and pound the stake into the ground (ice).
Pull the rope tight and then begin walking to 270.

Keep walking until you return to where you began.

is 270 a straight line?

Now do the same hypothetical exercise at 34 North Latitude.

Straight line?



it keeps you runnin'
(It keeps you runnin', yeah it keeps you runnin') yeah,
I know it does (It keeps you runnin', yeah...
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Getting back to the theme of this thread...

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Mikey »

I don’t take many pictures with my iPhone that aren’t just snapshots, but I thought this one was pretty cool (actually cropped from a pic that was about 6x larger).


The plant is a white sage (salvia apiana) in our yard. An important indigenous plant in our area.

Apiana means “of bees” in Latin.

Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Kierland »

There is zero chance you are not cursed.
I blames* Louisiana Voodoo.

*not a typo
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Softball Bat »

Jsc810 wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:42 amImage


In all seriousness, take care of yourself and be well soon, Jsc!
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Sorry to hear this, JSC. Hope you feel better soon.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Jsc810 wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 12:42 am Image

Had an accident last night. The grill exploded on me, at one point I looked down and saw my legs on fire. Ambulance and fire truck came to the house. I was very lucky, it could have been much worse, I was scared the propane tank was going to explode. But really the only burns I have are my two legs below the knees. Better today but last night it hurt really really bad, nasty pain. My hair burned on my legs, arms, eye lashes, eye brow, and head.
Burns are one of the most painful if not the most painful injuries one can suffer. Hope that you recover expeditiously with a manageable amount of pain!
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Left Seater »

Godspeed JSC. Maybe when you are doing better, toss the propane grill and cook over wood. It tastes way better anyway.
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

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Any idea what went wrong? Did one of the valves rust out?
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Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Mikey »

Did you have to get skin grafts?

I have about a 3” x 8” patch on my upper thigh where they took a graft to cover an injury on my other leg. That site was the most painful part of the entire ordeal. This was back in 1978 and the scar is still very obvious.

Re: A thread for things that don't warrant their own thread

Post by Kierland »

Medicine has come a long ways since the Carter Administration
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