not to mention a seriously bad ass tune from the best years of Sabbath.
Rules folks. This world is nothing w/o rules. We gotta have rules.
Last week was kind of a cluster fuck. For some still to be determined reason,
.net was locked up tighter than a nun's cunt. I had to drop the WRC somewhere
and this looked to be a nice place to put it. I am glad I did, and will likely
continue doing so, but we GOTTA HAVE RULES! The WRC ends on Sunday!
Maybe it continues into Monday on a holiday, for some lazy miserable fuck
that simply refuses to follow rules, or when someone simply has to have the last word.
BUT THAT'S IT! The WRC can not drag on all damn week. Make a new thread.
Ok, enough bitching already. The WRC is something I do every week.
Play along if you like, or not. Up to you. It's nothing more than a gathering
place to share weekend plans, talk shit, or do whatever you please.
You can always expect it to be posted at gawd awful times when most of you are
still sleeping, but rest assured it will be there when you rise on Saturday morning.
It will always start with some kick ass song, and conclude with the same friendly
salutation. In between, well that will all depend on my: time and mood basically.
You will often find funny memes, political ramblings, and the occasional melt on
something that crawls under my skin. I am a huge grilling fan, and I have a little
side hobby of restoring old grills, primarily Weber, so you may see an occasional
grill biz reference.
I have already said more than I care to today, so let's get on with it already .....
I saw this commercial last Sunday morning on one of the news channels.
Subtlety at it's finest ...

Great weather on tap for the FOC (fly over country) this weekend. As is typical,
off to work out while watching Bill Maher's show from last night. A pretty full day
of grill biz, followed up w/ a trip to the city for vittles. 99% chance the night will
conclude with some tequila, cerveza and good romp w/ VagHub.
No time this week to share any enlightening political meanderings other than this ...
it's nice to have a few slightly left thinking folks around than what I have
had for the last several years. When JSC bailed .net, I was basically the only one
left that didn't swing from the yams nut sack aside from the occasional drive by from
Meathead. Thanks bro! I expect and hope to see a few of the orange tinted
glasses crew showing up here at some point if .net really has drawn it's last breath
and t1b can enjoy watching the magatard meltdown that will be coming soon.
T1B'ers ... thank you for allowing us .net folks to drop in. .net folks... while we are here,
maybe forever, respect your/our surroundings.
Happy Weekend, Y'all.