Apologies if this is glass dick, but if so it still needs to be talked about more.
The absolute craziest shit I have even seen in a race. LOVE IT!
Huge game in Athens today. I plan to catch the 2nd half for sure, and hopefully the
whole game ... but gotta knock out that grill biz first.
Chiefs and Tits on Sunday. Andy Ried flat out sucks against them.
2-8 overall. Hopefully it's 3-8 by late Sunday.
Powerball mania- 1.6 bill is predicted- a new record. Take the cash payout,
you are left w/ about $473 million—before paying any state and local taxes.
Got my ticket- one can dream a little.
I am firing up the smoke tomorrow for a couple racks of ribs,
and also to do a few chuck roasts for my first big pot of chili
this Fall. Here's a ham I made recently. Right after I pulled
out the bone, but just before glazed it.

Mid terms are Tuesday. Gotta get out there and vote blue peeps.
Our country as we know it depends upon it.
If you want to live in a dictatorship, then fucking move to Russia.
Leave the rest of us alone in our democracy.
Happy Weekend, Y'all.