that I had forgotten about ...
As mentioned last week, I did up some chuck roasts for my first
big pot of chili this year. I rolled out the Smokefire and let it
do its thing for a few hours.
I believe this is the first T1B pic I have shared of my
"nicely landscaped yard, opulence, and grills" as it
was glossed by HHO from .net. There will be more to come
and with the sudden change in the weather I may actually take
a minute and craft a PET in the next few days.
Speaking of HHO... where is that dude? I thought (mistakenly perhaps)
that he was originally from here. Is that not the case? I was also
under the assumption that another tard "Sven Golly," was as well.
T1B would be a better place if these two maga punching bags were
around here. There are a couple of gish galloping punching bags
here that remind me a bit of those two but even more annoying.
To be addressed another time.
No meme this week, but I do have the best headline ......
ROACH.... what's up w/ the smilies bruh? You're killing me here!!
Happy Weekend, Y'all.