I read somewhere earlier this week that the boys are nearing completion
on a new album with a release sometime in 2023 followed by a huge
world tour. Not soon enough for me.
I hope everyone had a great turkey day. Mine was swell, but it just
didn't quite seem complete w/o an update from Lars Launchload.
'tart, I see you have your magnifying glass out seeking clues at
Stucknut. Hopefully you will have better results than I did.
Not looking to go glass deek here, but this story really caught my interest
this week.
Just the latest in the long line of confused fucktards. It was slightly
rewarding seeing that some of the folks in the club beat the dog shit
out of this loser. The main thing that drew up interest however, was
HIS sudden declaration of being non-binary.
Nice defense asshole. It will be interesting to find the true end game to
this. Whatever it is, it will obviously be to try and cut time, avoid the dp,
or possibly trying to end up in some posh confinement facility.
Most entertaining, yet annoying at the same time with this story is the
woke, pc, handling of this story by some media talking heads the moment
the non-binary bullshit was presented. The wokest of the woke did what
they always do with horrible grammar practice. THEY, THEM nonsense makes
me want to punch someone in the face. Good grammar used to mean
something, but it clearly means nothing in the world of delusional headcases.
Credit to the two local news stations here in FOC for their handling of this story.
Both pointed out the non-binary smoke and mirror defense that was suddenly
presented, but maintained good grammar by continuing to refer to the piece
of shit as HE and HIM. The only damn people that should even be in the conversation
with the whole they-them nonsense would nutjobs with multiple personality
disorders. A whole other completely different mental disorder, but clearly
a mental disorder where something rattles around in your melon that makes
someone want to believe they are something that they are not.
In case you missed this on Thursday ... announcer jinxing is alive and well ....
Busy day ahead .... gym, grill biz, and cruising over to a great little Hispanic
dive for lunch.
Happy Weekend, Y'all.